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Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

By the same token, Japan should have the nuclear weapon. Japanese economy went down-hill right after the Plaza Accord under the threaten of nuclear armed USA. Just because USA N-bombed Japan once for the right cause, it does not mean USA won't misuse its N-bombs in the future. Japan should be able to defend and retaliate vis-a-vis USA.

LOL what a funny story. there are only one fault, it's not US acting agressive toward Japanese, it's China acting agressive toward the Japanese. And in the future, if USA were indeed Threaten Japanese, then yes, they are to defend themselve with American agression.

Also, we used A-Bomb TWICE on Japan not N-Bomb and not once. I am not stopping you to make jokes, but get your facts right first
lol one post you said the war is illegal, now you said the war is unjust, which direction you are going, take a pick please.

Again, is mistake = unjust??

If i am driving a car, i turned on the turning indicator by accident, does that mean the indicator i turned on is unjustified?
If i am in a supermarket, i mistakenly pick up a skim milk over non skim, is my action unjust?
If i am going to the beach, and i forgot to pack my bathing suit by mistake, so my trip to the beach is unjust??

The word may be different, the end are the same.

The problem is you fail to see the you tube video is a re-edit, either you

a.) Want to misled people saying Bush say invading Iraq was a mistake
b.) You are this stupid as you cannot see the video is re-edit

Can you answer me which one are you??

LOL. I don't need to label you incompetent, all the things you say indicate you are, so you are saying you are incompetent

Again, where is your argument the war is unjust now?? Have you talked to EVERYONE in the world yet??

I HAVE NEVER SAY CHINA ARE TO ATTACK JAPAN SOON, i believe my post was "If China were to attack Japan now, not that i imply or saying China is going to attack now....)

and in my last post i said "War in the senkaku will be a big set back for China(Did not specific a time), that's why they NOW use harassment tactics. I NEVER EVER EVER NEVER say china were to go to war with Japan now am i??

You are the one who needed corrective lenses. I NEVER say China were to attack now. LOL If you have nothing else to say and cannot answer the question i raise, can you please close your month.

Regardless of what you say or i say, Japan have its own right, AS A COUUNTRY, to defend themselve. Same right apply to every country. From USA to Nauru. You simply cannot ask one country to roll over and die in case of an invasion. You can't just start beef up security when you are being invade

PS I am enjoying my Trip to Chinese Embassy in Australia renewing my new HKSAR Passport lol.

Coming from a brainwashed guy like you who served the US army i wouldn't expect you to have any unbiased judgement. You take orders as as a soldier and would never say the war against Iraq is illegal or unjustified. If you ever had any regrets you wouldn't be able to live with the idea of unnecessary killings. Plenty of people from around the world condemn the war so if you think my opinion is a sign of incapable then they too would be incapable in your eyes. Your opinion does not matter to me at all nor do we care if you renew your outdated HKSAR passport. I think it's quite amusing when you talk about Chinese aggression against the Japanese when it was you with your American soldiers that went on rampage in Iraq. Meanwhile go dream about the revival of Imperial Japan as China keeps on rising. Go cheer for Japan re-militarization with your Vietnamese, Pinoy and Indian fanboys here that's what a "CHINESE" such as yourself should be doing. :wave:
Coming from a brainwashed guy like you who served the US army i wouldn't expect you to have any unbiased judgement. You take orders as as a soldier and would never say the war against Iraq is illegal or unjustified. If you ever had any regrets you wouldn't be able to live with the idea of unnecessary killings. Plenty of people from around the world condemn the war so if you think my opinion is a sign of incapable then they too would be incapable in your eyes. Your opinion does not matter to me at all nor do we care if you renew your outdated HKSAR passport. I think it's quite amusing when you talk about Chinese aggression against the Japanese when it was you with your American soldiers that went on rampage in Iraq. Meanwhile go dream about the revival of Imperial Japan as China keeps on rising. Go cheer for Japan re-militarization with your Vietnamese, Pinoy and Indian fanboys here that's what a "CHINESE" such as yourself should be doing. :wave:

Blah blah blah blah, lol again with the unjust war and stuff like that, plenty of people in this world say no to war, but plenty of people in this world also say the war is justified, so what exactly are you saying. How you want to see the world is your business. How i want to see the world is my business, and i don't really care what you think of me, and by the way, i've killed people, i feel very good and can sleep very well at night so thanks for your asking.

Let me tell you soemthing about war, son, doesn't matter if it's just or unjust, you gone to war, it's not your national value you fought for, it's not the national pride you fought for, it GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR COUNTRY, you fought for your buddy, people who you share a B-Hut with and people who stand next to you when you are underfire, i don't really care if the war is unjust, that is the last thing you care in battle, as long as there are people shooting at me and my friend, it's normal to shoot back, if it takes to kill him to stop shooting at you, then this is what it take.

