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New class DDH-183 IZUMO

Launching a newly-built Soryu Class Submarine !

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Let's put also focus on the Japan Coast Guard!

Japan Coast Guard

Comprising about 12,000 personnel, it is under the oversight of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and is responsible for the protection the coast-lines of Japan. It was founded in 1948.

The duty of the JCG is to ensure security and safety at sea.This provided through the following services:

  • Maritime patrol – patrols Japan's territorial seas and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of (12–200 nautical miles out from the shore which is approximately 4,470,000 km2).
    • Countermeasures against Smuggling and Illegal Immigration
    • Countermeasures against Piracy (Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia-ReCAAP)
    • Counter Terrorism
    • Security against Maritime Conflict – includes the Special Guard Team
    • Surveillance of Illegal Operations by Foreign Fishing Vessels
    • Countermeasures against Suspicious Vessels and/or Spy Ships
    • Dealing with Unlawful Acts by Foreign Oceanographic Research Vessels
    • Patrolling and Guarding the Waters near the disputed Senkaku Islands, Takeshima, and the Northern Territories
  • Search and rescue
  • Hydrographic and oceanographic surveying
  • Maritime traffic management

Organizational Regions

Headquartered in Tokyo, the JCG has divided the nation into eleven regions to facilitate its coast guard operations. Each region maintains a Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, under which there are various Coast Guard Offices, Coast Guard Stations, Air Stations, Hydrographic Observatory, and Traffic Advisory Service Centers.


Reference: Wikipedia, Japan Coast Guard
I do suggest Vietnam member dont argue about China again. No use! Have you guys seen this Japanese guy insult China like Vietnamese? Admire Japanese warship? No use either. They have the poorest resource in the world and earthquake happen everyday! Frankly speaking, while Vietnam even cannot make a good rifle and must use Chinese old grandpa type 56 and Russian old grandpa AK47 weapon and now buy from Israel, and the GDP per capital even quite poorer than the 1.4 billion population China. Yes, Japanese guy do say some cooperation with Vietnam here, but from the deep of Japanese heart, what do they think about Vietnam? Absolutly, they will take "越南の颜面" into account. But a respectful country shouldnt like this. Whatever Vietnam regards China as the badest country in the World or not, everybody else still wants to keep a good cooperation with China and do buisness together. Yes, as the tendency now, after 20 years, Vietnam is still Vietnam, Japan is still Japan, whatever how hard Japan help Vietnam, nothing Changes.
You are wrong about this. Vietnam had self-produced everything from rife to canon to missiles for years. You are behind the times and behind in news. Vietnam has started building gunboats and small missile ships locally. China has a lot of people but the GDP per capita is far behind Japan. Cooperating with Japan and their larger ally, the US is the way to counter China's threat. You are overestimate how much influence PRC has the in the world. Japan helps Vietnam is to help itself since Japan doesn't want to see the shipping lifeline that is the SCS under Chinese control. China wants to control the SCS to put Japan under its influence and to control Asia Pacific, that much is clear.
The entire Article 9 of the Constitution is being reinterpreted, and if parliament approves , we will lift the ban. This is just one of the many changes that will manifest. Currently, government is interested in reinterpreting Article 9 to allow the Japan Self Defense Force to come to the aid of certain allied countries in the event of a contingency. Also, one thing that has been addressed is the issue of a 'First Strike' initiative. This has been addressed by parliament before and by the JSDF.

Well i saw clips of people trying to do that in the floor in the Japanese parliament but some are really aganist it even try to take the mic from the preson speaking anyway chinese imperials are making moves time to secure our territories i hope they get that done
Not exactly current news but something interesting I've just read. This was from the list of most unusual weapons created.

Submarine Aircraft Carriers

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Japanese Navy

At the height of World War II, the Imperial Japanese Navy commissioned a series of Sen Toku I-400 class submarines. These subs were large enough to carry three Aichi M6A Seiran aircraft underwater, surface, launch the planes, and then dive again. The submarines were also equipped with torpedoes.

A total of three of them were completed.

6. Kaiten Torpedoes


Kaiten torpedoes were built by the Imperial Japanese Navy and were in service between 1944 and 1945. These torpedoes were manned and were a variant of the suicide weapons that Japan resorted to towards the end of the war. The torpedoes were launched from submarines and the pilots of the torpedoes could steer the weapons as necessary to inflict maximum damage against an enemy.
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If you're interested in the Imperial Japanese Navy, I recommend this website to you. Its for all who interested in the Nihon Kaigun [Imperial Japanese Navy].

