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Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

The problem is there are no UNSCR (Which US, UK, China, France and Russia) state that Pakistan and India must not have Nuclear Weapon or WMD, but there are 3 UNSCR stated that Iraq MUST Disarm the WMD stockpile, the situation is different.

I'm a guy who sees thing trough economic perspective (loss & profit) not through "political legality" When the US invade Iraq in 2003 the region is literally set on fire. Terrorists grows like weeds & destabilize the region, oil prices skyrocketed, political upheaval, & etc. Even know this country must corral "Asylum seekers" from Iraq & Afghanistan to please Australia. So if you tell me if the Iraq invasion is in your word "Justified." I cannot see what the whole world & the regions have to gains from your country action.
Offensive weapon is typically defined as weapon that exceed the defensive use.

Weapon such as Long Range bomber, Capital Warship, Intercontiental Missile, First Strike Ballistic Submarine, stealth bomber, technically speaking stealth fighter are also should not be permitted but this is kind of a grey area

Let's try to remember which is the only country in the world to have used a so called 'offensive weapon'? And the irony considering who it was used on!
The highlighted part shows exactly how ignorant you are, do you even know what is DF21D/DF25? You think they are launched from our battleships? LOL ! It's also very funny to see a political major person bearing such a linear (or maybe I can say it is really too simple and even naive) way of thinking like you.

Do you know what does the "asymmetric war" mean? What you've got is more advanced than the counterpart in our navy does not necessarily mean that you can easily win the war, we can use other ways to destroy what you think you've got is the most advanced around the world. Still remember the miserable Sheffield in forkland war?Who told you that the carrier must be sunk by another carrier, even battleships must be sunk by another one, your politics professor did? Are you still living in the era of Jutland Battle? Really funny to see how ignorant a so called war participant with a decent political diploma is.

You use your diploma to qualify your sense of international politics and made all those arbitrary critics on Chinese foreign policies, but it's really as pale as another piece of paper to me base on all you said here. So please save it next time, and don't treat yourself like a real American, I guess you're just a second or third generation Chinese immigrant (from your Cantonese reply, correct me if I'm wrong) with a US passport, you're not that different than us in those whites' eyes(if my guess is right, or you can forget these lines). Don't tell me that USA is a country formed by immigrants, I've got my own judgement from all these years living here. You should know that better than I do. In fact, more and more Chinese students including me here would not take this life as a second rank citizen here in US, we are more than willing to go back living with our own people in our own land after getting our diploma here. So don't take for granted and treat all of the Chinese here the same as you.

BTW, I wouldn't be so sure on your arrogant, naive and arbitrary assertion about US 7th fleet alone can face the whole Chinese army. It is our land, what we can use is way more than the navy!
p.s Who grant you the authority to fight anywhere on this planet and punish others who did the same as you used to?

My Post is about this post, you can say i am bias or whatever, but evidence present itself.

Case in point, this post, is about Japanese Military Shift, and somehow this is going off to Chinese vs Vietnam exchange, IN PAGE 2, there are less than 6 post after page 2 are about Japanese development, ever since Viet's post about Japanese exporting tech to Vietnam, 80-90% of this thread is about China and Vietnam, and nothing about Japanese.

So, I want to know who bridge this to China from a Japanese Post? A Chinese poster and then once he started, every Chinese user joined in and keep buffing with Vietnamese, i understand it takes 2 to agrue, so People agruing on the otherside have the same problem. I don't know if there are other word for it, but this post is now becoming Chinese and Vietnamese Trolling ground.

Say what you want, but this is the truth.

P.S. Sorry OP for hijacking this post to say what i want and gone off Top

P.P.S US Carrier are proven in battle unlike the Chinese carrier so before your missile is launched, your ship is probably sunk by the US Navy, remember we have 10 times more surface combat ship than China and right now, even our 7th Fleet alone is enough to face Chinese Navy with help from ROK Navy and JMSDF. Keep trolling will get you knowhere, if you want to discuss which navy is the best, i am more than gladly open a thread to discuss but PLEASE leave your trolling out of somebody else post.
Who in their right mind would wish for the return of Imperial Japan?! 30 million were tortured, raped and slaughtered! Japan should stay castrated and dependent on our influence, where it belongs.
I can hardly see what level you're on...and when we Chinese holds different stands with you and pointed out something you've done made you lose the qualification to criticize our similar but far less harmful behavior to the international society you'll take out those "trolling" "50 cents" trash...really had enough of your poor performance here, acting like a saints while criticizing "Chinese expansion" (peacefully at least) and defending for your crime committed to those Islamic people at the same time. You really make me sick for your hypocritical behavior, yeah, this is finally something like a politician I should say.