Do not put yourselve in the view of a soldier, you know nothing about being a soldier. Spare me the soldier bullshit. IF you want to comment on it, go fight a war. Then we can talk.

Japan are going to step up on their defence whether Chinese like it or not, try and stop them and you will see and hear and feel the full force of Uncle Sam, hell, i may re-enlist and get some, who knows.
You want to know which governments were opposed? Check the map yourself blind man
Governmental positions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Opposition to the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 54 following countries have protested formally and officially the prosecution of this war. They oppose the Iraq War in principle, citing in some cases that they believe it is illegal, and in others that it required a United Nations mandate.

Son don't talk to me about your experience as a soldier. When you guys declare war on another country and go invade them what do you expect? They will shoot you mothafuckers so don't go tell me what you should do if they shoot you. You want to sound like it's your right to shoot them back for staying alive and that of course is the normal thing to do, same applies to Iraqi soldiers you go attack their country and they will fire at you. For you to even talk about this kind of level of understanding suggest you are very incapable really and you made it to the captain level?

"Japan are going to step up on their defence whether Chinese like it or not, try and stop them and you will see and hear and feel the full force of Uncle Sam, hell, i may re-enlist and get some, who knows." Spoken as a 'CHINESE', we know where you stand :D, I suggest you go to China wearing an Imperial Japan t-shirt and scream this sentence out loud and we shall see how your Chinese brothers treat you. Or do you treat yourself as FULL AMERICAN now? If you have identity crisis go to a shrink and make up your mind SON.
You want to know which governments were opposed? Check the map yourself blind man
Governmental positions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Opposition to the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 54 following countries have protested formally and officially the prosecution of this war. They oppose the Iraq War in principle, citing in some cases that they believe it is illegal, and in others that it required a United Nations mandate.

Son don't talk to me about your experience as a soldier. When you guys declare war on another country and go invade them what do you expect? They will shoot you mothafuckers so don't go tell me what you should do if they shoot you. You want to sound like it's your right to shoot them back for staying alive and that of course is the normal thing to do, same applies to Iraqi soldiers you go attack their country and they will fire at you. For you to even talk about this kind of level of understanding suggest you are very incapable really and you made it to the captain level?

"Japan are going to step up on their defence whether Chinese like it or not, try and stop them and you will see and hear and feel the full force of Uncle Sam, hell, i may re-enlist and get some, who knows." Spoken as a 'CHINESE', we know where you stand :D, I suggest you go to China wearing an Imperial Japan t-shirt and scream this sentence out loud and we shall see how your Chinese brothers treat you. Or do you treat yourself as FULL AMERICAN now? If you have identity crisis go to a shrink and make up your mind SON.


Have you actual read what you quote before you quote it??

First of all, since when did not support automatically= unjustified or illegal?

Illegal or feeling unjustified may be one of the reason why they oppose to the invasion, there are yet many. Unable to provide troop either by pacifist reason or religious reason, neutrality of the issue, unsuitable to provide troop, money problem, and etc.

All kind of reason can make a country oppose on something or do not support on something, again, have you rang all the country and asked them already??

Secondly, on the page,

Governmental positions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it said only 7 countries supported invasion of Iraq

However, when it come to the page

Opposition to the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it said only 54 Countries protested on the invasion of Iraq.

Well, if i remember correctly, there are 193 UN member in UN, so do a little math shall we?

COuntries supporting the war = 7
Countries not supporting the war = 193-7 = 186 countrties.

Then why there are only 54 official protest?? Where is the other 132 countries goes??

I will tell you where they go, they gone supporting the Iraq war.

On the Governmental position of an Iraq war, you have missed on every important point maked on the page, which is "This article describes the positions of world governments before the actual initiation of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and not their current positions as they may have changed since then.

Well, as i said before, even UN were initially rejecting the idea to use troop in Iraq, dude, things can change. The fact that when soemthing HAS NOT being done, you cannot said that thing is unjust or illegal, how do you rate an arbitrary action illegal and unjust, those action does NOT even performed yet, once they have done it, then you can justifed an action whether are they unjust and illegal. WHich case in point, 132 country think otherwise after the country is at war. Otherwise what we would see is a 186 country send it protest to the UN. not 54.