Nihon Kaigun
You are wrong about this. Vietnam had self-produced everything from rife to canon to missiles for years. You are behind the times and behind in news. Vietnam has started building gunboats and small missile ships locally. China has a lot of people but the GDP per capita is far behind Japan. Cooperating with Japan and their larger ally, the US is the way to counter China's threat. You are overestimate how much influence PRC has the in the world. Japan helps Vietnam is to help itself since Japan doesn't want to see the shipping lifeline that is the SCS under Chinese control. China wants to control the SCS to put Japan under its influence and to control Asia Pacific, that much is clear.
Which one is easier? To make every Japanese or Vietnamese people have enough food or to make every Chinese people have enough food and Money? The GDP per capital of Japan is over China is a very nature thing, while for Vietnam, another story.
You are wrong about this. Vietnam had self-produced everything from rife to canon to missiles for years. You are behind the times and behind in news. Vietnam has started building gunboats and small missile ships locally. China has a lot of people but the GDP per capita is far behind Japan. Cooperating with Japan and their larger ally, the US is the way to counter China's threat. You are overestimate how much influence PRC has the in the world. Japan helps Vietnam is to help itself since Japan doesn't want to see the shipping lifeline that is the SCS under Chinese control. China wants to control the SCS to put Japan under its influence and to control Asia Pacific, that much is clear.
There arent too much countries in the World that is able to have a military making system, even India, much bigger and stronger than Vietnam, still is using "international brand" weapon. Vietnam soldiers used type 56 or Ak47 Before, now begin to buy the Tar-21 from Israel. I dont mean Vietnam cannot build some parts, but according to Vietnam's Tech and ability, presently, nope.
Mashu Class

The Mashu class are part of the JMSDF's auxiliary replenishment fleet. There are currently 2 ships in this class, the JDS Mashu and the JDS Omi. Both have a displacement tonnage of 25,000.


JDS Mashu


JDS Mashu



This argument doesn't make sense at all:
1. US sells weapons to China's competition all the time and it is better quality AND lower price than the Japan counterpart.
2. The limitation on Japanese military industry has nothing to do with China and everything to do with US, I don't see how this will change things.
3. We have zero disputes and China is Australia's biggest trading partner by a wide margin and consist of 20% of Australia's total export. Why would Australia be an enemy of China?
Because Australian people are Angle-Saxons.USA+UK+Canada+Australia+NesZealand=The ghost of British Empire.They are united to prevent us from get our honor back.And Angle-Saxons want to rule this planet forever,just like what they have been doing in the past 200 years.
Towada Class

There are 3 ships in the Towada Class, which are part of the auxiliary support fleet. The ships in this class are the JDS Hamana, the JDS Tokiwa and the JDS Towada. They all have a displacement of 15,000 tonnes.


JDS Tokiwa


JDS Hamana


JDS Towada (in the foreground)
Anti-piracy operations

The seas off the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden form an important sea line of communication, tying together Asia and Europe. Every year, around 20,000 ships pass through, including approximately 2,000 vessels related to Japan.

The important ocean area of the Gulf of Aden has in recent years seen the expansion of harm caused by pirates.

In response to these circumstances, Japan has taken measures such as guarding commercial ships by means of escort vessels and maintaining an Anti-Piracy Measures Law based on maritime defense.

Two escort vessels are deployed to the Gulf of Aden to convoy ships, with one positioned at the front of the escorted ship and the other at the back. A course of approximately 900km can be covered in this way over a period of about one and a half days.
P-3C patrol planes carry out patrols in the skies above the Gulf of Aden. Whenever these planes detect suspicious ships, etc., they provide information to the escort vessels, other nations' military vessels, and all private merchant ships navigating the area.

Escort activities in accordance with the Anti-Piracy Measures Law were commenced in 2009, and since then it has become possible to escort not only Japan-related ships but all vessels.

Source: Japan Ministry of Defense











Anti Piracy Task Force - Japan Maritime Self Defense Force








【海外派遣】 海賊から船舶を守れ!JSDF counter piracy activity!

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自衛隊は海賊対処法に基づき、派遣海賊対処行動水上部隊(護衛艦2隻)を派遣し、この海域を通行する船舶の護衛を実施するとともに、広大 な海域における海賊対処をより効果的に行うため、派遣海賊対処行動航空隊(固定翼哨戒機2機)を現地(ジブチ共和国)に派遣して海賊の監視警戒を実施して います。
2011(平成23)年6月からは、派遣海賊対処行動航空隊を効率的かつ効果的に運用するため、ジブチ国際空港北西地区に活動拠点を整備 し、活動拠点を運用しています。 また、海賊対処行動の本格化にともない、ジブチ政府や諸外国部隊・機関などとの現地における連絡調整業務が増大したことに対応するため、12(同24)年 7月にジブチ現地調整所を新編しました。






ジ ブチを飛び立ったP-3Cは、アデン湾を航行する無数の船舶の中に、不審な船舶がいないかどうか確認作業を行っています。同時に、護衛活動に従事する護衛 艦や他国の艦艇、そして周囲を航行する民間船舶に対し情報提供を行い、また、求めがあればただちに周囲が安全かどうか確認するなどの対応をとっています。
09(同 21)年6月に任務を開始して以来、13(同25)年4月30日現在で飛行回数は887回を数え、のべ飛行時間は約6,880時間に及んでいます。識別作 業を行った船舶は約7万100隻であり、周囲を航行する船舶や、海賊対処に取り組む諸外国に情報の提供を行った回数は約7,700回となっています。

Reference: Japan Ministry of Defense
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