What you said about those "nutcase" people should be stick on the face of those Americans including you who think they could rule the world with their money and army. Well slap of your own bold face!

Since you mentioned UN to justify your invasion to Iraq. One simple and quick question, did UN grant you any authority to invade Iraq, Politics Expert?

Yeah, our generation of Chinese under 30 know nothing in reality about the war, but you do, what does that mean saint? Were you defending your own country from invasions? We're just talking here like everyone else about the possible military confrontations in several disputable area in this defense forum, what's the problem about that? Does it provide you anything credible to keep comparing China with Nazi Germany?

In a sum, save your arrogance and come down from your self designated "level" please. You ain't that good at all, and definitely you are not a saint no matter how hard you're trying to act like one!

Aside from the 50 cents army, many people in China have taken pride of thier Chinese hertiage, even Chinese overseas that already live in other country for a long period of time, they still take pride that they are Chinese.

Perhaps Chinese is a very complicated people where they enjoy the western style of living but still desprise the Western style of thinking, if you ask any first Generation Chinese immigrant overseas and 90% of them will say Chinese is better than whereever you ask him. Yet, they still left China and live in places like UK, Australia, Canada and the US.

The problem is, what comes with nationalism is the nationistic movement that follow. it would be okay in places far away from China as there are only little chinese compare to indigenous population, but when you get an all Chinese enviroment, things get trickier.

What i meant is, with enough "Nutcase" people would started to think, oh, we are the best of the world and we should roll over the other nations. Yet if there are enough money, they will run for office and make such word truth.

The different between Nazi's Germany in 1930 and China now is very much there are "DIfferent" yet share the same similiarity. Both build on a strong nationalism population, both have been defeated or shamed one from or another (the France and UK for Germany, Japanese or possibly the West (including Russia) for China) The only differnet is there are yet a charismatic leader to unite the nutcases in China. But there were one in Nazi's Germany.

Don't get me wrong, nutcases are everywhere in the world, we got our own Nordic Brotherhood (the You know who in Norway) that look down on anyone that's not Scandinavian, we got our white supremist in the United States. People like Pauline Hanson in Australia and the greens. The problem is how those nutcase hold position in their respective government. You don't need a lot, but you do need some in the right time and the right spot to have another Nazi Germany fiasco. Which is still what's missing for China to become one. People are there but not enough of them in important position to do anything. And let's hope this will never be the case.

And 2 wars mean OIF and OEF, i have been involved with 4 major operation, the thunder run to baghdad (With 1st Bridage), battle of Fallujah as a replacment 1LT with the 2nd brigade, Operation Anaconda, and a Training Command stint with ISAF.

lol mr Chinese Troll just got up and wanted to troll some more??

What do you know about military and Military service and what do you know about war??

UNtil the day you know about these stuff then we are at the same level to talk about it, in the meantime, shut up and listen :)

By the way, as i said, the Reason for invasion to Iraq is NOT because Iraq have WMD, IRAQ DID HAVE WMD, and they still have them at the begining of 2012 and you also did not denial Iraq have Chemical Weapon (Which IS WMD) in the former exchange we had, the reason for invasion is because Iraqi was NOT complying and cooperating with the UN request, even Hans Blix said so. So you can stop your trolling
Have you ever participated in that war? How can you be so sure about what you know is the truth? I'm willing to see some "truth" from your side.

I did not participate, but I have photos and articles about the war from both sides and from outside. But here it is not a thread appropriate to show for you...
I can hardly see what level you're on...and when we Chinese holds different stands with you and pointed out something you've done made you lose the qualification to criticize our similar but far less harmful behavior to the international society you'll take out those "trolling" "50 cents" trash...really had enough of your poor performance here, acting like a saints while criticizing "Chinese expansion" (peacefully at least) and defending for your crime committed to those Islamic people at the same time. You really make me sick for your hypocritical behavior, yeah, this is finally something like a politician I should say.

What you said about those "nutcase" people should be stick on the face of those Americans including you who think they could rule the world with their money and army. Well slap of your own bold face!

Since you mentioned UN to justify your invasion to Iraq. One simple and quick question, did UN grant you any authority to invade Iraq, Politics Expert?