Again, as i said many many time before, the complaint is received, investigatedm, dealt with and most importantly CLEARED. Some country ask if the war is illegal, does not mean the war is illegal. If the war is indeed illegal, were their already been a judgment or punishment handed out already, dude, the Iraq war has finished for almost 2 years now, you get about 10 years to investigate, and there are no action taken. What does it tell you .

I am not trying to alter your thinking, again, you can feel the war is unjust, your firend can feel the wart is unjust, your country can feel the war is unjust, some country can feel the war is unjust, but does that make it illegal? No, stop telling me i am wrong and the war is unjust. as you and I were a different level.

That's why i said don't talk to me about soldier, soldier do not declare war, politician do, soldier job's ois to fight a war, does it matter is it unjust or not, NO!!!. In the field, you act together as a unit, you leave the politic to the politician and then you can perform as a organisation that fight wars. That's why Chinese Soldier is not good at fighting as they also have to put political principle in the war with commissar and position alike. What do you know about war huh? You know how to lead troop into battle? You know, from your indefinite experience fro mthe battlefield to tell me i am not a good leader? Either go fight a war or shut up about it, you know nothing about fighting a war, you know nothing about being a leader, you only know how to troll. Talking to you is an insult to soldier everywhere. I would really want to see how China start a war. If you "chinese" said youse are so capable. Don't just talk, do something.

LOL at least i can wear Obama is shxt or Chinese is the greatest T-shirt in Timesquare in New york and many people will compliment me instead of throwing me to jail, HAHA.

Lol you don't like me calling myself Chinese, too bad, the right is not on you, i am a Chinese and i fpought for American, so what, call the CPC on me. Hahahahaha, the receptionist in Chinese Embrassy in Australia used a very good HK accent to answer my question, i wonder if she is a HK resident hehe

Seriously, i will not answer to you about Soldiering and Military nor Iraq anymore, it's just a moot point to something have nothing on international politic. You wanna get ban is your business, i don't. If you have to attack me personally instead of pointing out points to sleep better at night, well, go ahead, i cannot sleep when i know i am the reason people cannot sleep at night :)
Oh my, Japanese getting weaponized is a scary thought, they can even rival the technology of the Americans. It would be like comparing Xbox360 with a PS3.
Don't give a sh!t if you consider yourself as a Chinese. The mirror will reflect the mixed part, you can take that and shove it in your A$$ ;) and there's no need for me to discuss the Iraq war anymore as it is just a waste of my energy.
Oh my, Japanese getting weaponized is a scary thought, they can even rival the technology of the Americans. It would be like comparing Xbox360 with a PS3.

well, Japanese getting modern weapon is not such a scary throught, one cannot measure a country to what it did do or what it did not do in the past. When certain amount of time has come, you come to forgive and forget and for a nation you need to be able to defend yourselve and defensive measure are dynamic, so it should be based on how's the threat level present currently and adjust accordingly.

P.S. I am always a Xbox360 fans, you know they are getting the Xbox720 out soon?? sorry for gone a bit off topic
That's why Chinese Soldier is not good at fighting as they also have to put political principle in the war with commissar and position alike.

Do Chinese still send political commissars with the soldiers to the battlefield? Are they trained personnel or not? Suppose, a mechanized infantry division is heading to the front-line, will they send a commissar who is not well versed with all the aspects of how a mechanized infantry division should proceed?

If not, then I think this is just backwardness ingrained in the so called Chinese military and it will make them lose war to even a non professional armed force when they confront.
Do Chinese still send political commissars with the soldiers to the battlefield? Are they trained personnel or not? Suppose, a mechanized infantry division is heading to the front-line, will they send a commissar who is not well versed with all the aspects of how a mechanized infantry division should proceed?

If not, then I think this is just backwardness ingrained in the so called Chinese military and it will make them lose war to even a non professional armed force when they confront.

I only know until 2005 China still hold the position of Political Officer (not called Comissar) but they are doing the same job as to point the military into their political direction. The Political officer are not war college trained but party trained with basic Military tactics. I don't quite sure about their role tho, ie Will they have power to override the Military leader but such position do exist when i was in Military Intel group back in 2005, i got seperated after 2005 and i don't know since then.....
I only know until 2005 China still hold the position of Political Officer (not called Comissar) but they are doing the same job as to point the military into their political direction. The Political officer are not war college trained but party trained with basic Military tactics. I don't quite sure about their role tho, ie Will they have power to override the Military leader but such position do exist when i was in Military Intel group back in 2005, i got seperated after 2005 and i don't know since then.....

