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Japan keen to shift jobs, yen from China to India

wet dreams of Indian authors. Japan is a semiconductor gaint and therefore needs close access to rare metals used as raw materials in this industry of which China is the largest producer. Some people do not think before writing and open their blabber mouths to stir public emotions. Even US could not break its rare earth metal dependency on China.

Yes you are correct. Japanese Shinzo Abe must be smoking weed when making such comments. Japan should have made you the Prime Minister :lol:
Traditional Asian rivals Japan and China are at loggerheads again, and one country stands to gain the most from the chilly ties this time round: India.

Hundreds of Japanese companies may shift factories from China to India, bringing with them big investments and thousands of jobs, and a remilitarising Japan is likely to emerge as an attractive source of technology for India.

A deepening of joint military exercises between the two countries will offer India a chance to thumb its nose at China, which recently staged an audacious intrusion into our territory in Ladakh.
It's becoming increasingly clear that the Indo-Japanese relationship is now more than just exports and imports: It is about how Tokyo can transform India.

As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in Tokyo: "Greater investment by Japanese companies in India's large market will be in our economic as well as strategic interest."

As the Chinese fumed, Japan rolled out the honours for Singh.

In a rare gesture, the Japanese emperor hosted a private lunch for the PM and his wife, protocol usually reserved for visiting head of states only.

Singh and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe enjoy a strong personal rapport.

Japan wants to build up India as an alternative, economic and military, to China, and Singh signalled strongly that India welcomed the idea.

The first phase of this is giving India a modern infrastructure: the Delhi Metro, the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and now, bullet trains. The second is shifting the thousands of Japanese factories in China to India.

And on Wednesday, the two sides stepped up defence ties, with an offer from Tokyo for US2 amphibian aircraft, more bilateral naval exercises and defence technology cooperation.

The backdrop is deteriorating Sino-Japanese ties. Tokyo believes the Chinese regime is whipping up anti-Japanese sentiment to absorb rising middle class nationalism.

China's muscle-flexing over the Senkaku islands and anti-Japanese protests inside China are two sides of the same Beijing policy.

Beijing ultimately wants Tokyo to end its defence ties with the US and accept Chinese suzerainty, believe Indian and US diplomats.

One, as Chinese attack their employees and as labour costs keep rising, Japan Inc wants to move elsewhere. Japan is the second-largest foreign investor in China, with accumulated investment of over $70 billion.

But a Japan Export Trading Oraganisation survey last year showed India emerging as the most preferred alternative site for Japanese FDI.

India is seen as a difficult place to invest, but helping India's rise has a strategic benefit that is becoming increasingly important to Tokyo.

In the past decade, says an Ernst and Young study, Japan is already the second largest foreign job creator in India.

This is with only 300 Japanese firms in India. If a fraction of the 14,000 Japanese firms in China were to move, the result would be a job tsunami.

Two, Japan is preparing to re-militarise and India is a perfect partner. Abe will seek to increase defence expenditure and even change Japan's pacificist constitution this autumn.

India, which has begun bilateral naval exercises with Japan, will also be the first country to import military equipment from postwar Japan.

Because it has no hangups about Japan's World War II past, India would also provide legitimacy to Abe's re-militarisation.

Three, China does not fear its neighbours individually. But it is concerned about them ganging up. Japan is still the third largest economy in the world and technologically far ahead of China.

Abe seems to want to use Japan's capacities to enhance Indian power and make it a genuine geopolitical balancer to the Middle Kingdom.

A close Indo-Japanese relationship would also bring the US into the picture -- a trilateral equation that has Beijing gnashing its teeth.

"China's recent territorial actions only reinforce the logic of strong Indo-Japanese ties," says Hemant Singh, ex-Indian ambassador to Japan.

Singh's speeches, with their call for deepening Indo-Japanese ties and support for freedom of the seas -- a code word for opposition to Chinese maritime claims -- is music to Tokyo's ears and geopolitical din to Beijing's.

Hence the dark warning from the Chinese People's Daily to Abe that any attempt to make India part of an anti-Chinese alliance were doomed.

"The conspiracy of these petty burglars is doomed to fail," it said, pointing to how "successfully" New Delhi and Beijing settled the recent Ladakh border intrusion.

hindustan times

But here is a problem...Like Many countries also like India to make itself a good destination for setting up investment...But unfortunately, It is our GOVT who is so incapable that they are not ready to get the required set up to bring the investment.
Jobs will come provided the Indian government liberalizes rules and kills red tape. The only hurdle in Indian environment is severe red tape whether it is foreign investments, opening up new strategic industries or allowing private players to take enterpreneural control over certain industries.

And despite all the red tape in the name of protectionism, the deserving never get what the government claims to be giving them.

Despite historical hatred, Japanese first went to China because of the drastic policy change and decisiveness of the Chinese government, compared to the lack-lustre, corrupt and bureaucratic government system that we have.

If the new regime coming next year can take strong decisive steps in the way the Gujarat government has done in the last few years, then there is a strong chance for this alliance to grow.