Yeah, our generation of Chinese under 30 know nothing in reality about the war, but you do, what does that mean saint? Were you defending your own country from invasions? We're just talking here like everyone else about the possible military confrontations in several disputable area in this defense forum, what's the problem about that? Does it provide you anything credible to keep comparing China with Nazi Germany?

In a sum, save your arrogance and come down from your self designated "level" please. You ain't that good at all, and definitely you are not a saint no matter how hard you're trying to act like one!

Buddy, in case you don't know it yet he's only half Chinese from his mother's side. He can only talk sh!t about his motherland but confuse others by calling himself Chinese, Swede, Austalian or American whenever he wants to. After living for like less than 18 years in China/HK he moved to USA to study politics and wanted revenge after 9/11. Seems to me CCP didn't teach him enough or the Yanks must have brainwashed him totally. Criticizing us as warmongers yet he went on murdering people himself. People here can debate on a forum and show some nationalism and China so far hasn't declared war on any country just sending ships to patrol. He on the other hand has blood on his hands and doesn't feel any guilt for the illegal war in Iraq is telling us being the aggressive ones. If that's not hypocrite then i don't know what is.
Lol what the heck does American Chemical Weapon have to do with Iraqi WMD program, as i recall there is a UNSC resolution stating that Iraqi MUST disarm all WMD equipment, but i don't seems to recall there is a UNSCR require US to disarm all the WMD in their inventory. As far as i know, American is NOT ON TRIAL HERE. Stop deflecting attention just because of your fail trolling.

Failed to agrue with me on the case of Iraq and trying to pin it on how immoral the American are?

Dude, again, if you know nothing about being a soldier and war, PLEASE can you not talk about it?? Unless you get some battlefield experience, and then i will sit there and listen to you and your war. Otherwise you are just disrespecting every soldier in every war with every country that fought and die for their clause, including the Chinese soldier who lost their live in WW2 and any war they may have fought.

And if not for them 2 Atomic bomb, we ought to call China Manchukuo now, and you will not be speaking and writing CHinese and English, you will be speaking japanese. How about that, let's go back to Japan in 1945 and stop american dropping the bomb, see who suffer more..

Japan would have never conqure China. China is just too big. Japan were already bogged down in China and were holding only the cities and not the countryside. Even without the atomic bombs Chinese will continued to fight from the wartime capital of ChongQing which is protected by mountains. Chinese never surrender despite suffering and being bombed continuousely. And we never speak Japanese. Not even in Malaysia. It is the Japanese that are writing in Hanzi. The Chinese in Malaysia also formed the MPAJA to fight the Japanese. Only the Chinese in Malaysia fought the Japanese.
If not for China, Japan could have freed up to 1 million additional soldiers to fight US.

Chinese know how to eat bitterness. No matter how poor and weak Chinese are we never give up our principal even in face of superior forces. Good example is in Korea.
Japan just woke up...It is too late

China is goning to become a superpower...In asia at least

speaking about a balance between China and Japan is just a kind of Joke
I'm a guy who sees thing trough economic perspective (loss & profit) not through "political legality" When the US invade Iraq in 2003 the region is literally set on fire. Terrorists grows like weeds & destabilize the region, oil prices skyrocketed, political upheaval, & etc. Even know this country must corral "Asylum seekers" from Iraq & Afghanistan to please Australia. So if you tell me if the Iraq invasion is in your word "Justified." I cannot see what the whole world & the regions have to gains from your country action.

I really want to limited the Iraq comment here, if anyone interested in iraqi issue, i am more than gladly to open a thread (or you can) and i will be dead serious about it, i don't want any thread that's needed to be close because it is seriously derailed and i have seen it many many time, Many people intented to or just get into a heated agrument on some other thread and got derailed big time, the thread itself is good in nature but in the end it got closed because trolling and just user input that is off topic.


Geopolitically, Set aside all the UNSCR require the Iraqi to disarm and even since 1991, and 7 resolution, UN still issue the final ultimatum, which is the core of all the start of Iraq war, the UNSCR 1441. Also spare of Wikipedia bullshit.

what good you may ask, the problem with Saddam Hussein, is the stability of the region. Basically if Iraq was not dealt with they were a good chance that Iraq will start another Iraq-Iran war to compensate the lost of Gulf war and it's broken downed Economic. It would have to invade either Iran or the oil rich Saudi Arabia. Which if you may know, will be a good trigger of WW3

The problem with Saddam Hussein itself is also the problem, yes it said on the surface that yeah they country is stable the country is what, the Kurdish Movement disagreed completely as Shi'a and Sunni muslim in Iraq is on the verge of another civil war. The UN have already comtemplate the military action according to the change of Rules of Engagement (You need to know long before Iraqi war in 2003 UN have keep a On going Military operation Enforcing the no fly zone on North and south of Iraq) The problem with the NFZ is, it does not include all ground target (Hence NO FLY zone) and it's the ground target which is essential to be dealt with. So either a change of RoE to Enforce the NFZ or insert ground troop to support the enforcement of NFZ.