This is 2012. I guess, they still follow this practice. Sending commissar or political lecturers whatever we may call the position, may be effective in civil wars as seen during the armed struggle between the PLA and the KMT forces, however, in this age of high tech warfare, such practice is backwardness. A military is a killing machine, nothing more, nothing less. A professional military follows a methodology of how to fight the hostiles, neutralize them and proceeds accordingly. The commander decides what to do next but a person who has no idea and experience will ruin the chances of winning the battle. If I am a soldier fighting on the front line and some trash gives me ideological lectures instead of suggesting me tactics, I will shoot that guy first. If this practice is still present in Chinese military, then only God can help China.
This is 2012. I guess, they still follow this practice. Sending commissar or political lecturers whatever we may call the position, may be effective in civil wars as seen during the armed struggle between the PLA and the KMT forces, however, in this age of high tech warfare, such practice is backwardness. A military is a killing machine, nothing more, nothing less. A professional military follows a methodology of how to fight the hostiles, neutralize them and proceeds accordingly. The commander decides what to do next but a person who has no idea and experience will ruin the chances of winning the battle. If I am a soldier fighting on the front line and some trash gives me ideological lectures instead of suggesting me tactics, I will shoot that guy first. If this practice is still present in Chinese military, then only God can help China.
Bro, VN still use commissar and he hold 'deputy commander' position. As you can see, even in high tech warfare era, but Taliban still can attack US's base day by day. Commissar, just like Muslim preacher ,have a very important role in keeping high morale for the army.

During VN war, bcz US didn't have commissar, so US soldier had to use drug like heroin to ease the stress everytime they come to battle-field and finaly US army had to run for their life bcz their soldier had No will to fight in long hard war anymore.
This is 2012. I guess, they still follow this practice. Sending commissar or political lecturers whatever we may call the position, may be effective in civil wars as seen during the armed struggle between the PLA and the KMT forces, however, in this age of high tech warfare, such practice is backwardness. A military is a killing machine, nothing more, nothing less. A professional military follows a methodology of how to fight the hostiles, neutralize them and proceeds accordingly. The commander decides what to do next but a person who has no idea and experience will ruin the chances of winning the battle. If I am a soldier fighting on the front line and some trash gives me ideological lectures instead of suggesting me tactics, I will shoot that guy first. If this practice is still present in Chinese military, then only God can help China.

There will not be any problem if the Commissar follow the chain of command and listen to what the Commander say, the problem is, if the commissar have the right to overpower or override the decision then it will create a thing we called "Vacumn" in the military, basically it mean soldier do not know who to listen to as both side now giving command. Even as little of checking the commander decision should be minimized as the result of questiong command authority must be coming down from the top, not one step to the rear nor not from the peers.

If Commissar perform only morale officer or welfare officer or civil affair officer job, then it will be of no problem, you just took 1 spot of your command structure. That is all.

Bro, VN still use commissar and he hold 'deputy commander' position. As you can see, even in high tech warfare era, but Taliban still can attack US's base day by day. Commissar, just like Muslim preacher ,have a very important role in keeping high morale for the army.

During VN war, bcz US didn't have commissar, so US soldier had to use drug like heroin to ease the stress everytime they come to battle-field and finaly US army had to run for their life bcz their soldier had No will to fight in long hard war anymore.

Not to offend the Vietnamese but US lost the Vietnam war is not because of the morale of North Vietnamese, or how they are willing to fight the American, but rather the opposite of the scale, which is how the south NOT WILLING to fight.

Bear in mind american won every battle of the war, that mean whatever the North Vietnamese dish to American, american always comes out ahead, but why we still lose the war simply because we fought the war for Vietnamese and we act as their defend, over the course of 8 years, South Vietnamese not once want to take the defense with their own hand, we cannot fight the war for them forever, our involvement are somehow going to end, as Vietnam is not our country nor our territories, but since the South Vietnamese not willing to shoulder the burden themselve, we have to pull out, as it would just be them hiring us to defend their country. We don't plan on engage in that war for maybe the next 100 years.

There are one North Vietnamese General who i think summed up the war pretty nicely. Unless American want to stay in Vietnam and eat rice for the next 1000 years, we are going to win in the end, American cannot fight on behalf of the south forever.

As i see it, Vietnam is the lost clause, Vietnamese don't really care who govern them, They just want to use the war and earn the maximum money from the chao and left Vietnam when all things goes to hell. We just merely extented the life of South Vietnam for 10 years they should have lost before we ever got involved.
Not to offend the Vietnamese but US lost the Vietnam war is not because of the morale of North Vietnamese, or how they are willing to fight the American, but rather the opposite of the scale, which is how the south NOT WILLING to fight.