Also, a re-militarizing Japan must stop looking at everything waiting for US nod. That will further bring in a stronger Asian century.

@Tshering22, haven't seen you for a while -

Japanese firms have been operating in India from decades, so they pretty well know how we operate, I don't see much of a hassle.
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Japanese firms are in china because they want to sell to the Chinese, will be interesting to see how Chinese consumers react to 阿三made。
assuming that says India made
most chines look at india in a positive light, i don't think they will mind much.
wet dreams of Indian authors. Japan is a semiconductor gaint and therefore needs close access to rare metals used as raw materials in this industry of which China is the largest producer. Some people do not think before writing and open their blabber mouths to stir public emotions. Even US could not break its rare earth metal dependency on China.

Here is your answer buddy,

Japan signs pact to import rare earths from India to reduce reliance on China

India and Japan today inked two strategic agreements including one that will enable Tokyo to import rare earth minerals, a move which will help it to reduce its heavy reliance on China for the key material that is vital for producing a range of high-tech products.

Under the signed agreement, Japan will import over 4,000 tonnes of rare earths a year from India. This is its second deal this month to diversify supply from China for themetals used in mobile phones and hybrid cars to missile guidance systems.

Japan has in the past imported all its rare earth requirements from China but has been scouting for alternatives after political turbulence hit its ties with Beijing.

The production and exports will be conducted by a joint venture between Japan's Toyota Tsusho Corp. and India's state-run Indian Rare Earths Ltd.

The other deal - Social Security Agreement - will immediately benefit about 30,000 citizens of both countries.

About 22,000 Indians working in Japan and about 8,000 Japanese are employed in India and their social security contributions won't be deducted in both countries.

Prime Minister Singh was forced to cancel his visit after the Japanese government decided to dissolve the lower house of parliament for an election next month. :victory::cheers:

wet dreams of Indian authors. Japan is a semiconductor gaint and therefore needs close access to rare metals used as raw materials in this industry of which China is the largest producer. Some people do not think before writing and open their blabber mouths to stir public emotions. Even US could not break its rare earth metal dependency on China.

try to do a ltl reserach before posting.... last tym during japans p.m visit to india ,

India and Japan inked two strategic agreements including one that will enable Tokyo to import rare earth minerals, a move which will help it to reduce its heavy reliance on China for the key material that is vital for producing a range of high-tech products.

Japan signs pact to import rare earths from India - The Times of IndiaIndia-Japan Join Hands to Challenge China

nw start burning... :flame:
wet dreams of Indian authors. Japan is a semiconductor gaint and therefore needs close access to rare metals used as raw materials in this industry of which China is the largest producer. Some people do not think before writing and open their blabber mouths to stir public emotions. Even US could not break its rare earth metal dependency on China.

You need to do some thinking before blabbering as well lest you fall upon that sharp tongue of yours.
China has reduced it output quota for 2013 by half and as for Japan..

Demand for some China rare earths has declined as companies such as Toyota Motor Corp. and Hitachi Ltd. (6501) to recycle the metals and employ substitutes. In November, Japan, the world’s biggest importer of rare earths, signed an agreement to buy more of the metals from India to diversify supply.

China Sets First Rare Earth Output Quota for 2013 at 46,900 Tons - Bloomberg

Currently Japan’s Toyota Tsusho Corporation has a monazite sand rare-earth production base in India. Toyotsu Rare Earths India Private, a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho, uses monazite sand classified as mine waste, which is supplied by Indian Rare Earths Limited. It is extracted from uranium and thorium to produce rare earths like neodymium, lanthanum and cerium.

The Indian venture has emerged as a major supplier of neodymium, lanthanum and cerium to meet Japanese demand, which was earlier being entirely met through imports from China, which drastically curtailed supply of rare earths for export.

India/Japan expands rare earth collaboration agreement
wet dreams of Indian authors. Japan is a semiconductor gaint and therefore needs close access to rare metals used as raw materials in this industry of which China is the largest producer. Some people do not think before writing and open their blabber mouths to stir public emotions. Even US could not break its rare earth metal dependency on China.

Seriously mate! I've been doing research in nanoelectronics and semiconductor physics for two years, and i'm yet to find a process in semiconductor fabrication in which rare earth materials are required.

If some Saudis found some noble way to process semiconductors with rare earth elements, do enlighten me on that.
wet dreams of Indian authors. Japan is a semiconductor gaint and therefore needs close access to rare metals used as raw materials in this industry of which China is the largest producer. Some people do not think before writing and open their blabber mouths to stir public emotions. Even US could not break its rare earth metal dependency on China.

We are 2nd highest rare earth producer,and most of our deposits haven't yet been exploited.
Japan just signed understanding for 20% of its rare earth demand to be supplied from india.In time this will grow way more and eventually end japanese dependence on china in this matter.
Japanese firms are in china because they want to sell to the Chinese, will be interesting to see how Chinese consumers react to 阿三made。

What is it with you Chinese ?

Being on Pakistani forum, hurling racial abuses on Pakistanis

such a wretched vermin attitude :tdown:
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