The UN action is actually see as i"in favor" of a ground military operation, it's does not agree Initially with the Ground Military Operation in Iraq, but as the war fought on, UN sees it's fits to insert ground troop (NTM-I) in the spring of 2004 is a proof that UN had have already have military operation in mind. Otherwise the NTM-I will not be fruitful even beyond 2006.

The clear advantage is simple, you take out the mad man in middle east. Which he will prossibly use WMD against their own citizen, Irani or Saudi Arabian.

It also shape up the governmental structure. By Inserting Ground troop to topple the Saddam Hussien and it's Baath'ist government, the Iraqi was also benefit from a reform to such regime.

Thirdly and most importantly, it allow International Weapon Observer to have unrestricted access to the alleged WMD site. Which is previously cannot be done as Iraqi government have literally refuse at some point armed standoff occure when UN weapon inspector wanted to gain access to certain site.

I don't want to discuss Iraqi here anymore, if you have further request or discussion, open a thread for it, i am more than happy to go along with you.

Let's try to remember which is the only country in the world to have used a so called 'offensive weapon'? And the irony considering who it was used on!

Many country have offensive weapon, and many country have used it on a lot of people

US used them in WW2
North Korean used them in Korean War
US used them in Vietnam War
Argentina and UK used them in Falkland Island
Iraq used them on their own citizen in Kurdish riot
Iraq used them on Iran-Iraq war.

So, what's your point??

The highlighted part shows exactly how ignorant you are, do you even know what is DF21D/DF25? You think they are launched from our battleships? LOL ! It's also very funny to see a political major person bearing such a linear (or maybe I can say it is really too simple and even naive) way of thinking like you.

Do you know what does the "asymmetric war" mean? What you've got is more advanced than the counterpart in our navy does not necessarily mean that you can easily win the war, we can use other ways to destroy what you think you've got is the most advanced around the world. Still remember the miserable Sheffield in forkland war?Who told you that the carrier must be sunk by another carrier, even battleships must be sunk by another one, your politics professor did? Are you still living in the era of Jutland Battle? Really funny to see how ignorant a so called war participant with a decent political diploma is.

You use your diploma to qualify your sense of international politics and made all those arbitrary critics on Chinese foreign policies, but it's really as pale as another piece of paper to me base on all you said here. So please save it next time, and don't treat yourself like a real American, I guess you're just a second or third generation Chinese immigrant (from your Cantonese reply, correct me if I'm wrong) with a US passport, you're not that different than us in those whites' eyes(if my guess is right, or you can forget these lines). Don't tell me that USA is a country formed by immigrants, I've got my own judgement from all these years living here. You should know that better than I do. In fact, more and more Chinese students including me here would not take this life as a second rank citizen here in US, we are more than willing to go back living with our own people in our own land after getting our diploma here. So don't take for granted and treat all of the Chinese here the same as you.

BTW, I wouldn't be so sure on your arrogant, naive and arbitrary assertion about US 7th fleet alone can face the whole Chinese army. It is our land, what we can use is way more than the navy!
p.s Who grant you the authority to fight anywhere on this planet and punish others who did the same as you used to?

First of all, let me put this straight, what i said is US 7th Fleet with ROKN with JMSDF can put a stop to PLAN, i did not say it's a total war nnor a invasion of China, as i pointed out from another thread, we probably need all 10 fleet combine to have a chance as you put together with Airforce and Land based stuff. What i referring to is a PURE NAVAL ENGAGMENT, which should be quite clear on the 7th fleet/ROKN/JMSDF vs PLAN i wrote.

Unless your whole PLA Army can swim, US Navy have no problem deal with your Navy. Do remember, US/JPN/ROK navy have a combine strength of 1 to 2 Super carrier, 3 LHD (LHD-7 (US) and 2 Helicopter Destroyer (JDS Ise and JDS Hyuga (JMSDF)) 2 Guided Missile Cruiser. 50 + Destroyer (7 DDG for US, 3 DDG for ROKN, 8 for JDS plus 12 DDH for ROKN, 30 DD/DDH for JDS) i can't even count the Frigate force.