When we attack US's ally Thailand in 1979, US army also did Nothing to help. Why ?? simple answer: didn't dare to fight against VN army again even it was the fight to help Thailand .(I hope you don't say: Thailand NOT WILLING to fight,too)

So, the Correct reason for US's loss in VN war is: Our amry was better than US, we ruined their morale in long hard VN war.
Bear in mind american won every battle of the war, that mean whatever the North Vietnamese dish to American, american always comes out ahead, but why we still lose the war simply because we fought the war for Vietnamese and we act as their defend, over the course of 8 years, South Vietnamese not once want to take the defense with their own hand, we cannot fight the war for them forever, our involvement are somehow going to end, as Vietnam is not our country nor our territories, but since the South Vietnamese not willing to shoulder the burden themselve, we have to pull out, as it would just be them hiring us to defend their country. We don't plan on engage in that war for maybe the next 100 years.
You have something wrong about Vn war. US tried to attack VN with full Air strike and with best jet fighter in 1972 , but she still lost and had to sign the 'Agreement on Ending the War' in Paris after that.
Operation Linebacker II

Operation Linebacker II operations were initiated on 18 December 1972 and were directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to continue until further notice. The primary objective of the bombing operation would be to force the North Vietnamese government to enter into purposeful negotiations concerning a cease-fire agreement. The operation employed air power to its maximum capabilities in an attempt to destroy all major target complexes such as radio stations, railroads, power plants, and airfields located in the Hanoi and Haiphong areas. Unlike previous bombing campaigns, Linebacker II provided the Air Force and U.S. Naval forces with specific objectives and removed many of the restrictions that had previously caused frustration within the Pentagon.
Operation Linebacker II
When we attack US's ally Thailand in 1979, US army also did Nothing to help. Why ?? simple answer: didn't dare to fight against VN army again even it was the fight to help Thailand .(I hope you don't say: Thailand NOT WILLING to fight,too)

So, the Correct reason for US's loss in VN war is: Our amry was better than US, we ruined their morale in long hard VN war.

You have something wrong about Vn war. US tried to attack VN with full Air strike and with best jet fighter in 1972 , but she still lost and had to sign the 'Agreement on Ending the War' in Paris after that.

I do not mind you are bing supernationalistic about Vietnam, but you need to get the fact right.

Vietnam and Thai were NEVER OFFICIALLY at war. What there were is a 3 way fight Vietnam-Laos-Thailand, yes, there are slight harassment of the Thai border and we does support the Thais which support the Laos to form the Khmer People's National Liberation Front. Why we have to fight a war where the allied of our allied is fighting.........Then we will be the allied of the allied of the allied, how complicate is that?

That does not mean if Vietnam were to incurse into Thailand, we will lay down our arms, Vietnamese know that, no matter how much they want, they are refrinted from doing that (Entering Thai border) as they know that will be different than in Vietnam war. If Vietnam was as strong as you said then and Thailand is as weak as you said, Vietnam should have invaded Thailand instead of Laos. As Thailand, not Laos is the problem of Khmer Rogue.

Same deal to North Vietnamese, did you ever wonder why there are no Mass attack arcoss the DMZ to the south with North Vietnam Regular during American present? That is the Viet know an open warfare is in favor the US. Actually this is what we have been expected for the whole war, waiting for the north to invade the south and sbsorb the attack and counter it and thrust back into the North. The problem is the North never did it, instead it played a waiting game, you send your insurgent south to harras the US troop. And as i said many many time, we cannot stay there forever and you have to be there forever. We can't wait but you can, hence the whole game collaspe, this is about the only thing the Viet outsmarted the US.

What Operation linebacker 2 is to bring Hanoi back to the negotiation table. I would understand if you say if we did nothing before Operation Linebacker 2, then it will be a military defeat to the American, but the fact is, after tets, we know the South is not fighting (When you see insurgent penetrate through their heart of land, you know) we have been going for a way out after Tet Offensive. The problem is, the North want an incedable demand and a lot of compensation. While United states will not cave and North Vietnamese left. Everytime they wanted more, we bomb them instead, you could have stayed out of the negotiation if this does not match your goal, but what operation linebacker 2 did it main job, reign you guys back to negotiation table.

In whole Vietnam is just a game to American, we go over there, kill some Vietcong, come back, we did nothing but killing people. And we are good at it, the problem is, Vietnam is not our soil, if South were to win, they need to fight, the fact is they don't, then unless we stay there indefinitely, there are no way South can exist if they gave up already. We saw that, and we said we have enough.

Well, i very much doubt North Vietnamese army are any better than US Army, even with our potheads we still enjoy a 20 to 1 kill rato (North Vietnam/VC lost 20 for every american lost) and you are up against our pothead don't forget.
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