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Japan Defence Forum

JMSDF's surface fleet is composed of a wide array of combatant ships; but the lethality of the Combined Fleet includes 2 helicopter carriers (helicopter destroyers), 40 destroyers, and 6 destroyer escorts, we also have 16 attack submarines, and 30 mineswpeaper countermeasure vessels.

We recently approved the construction of 7 more destroyers of the Atago-Class.

We recently passed a $281 Billion defense bill. We are to build more Soryu class submarines as well.

Besides the USN, yes, we have the most powerful navy in Asia-Pacific.

Yes, we are building 7 more Atago Class Destroyers. 5 more Soryu class submarines. And unspecified number of Kongo Class Destroyers.

Damn, that more than the Type 098 Subs and Type 052D and Type 055 the Chinese is building.
Damn, that more than the Type 098 Subs and Type 052D and Type 055 the Chinese is building.

I think 7 is not enough. It should at least be 10 more.

The United States Navy has 62 destroyers. We only have 46 destroyers. We should be at par with the number of destroyers the Americans have.
Japan Navy would recover to a giant like before.
I oppose to former Japan Imperial Navy but must admit that they ever done a great works on hardwares.
Ensuring Security of Sea Surrounding Japan

In order for the SDF to respond swiftly to various contingencies around Japan, which consists of more than 6,000 islands and is surrounded by a vast body of water, it is extremely important to ensure the safety of the country’s territorial waters and airspace through constant, ongoing activities implemented by the SDF, including continuous intelligence-gathering, patrol and surveillance activities in Japan’s territorial waters and airspace. Through such activities, Japan also contributes to the stabilization of the security environment in the Asia-Pacifi c region.

Surveillance in Waters Surrounding Japan

(1) Basic Concept

The SDF routinely and continuously engages in surveillance activities in the waters surrounding Japan so that it can respond to various emergencies promptly and seamlessly.

(2) Response by the MOD and SDF

The MSDF routinely patrols the waters surrounding Hokkaido, the Sea of Japan, and the East China Sea, using P-3C fi xed-wing patrol aircraft to monitor the numerous vessels that sail through those waters. Furthermore, surveillance activities are conducted with the fl exible use of destroyers and aircraft as required. Thus, a state of readiness is maintained for responding quickly to situations in areas surrounding Japan. In addition, GSDF coastal surveillance units and MSDF security posts conduct 24- hour surveillance activities in the major sea straits. The conceptual image of surveillance activities conducted by the MOD and SDF is as shown in Fig. III-1-1-1.

In recent years, activities by the Chinese Navy and government ships in waters near Japan, including the East China Sea, have been increasing and expanding rapidly. In 2012, for example, there were six incidents of activity by Chinese Navy vessels involving the passage through the southwestern region and one incident of such activity was also confi rmed in waters south of Okinawa. Moreover, since the Japanese government’s acquisition of the ownership of the Senkaku Islands in September 2012, Chinese governmental ships have intermittently intruded into Japanese territorial waters. Therefore, the MOD and SDF are strengthening cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies, including routine information sharing with the Japan Coast Guard, so as to ensure that there is no gap in Japan’s defense and security systems. (See Fig. III-1-1-2)


Response to Submarines Submerged in Japan’s Territorial Waters

(1) Basic Concept

With respect to foreign national submarines navigating underwater in Japan’s territorial waters2, an order for maritime security operations3 will be issued promptly. The submarine will be requested to navigate on the surface of the water and show its fl ag, in accordance with international law, and in the event that the submarine does not comply with the request, it will be requested by the SDF to leave Japanese territorial waters.