I know DF-21D is a MRBM but we are talking about naval engagement in open sea, Not next to China, if so, you can also claim Chinese PLAAF can play a vital role or whatever, so the truth is you need to bunch the ballistic missile on sub or guided missile cruiser, which you don't have, plus, you still think your DF-21 is unstoppable?? so 60-80 missile mean 60-80 aircraft carrier? You can live in your dream if you want but when you wake up, please go look up Aegis Ballistic missile defense system we have been dealing with ballistic Cruise missile like Scud and Whatever the Iranian gave the HAMAS (I forgot the names) since the 80s if we needed, we can actually ask Israel to share the Iron Dome system with us (Which have PROVEN record intercepting Ballistic missile in war) but we decided our ageis is just any boit as good as the Iron Dome.

On the other hand, your DF-21D have not even fired one in anger, so nobody know how they perform in combat, maybe a super duds for all i know. I say again, US 7th Fleet + JMSDF + ROKN is more than enough to deal with the PLAN at this time. We may also consider selling F-35 to Japan so their LHD can become a Mini-carrier if Chinese decided to get more AC in the future.

I do know what asymmetric war mean, but how you gonna get a Naval Engagment into asymmetric war which means the use of "guerrilla warfare", "insurgency", "terrorism", "counterinsurgency", and "counterterrorism". If you can do it, you are really the king of Naval Engagement.

So you are saying you gonna hide in the open sea, and what? Pretent your DDG is a fishing trawler and ambush the american navy?? Dude, we are talking about 7th Fleet vs PLAN, how the heck do you do Asymmetric Warfare with a Naval Battle. Maybe your general is correct, you are using Fish trawler and strap them with bomb so a 100 fishing trawler can literally hold back 10 supercarrier........LOL\

Dude, Warfare 101: Asymmetric War is just possible in Land Warfare, maybe to some extent air engagment. But in the Navy there are no Asymmetric war as there are no place to hide nor any intelligent game to play, you got detected a

I am a US Citizens by birth, that's all you need to know, I served in the US Army as an Officer i rose to a rank of Captain and fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, i have earn the respect from my fellow american. Both people i command (That's right i commanded about 100 white people in battlefield, the other is black, chinese, japanese, mexican and whatever races were they) and people above me. So quit lecture me about americanism or what it mean to be an American. I am not an immigrant, my father is a Chicano hence i speak Spanish too, what is the problem with my status of American have to do with my knowledge, first you doubt my qualification, then my race, then my chinese, what next??My wife? My Family? My religion? My political perference?

Before you troll, would you please look at what you say and what actually printed on paper before you comment, thank you

I can hardly see what level you're on...and when we Chinese holds different stands with you and pointed out something you've done made you lose the qualification to criticize our similar but far less harmful behavior to the international society you'll take out those "trolling" "50 cents" trash...really had enough of your poor performance here, acting like a saints while criticizing "Chinese expansion" (peacefully at least) and defending for your crime committed to those Islamic people at the same time. You really make me sick for your hypocritical behavior, yeah, this is finally something like a politician I should say.

What you said about those "nutcase" people should be stick on the face of those Americans including you who think they could rule the world with their money and army. Well slap of your own bold face!

Since you mentioned UN to justify your invasion to Iraq. One simple and quick question, did UN grant you any authority to invade Iraq, Politics Expert?

Yeah, our generation of Chinese under 30 know nothing in reality about the war, but you do, what does that mean saint? Were you defending your own country from invasions? We're just talking here like everyone else about the possible military confrontations in several disputable area in this defense forum, what's the problem about that? Does it provide you anything credible to keep comparing China with Nazi Germany?

In a sum, save your arrogance and come down from your self designated "level" please. You ain't that good at all, and definitely you are not a saint no matter how hard you're trying to act like one!

Dude, i am not the one who said, yeah your qualification is from Boulder, not harvard, so what do you know. YOU SAID THAT. I have in no point at any time stop people from expressing their view because of their qualification, nor anything distinct them from others.

You don't like what i said, okay, that's your choice but do i really need to get your approval on what i said? NO, you are not my professor nor i am taking an exam, i can say what i want, you don't have to believe me. But telling me i am wrong because my qualification lies elsewhere is just wrong man.

