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Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

WTF do you know about "what CHINA thinks". It is your small peninsular that ain't gonna worth any attention, no matter how high you jump!
Surely you are friends, two vicious nations share lots of nature in common!
I think Japan military is important for balance of power in Asia. A rise of Japan is good for Vietnam since we are friends.
Who cares of what China thinks?
WTF do you know about "what CHINA thinks". It is your small peninsular that ain't gonna worth any attention, no matter how high you jump!
Surely you are friends, two vicious nations share lots of nature in common!

Well, from the Vietnamese perspective, it is good to have a strong and powerful friendly nation like Japan to keep China in check. In supporting such move, you cannot deploy all of your military assets against us. The same goes for Japan.

You misunderstand: It is not about cheerleading the Japanese. If you know, how and who we are than you understand we never bow to anyone. It is not bad if Japan provides us military aid (you know we have a long wish list, such as submarines, carriers, etc...). :lol:

First Vietnam-Japan strategic defence dialogue
11/26/2012 5:01:22 PM


(VOV) - Vietnam and Japan will increase cooperation on national defence through delegation exchange and training.
First Vietnam-Japan strategic defence dialogue | VOV Online Newspaper
Yeah, everyone has a long long wish list, but only if you can afford...save your economy first and then talk about those beautiful wishes please...
You bow to nobody? I bet Russians won't be glad to hear that...
Well, from the Vietnamese perspective, it is good to have a strong and powerful friendly nation like Japan to keep China in check. In supporting such move, you cannot deploy all of your military assets against us. The same goes for Japan.

You misunderstand: It is not about cheerleading the Japanese. If you know, how and who we are that you understand we never bow to anyone. It is not bad if Japan provides us military aid (you know we have a long wish list, such as submarines, carriers, etc...). :lol:

First Vietnam-Japan strategic defence dialogue
11/26/2012 5:01:22 PM


(VOV) - Vietnam and Japan will increase cooperation on national defence through delegation exchange and training.
First Vietnam-Japan strategic defence dialogue | VOV Online Newspaper
Yeah, everyone has a long long wish list, but only if you can afford...save your economy first and then talk about those beautiful wishes please...
You bow to nobody? I bet Russians won't be glad to hear that...

I expect the Japanese sell their military toys with discount like the Russians. Half price is good deal. :lol:
japan can get their economy up to a point i seen the products on the net but it is not available anywhere. They have weird cool gadgets. i only seen them on the net. how come they not available anywhere, is this for private Japanese consumers.
^ wells send in the Chinese to repopulate it with young fresh blood. :cheesy:
You do not need to be rich to expand your military. The question is how you can increase technology and inventory for minimum input.

1 very good way and always work is find technological partnership. Where Japan did the R&D and limited production run while the other country support such project financially and enjoy the fruit. For the technology Japanese have now, it's not going to be hard for them to find technological partnership to thrid world country or even first world coutry to support this.

In the old days, war for money and money for war, this saying is seriously outdated. You can start a war without money today, all you need is some determination dude who are willing to put the clause before themselve. You also don't need money for weapon anymore, for the reason explained above.
Keep on dreaming boy, it's really funny to see someone trying to declare their independence from depending on others for all the time...
remember that china is still a communist nation. and US hate communism. this communists must be punished for their greediness.
china only bully small nations ,not with japan
the new version of passport has not include the shenaku islands.
It's funny how Chinese on this forum think.

When it's their own military, they go up and down and open multiple thread to brag about their aircraft, carrier and etc. But when it come down to other's military achievement. They go up and down and said "This is not gonna happen", "Chinese are better and stronger and don't care","China will come down and kick their butt".........

What Japanese want is their business, who they are targeting is also their internal affair, if Chinese say no then does it mean Japan should stop developing what they are developing? They should be allowed to do whatever R&D and arms procurment if they were lied in acceptance level and keep it fair and square. Should they be Japanese own business??

Not just Japanese, vietnamese, filipino, even with the US's F-35 developement, they are already in Mass production phase, yet somehow some Chinese user in this forum say F-35 is not going to happen.....When vietnamese get their's Su-30, they are joy for their achievement, yet the chinese in this forum say More food for Chinese fighter, it won't last 1 hour with the mighty CHinese airforce......How about this, if you start another Liaoning thread, i keep saying it won't last 5 second with 10 of our supercarrier? How about that??

American in this forum express their congratuated view on Chinese first Carrier, Indian in this forum express their congratuated view on Chinese first Carrier, can Chinese just did the same??
Can chinese just look at military achievement of other nation their own business but rather all the world is against Chinese, otherwise why don't the mod just allow bragging of Chinese and Pakistani military achievement and not allow the other, well heck, they are gonna shoot to shxt by the Chinese anyway, what big to post then??

really had enough of these kind of international bashing to be honest.
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