(2) Ministry of Defense and SDF Efforts

The MSDF is enhancing capabilities for detecting, identifying, and tracking foreign submarines navigating underwater in the territorial waters of Japan, as well as making the Japanese government’s intentions clear, and improving capabilities for responding to them in shallow water areas. In November 2004, the MSDF P-3C observed a submerged Chinese nuclear-powered submarine navigating underwater in Japanese territorial waters around Sakishima Islands. In response to this, an order for maritime security operations was issued, while MSDF vessels and aircraft continued to track the submarine until it entered the high seas. In May 2013, although there was no intrusion into the territorial waters of Japan, the MSDF P-3C observed submarines navigating underwater in the contiguous zone in succession (in the waters west of Amami Oshima (Kagoshima Prefecture) on the night of May 2, in the waters south of Kumejima (Okinawa Prefecture) at midnight of May 12, and in the waters south of Minami Daitojima (Okinawa Prefecture) in the early morning of May 19). Although international law does not forbid foreign submarines navigating underwater in the contiguous zone of coastal nations, these navigations were announced under the recognition of situations requiring close attention, in light of ongoing emerging issues of observation of submarines navigating underwater in the contiguous zone of the Japanese territorial waters.

Response to Armed Special Operations Vessels

(1) Basic Concept

The Japan Coast Guard, as a police organization, is primarily responsible for responding to suspicious armed special operations vessels (unidentifi ed vessels). However, in the event that it is deemed extremely diffi cult or impossible for the Japan Coast Guard to respond to a situation, an order for maritime security operations will be issued in a timely manner and the SDF will respond to the situation in cooperation with the Japan Coast Guard. In light of the lessons learned from the incident involving an unidentifi ed vessel off Noto Peninsula in 1999 and the incident involving an unidentifi ed vessel in the sea southwest of Kyushu in 2001, the Japanese Government has been taking all necessary precautionary measures while the Ministry of Defense and the SDF have strengthened cooperation with other relevant ministries and agencies.

(2) Ministry of Defense and SDF Efforts

The MSDF is taking the following steps: 1) deployment of missile boats; 2) establishment of the MSDF Special Boarding Unit4; 3) equipment of destroyers with machine guns; 4) furnishing forcible maritime interdiction equipment (fl at-nose shells)5; and 5) improving the suffi ciency ratio of essential military vessel personnel. In addition, the Ministry of Defense and the Japan Coast Guard carry out regular mutual training, information exchange, joint exercises, etc. Based on the “Manual on Joint Strategies concerning Unidentifi ed Vessels,” which was prepared jointly by the Defense Agency and the Japan Coast Guard in 1999, the MSDF and the Japan Coast Guard carry out joint exercises involving pursuit and capture guidelines for unidentifi ed vessels and communications, etc., strengthening cooperation between the two organizations.


Reference: Japan Ministry of Defense
Damn, that more than the Type 098 Subs and Type 052D and Type 055 the Chinese is building.
HEHE... when Japan plan to more 7 Atago Class Destroyers, 2014 in China JN shipyard there'r another new 5x 052D and 1x 052C are being built, right now PLAN has 5x 052C and 1x 052D DDG. Beside JN shipyard, later DaLian shipyard will start 052D and 055 DDGs to build.

Now China DDG building speed is 2x new AESA DDGs each year (Only one JN shipyard, if JN + DaLian building together maybe more),i think the speed will continue next 10 years. At the end of 2014 PLAN will have 6x 052C (N.o170, N.o171, N.o 150, N.o151, N.o152, N.o153) and 2x 052D DDGs (N.o 172, N.o173), the number of AESA DDGs as the same as JMSDF's Aegis DDGs.

As far as i know China plan to have >30x 052C/D and 055 DDGs, although now PLAN's DDGs less than JMSDF's in the future number of China AESA DDGs will overtake Japan's Aegis DDGs.
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HEHE... when Japan plan to more 7 Atago Class Destroyers, 2014 in China JN shipyard there'r another new 5x 052D and 1x 052C are being built, right now PLAN has 5x 052C and 1x 052D DDG. Beside JN shipyard, later DaLian shipyard will start 052D and 055 DDGs to build.

Now China DDG building speed is 2x new AESA DDGs each year (Only one JN shipyard, if JN + DaLian building together maybe more),i think the speed will continue next 10 years. At the end of 2014 PLAN will have 6x 052C and 1x 052D DDGs, the number of AESA DDGs as the same as JMSDF's Aegis DDGs.