I say again, There are people who are nuts anywhere, the only different is, China have more as there are more of their population. If you read carefully, i am actually defending China ,my post is a reply to a poster that said China are becoming more and more like nazi germany and i said, they are nothing like Nazi Germany. Not until there are a leader to unite all the nutcase. You cannot say nutcase did not exist in your world.

I said, Aside for the 50 cents army, which is a proven fact that it exist in China, and i said aside from that Chinese is a pride nation genuinely coming from their heart. Many Chinese i know and i do know a lot does not act like "well, yeah they have a beef with us, so i am gonna invade them" You can say us American is nutcase, so as we can say you Chinese are nutcase. Is that fair?

If you don't know anything about UN, then please do not speak of the war nor if you don't know anything about warfare to start with. You are just making fun of YOURSELVE and what you do is not much and beside trolling, i hardly see your point here or whatever, and most Chinese IN THIS Forum, did not have a point when they wrote, they just blindly following the CCP movement, this is the truth as i see it, you can say whatever, but that does not mean my mind can change.

UNSCR 1441 is a directive to express the Iraqi is in MATERIAL BREACH of the cease fire agreement signed on 1991 on the form of UNSCR 687, which authorise military engagment if such BREACH (refering to the 15 days deadline from April 1991 to comply with IAEA inspector and UN Weapon inspector to inspect and follow the procedure to rid of WMD. WHich as i said many time before and after. Was not comply and the 1441 is the Express directive that allow Cease fire to be taken off as per UNSCR 687, which originally was a 15 days deadline, we have been waiting for 12 years. Yet they still not comply.

There are people who believe Ground Incursion in IRaq was wron and illegalg, there is organisation who believe ground incursion to Iraq is illegal, but Country INCLUDING CHINA does not seems to think so as China voted YES on Resolution 1546, which itself is a ground incursion (Sending NATO troop to Iraq IS A GROUND INCURSION OF IRAQ)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by Iraqi troops during the 1990–1991 invasion and occupation

United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Council reminded Iraq of its obligations under the Geneva Protocol and to unconditionally remove and destroy all chemical and biological weapons and ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150km. As part of this demand, the Council requested Iraq submit, within 15 days, a report declaring all locations of all the aforementioned and agree to urgent, on-site inspection. It then established the United Nations Special Commission relating to inspections and set provisions for it, and asked Iraq to abide by its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, agreeing not to develop nuclear weapons and submitting a report to the Secretary-General and International Atomic Energy Agency within 15 days.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1546 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was a role for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) and the international community in the country's future in accordance with resolutions 1483 (2003) and 1511 (2003).


Buddy, in case you don't know it yet he's only half Chinese from his mother's side. He can only talk sh!t about his motherland but confuse others by calling himself Chinese, Swede, Austalian or American whenever he wants to. After living for like less than 18 years in China/HK he moved to USA to study politics and wanted revenge after 9/11. Seems to me CCP didn't teach him enough or the Yanks must have brainwashed him totally. Criticizing us as warmongers yet he went on murdering people himself. People here can debate on a forum and show some nationalism and China so far hasn't declared war on any country just sending ships to patrol. He on the other hand has blood on his hands and doesn't feel any guilt for the illegal war in Iraq is telling us being the aggressive ones. If that's not hypocrite then i don't know what is.

lol another half Chinese comment, well You can take your half Chinese comment, showve it up your backside and deal with it, i think i am more Chinese than you, so what? YOu are gonna come kick my butt like your Amigos? LOL

If you have nothing to say, don't saying anything, trolling and rolling get you nowhere , only show you have an inferior brain and did not think well as a person.


Even Chinese think it's legal to have ground incursion to Iraq as per Resolution 1511 and 1546(China voted FOR not VETO not ABSTAIN, I REPEAT, THEY VOTED FOR), so what are you saying

Just you and your buddy think the Iraq war is not legit does NOT make it not legit, i have see a lot of investigation from ICC and even UN investuigation, all i find is a UN Directive that to insertt military trainer to Iraq. WHich all 15 voted yes. SO Where exactly is the illegal comment makde by a country? Iran perhaps? or Maybe Israel ?? Hehe Answer me this
Japan would have never conqure China. China is just too big. Japan were already bogged down in China and were holding only the cities and not the countryside. Even without the atomic bombs Chinese will continued to fight from the wartime capital of ChongQing which is protected by mountains. Chinese never surrender despite suffering and being bombed continuousely. And we never speak Japanese. Not even in Malaysia. It is the Japanese that are writing in Hanzi. The Chinese in Malaysia also formed the MPAJA to fight the Japanese. Only the Chinese in Malaysia fought the Japanese.
If not for China, Japan could have freed up to 1 million additional soldiers to fight US.

Chinese know how to eat bitterness. No matter how poor and weak Chinese are we never give up our principal even in face of superior forces. Good example is in Korea.

Putting aside will or will not be the Whole China got eaten up, say you are right, China is too big for Japan to ate up.

IF US did not engage in Pacific war, what will there be with China? First the part that make China Toady are in japanese Hand and if US does not engage the Japanese they will just dig in and even with ROC and Communist troop, they can't repluse the japanese when they are the weakest (when they first occupied the land) and with US did not interfere with Japanese, the Japaanese would very easily taken over the Singapore and Indonesia oil field, which will only make Japan stonger. Finally japanese will capture Australia and which is the biggest Uranium storage in Asia-Pacific region and give a lot of edge for the Japanese to develope Nuclear Weapon.

The porblem is, yes, it goes both way, i agree with you, without China, US will face a more deterimined Japanese with multi reinforcement, but in the end of the days is, what fear the most with imperial Japan is not its army, but its navy. and CHina did hold on to the bulk of Japanese Army but none of their navy and their airforce are held up by the Chinese. Without China, US will have fought a harder campaign, but should be the same result, apart from more killed and wounded.

Japan just woke up...It is too late

China is goning to become a superpower...In asia at least

speaking about a balance between China and Japan is just a kind of Joke

Superpower talk aside, Japan have right to defend itself, and currently the Japanese are lacking initiative to defend themselve as Chinese Rise, there are long way before China can claim Superpower status, there are always time to beef up security to defend yourselve.
Who in their right mind would wish for the return of Imperial Japan?! 30 million were tortured, raped and slaughtered! Japan should stay castrated and dependent on our influence, where it belongs.

I do, but all I really want is just a stronger japan
The Pointless Debate Over Japan’s Decline
December 01, 2012
By Gerald L. Curtis


Talk of Japanese decline sheds little light on the strengths and weaknesses of the country-- or how its problems can be solved.

Is Japan in decline? Frankly I don’t think that spending a lot of time trying to answer that question is worth the effort.

Japan is declining in some respects and in other important ways it is not declining at all. It is well known that Japan’s relative standing in the hierarchy of the world’s economies has declined. Japan as number two has given way to a Japan that is number three. But would you prefer to live in the number two economy China or the number three economy Japan? If you think about living standards and the quality of the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food you eat, the health care and other social services you receive, and the number of years you can expect to live, the answer is obvious: better to live in a “declining” Japan than in a rising China.

More pertinent to the decline issue, is Japan’s diminished stature as an economic superpower really a matter of decline or the consequence of the ability of other countries to grow richer? The share of global GNP occupied by both the United States and Japan has declined thanks to the ability of other countries to emerge from abject poverty. That is good news not only for the people of those countries but for the United States and Japan as well, who have access to inexpensively priced goods and new markets for their exports.

The declinist narrative exaggerates Japan’s economic so-called decline because it fails to take into account the one indisputable aspect of Japan’s decline which is the decline of the number of Japanese. Has Japan’s economy performed notably worse than other advanced economies over the past twenty years? No, especially if you compare GDP growth per capita or per employee. Over two decades of “stagnation” Japan has grown, living standards have continued to increase and unemployment has been kept low. While inequality has increased, the gross disparities that we see in the United States have no parallel in Japan. Japan is not as economically prosperous as it might have been if it had chosen a different mix of economic policies but now that the rest of the industrialized world is contending with high unemployment, huge budget deficits, intense pressures to cut back on welfare state programs, and the risk of deflation, Japan does not look so bad. If it is in decline it is not alone.

What about something we might call the nation’s social health. In terms of social cohesion, sense of community, and general civility, the Tohoku disaster showed the world how strong Japan is. Whatever political problems were revealed by the government response to the Tohoku tragedy, they pale by comparison with the self-discipline, restraint, outpouring of goodwill, and cooperation that Japanese people showed each other—and the welcoming attitude with which they greeted foreign assistance. And it is not only in rural areas like the Tohoku disaster zone in which these social bonds are strong. In urban Japan as well, cleanliness, low crime rates, and basic good manners still make Japanese cities like Tokyo some of the world’s most comfortable, civilized places to live.