As far as i know China plan to have >30x 052C/D and 055 DDGs, although now PLAN's DDG less than JMSDF's in the future number of China AESA DDGs will overtake Japan's Aegis DDGs.

That is just the Atago Class. We are also building unspecified number of Kongo Class destroyers. I agree with you that the Chinese Navy have progressed in these past years.

I would actually like to have a JMSDF-PLAAN-ROKN Naval exercise. A sign of brotherly cooperation.
That is just the Atago Class. We are also building unspecified number of Kongo Class destroyers. I agree with you that the Chinese Navy have progressed in these past years.

I would actually like to have a JMSDF-PLAAN-ROKN Naval exercise. A sign of brotherly cooperation.
It's a ship building era in the NorthEast Asia.

BTW what about Japanese new AESA to replace AN/SPY-1 PESA radar, i don't know now whether Japan can produce AN/SPY-1 or still imported it from America ? The China has type346 AESA for 052C and type346A AESA for 052D, but i don't know what radar for 055 maybe type346A + new X-band small AESA radar.
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It's a ship building era in the NorthEast Asia.

BTW what about Japanese new AESA to replace AN/SPY-1 PESA radar, i don't know now whether Japan can produce AN/SPY-1 or still imported it from America ? The China has type346 AESA for 052C and type346A AESA for 052D, but i don't know what radar for 055 maybe type346A + new X-band small AESA radar.

We cannot forget our friends in South Korea, they, too, have a very solid Naval Force. They have 12 destroyers. Their Gwanggae the Great Class and Sejong the Great Class are quite impressive.

Agree with you that North East Asia is where Naval buildup is seen. Our friends in Russia are no match. Sad to see the position of their Navy, rusting in their ports. I believe PLAAN > Russian Navy.

@cnleio , we produce the AN/SPY-1 , we had technological transfer a while back. We have improved the older American version.
We cannot forget our friends in South Korea, they, too, have a very solid Naval Force. They have 12 destroyers. Their Gwanggae the Great Class and Sejong the Great Class are quite impressive.

Agree with you that North East Asia is where Naval buildup is seen. Our friends in Russia are no match. Sad to see the position of their Navy, rusting in their ports. I believe PLAAN > Russian Navy.
Korea Navy only has 3x Aegis DDGs, although all over 10,000ton after i check their weapons and radar system, i found most bought foreign systems. It means the price of Korean Aegis DDG is expensive and they only built 3x. They r good-looking and huge warship but too expensive.

In S.U time Russian surface ship building base is in Ukraine's black sea coast, submarine building base inside Russia. After 1990 S.U collapsed and Ukraine independence, Russian lost Ukraine shipbuilding base and many Ukraine shipbuilding engineers and skilled workers left the factory.(China imported many experts from Ukraine). Right now Russian is still good at nulcear submarine building coz no any damage to their sub building base in 1990s but surface ship building has gone following Ukraine.
So recent 20 years We didn't see Russian pacific fleet add any new warship, 1. Russian lack money 2. Russian lack latest technology to build new surface warships. In the future the new warship for Russian pacific fleet will be Mistral-class LPD from France. I think now Russian met problems to design warship's new AESA/PESA radar, their type21956 air-defence DDG on the paper and type22350 AESA/PESA FFG stayed in shipyard for many years.

Latest pic of type22350 air-defence FFG, it seems install AESA radar
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Except U.S Navy 7th fleet, In 2014 the 1st rank in East Asia still belong to JMSDF (by DDG and LPD numbers).

Now China PLAN still lack enough DDGs and the situation continue to next 10 years untill many 052D and 055 DDGs building., the rank will depend on China shipbuilding speed and military expenditure. PLAN have many old 051 DDG, 053FFG and 035 sub need to replace in the future, i think we at least need another 20x new DDGs to update PLAN, JMSDF also equip 100+ P3 anti-sub plane and new P-1 their anti-sub strength stronger than current PLAN.
Thank you .China still has a long way to go.
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