Read more: The Pointless Debate Over Japan's Decline - The Diplomat
The end of Japan as we know it
By Chan Akya

The economy as a cause ... and effect

I asserted earlier that the political sclerosis of Japan was a result of its economic mortification, a view that is against the conventional wisdom, which reverses the cause-effect relationship. My thinking is quite simply that Japan has reached an economic point of no-return; this will be now played out politically to provide a dignified burial of the country's ambitions.

There are multiple elements of Japan's economic orthodoxy that are all coming unstuck at about the same time; some by design and others decidedly not.

First is the country's position on top of the global supply chains of the most complex products imaginable - electronics and automobiles. In the old days, electronic products relied on bulky components for assembly, be they cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) in televisions or drive units in tape recorders and belt drives in high-end CD players. These components necessarily had to be made by patent holders, with shipping costs and import levies becoming important barriers to entry.

Along the way though, in a quest for efficiency, Japanese manufacturers moved a number of their key components and in particular the vexing business of manufacturing liquid crystal displays offshore to China and elsewhere. They designed micro components - circuit boards and memory chips - that worked with these screens to produce a range of electronics products that powered the post-CRT world.

However, the difference in technology platforms allowed other entrants, most notably the Koreans, to exploit their own pricing advantages in lower-end products such as mobile phones and bring those to bear in higher-end products.

Then there is the business with cars, wherein a number of product recalls and component disruptions have meant that factories in Japan lost their advantages in production and quality against lower-tier manufacturers even as they failed to move ahead in the design stakes in terms of new technologies including hybrids.

t is somewhat telling that the most interesting fuel-efficient car to hit the production lines this year was the Tesla-S model out of California, rather than a new iteration of the Prius or Leaf models that pioneered the hybrid / plug-in categories.

The supply chain itself has become hugely complicated for Japanese manufacturers, as last year's floods in Thailand showed. This year, a number of Japanese factories in China had to shut down after the incident involving islands disputed by Japan and China. Add in the disruptions from the Fukushima tsunami last year, and we are talking an inexorable shift in manufacture away from Japan.

The second aspect is power generation and sources, an area where Japan's peculiar geography seems set to punish the country against its competitors. At the one end, the US is in the middle of a shale gas revolution that may turn energy math into the positive side of the current account equation for the country over the next decade or so (health warning: I do not yet subscribe to the shale story with the same degree of enthusiasm espoused by America's oil lobby). The focus on renewables as a source of energy has therefore diminished at least over the near-term. This makes technologically intensive products such as those involving wind and solar power commercially unviable as investment sources over the next few months and years.

The blows to technology to one side, it is also a legacy of Fukushima that Japan eschews the one source of plentiful power that may have turned the tables to its advantage. Without nuclear power and with no oil around its borders, Japan faces a long and dark road on its energy front, with every step promising to bring the country closer to an economically unviable future.

That is where the third aspect of Japan's economy really hurts. Confronted with a rapid decline in economic relevance over two decades ago, Japan chose the path of least social resistance; an echo of Dumas' "one for all, all for one" philosophy wherein real-wage deflation took the place of workforce cuts. That slow death, though, was simply insufficient to force the issue of competitiveness; it merely bought time from an inevitable fate that the political grandees refused to prepare the country for adequately.


Inflection points are hard things to call, particularly in the case of Japan where the patient has been declared dead many times over the past few years. Even so, recent events, ranging from the declining fortunes of electronics majors to the uncertain policies around power consumption and generation, may well mean that Japan is on its last stretch as a major global economy.

read full text for politic side: Asia Times Online :: The end of Japan as we know it




Putting aside will or will not be the Whole China got eaten up, say you are right, China is too big for Japan to ate up.

IF US did not engage in Pacific war, what will there be with China? First the part that make China Toady are in japanese Hand and if US does not engage the Japanese they will just dig in and even with ROC and Communist troop, they can't repluse the japanese when they are the weakest (when they first occupied the land) and with US did not interfere with Japanese, the Japaanese would very easily taken over the Singapore and Indonesia oil field, which will only make Japan stonger. Finally japanese will capture Australia and which is the biggest Uranium storage in Asia-Pacific region and give a lot of edge for the Japanese to develope Nuclear Weapon.

The porblem is, yes, it goes both way, i agree with you, without China, US will face a more deterimined Japanese with multi reinforcement, but in the end of the days is, what fear the most with imperial Japan is not its army, but its navy. and CHina did hold on to the bulk of Japanese Army but none of their navy and their airforce are held up by the Chinese. Without China, US will have fought a harder campaign, but should be the same result, apart from more killed and wounded.

There is no "IF" in history.

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