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Japan Builds Up Military

Lol , It's your insecurity showing up nothing else...

What a disgusting way of licking the Japanese despite what they have done to Asians which including Indians and you are actually exposing your own natural born inferiority complex as usual in your troll post.:lol:
Read the comment I replied to.. I didn't named China in any of my posts but the genius strangely considers China as the bully of the region. I don't want to reply to rest of your BS .. so take care

If a Pakistani says theres a bully then its India. If its Chinese then its America. If its Indian its obviously China.

Don't try to weasel your way out of this. I know exactly what you were implying.

America controlling Japan's military is fact not BS.

Japan importing strategic weapons like fighters and ABMS is also fact.
LOL, he tried (and failed) to be clever. :azn:

OK as if I need to prove something out of all to lone clever creation on earth.. Chinese .. Oh my god, give me a break from these people who thinks when ever world talk they talk about them.. You are one of the potential threat to Japan not the lone and I wished them build an army to thrash anybody who bully them.. why you started jumping up and down?
OK as if I need to prove something out of all to lone clever creation on earth.. Chinese .. Oh my god, give me a break from these people who thinks when ever world talk they talk about them.. You are one of the potential threat to Japan not the lone and I wished them build an army to thrash anybody who bully them.. why you started jumping up and down?

:coffee: You are wrong.
Whether Japan will become a normal country, the decision is not in China. If the USA allows Japan to normalize, Japan will become a normal country, but the USA does not allow it now.

I said the Indians underestimated Japan. Because they do not know how strong the Japanese. Only Chinese and the Americans know that.
If Japan become a normal country, USA will be driven out of East Asia, the same as the British leave India. And China is no ability to suppress Japan now. The world will add a new superpower.

So the USA does not allows Japan to normalize, and China supports the USA to do so.
:coffee: You are wrong.
Whether Japan will become a normal country, the decision is not in China. If the USA allows Japan to normalize, Japan will become a normal country, but the USA does not allow it now.

I said the Indians underestimated Japan. Because they do not know how strong the Japanese. Only Chinese and the Americans know that.
If Japan become a normal country, USA will be driven out of East Asia, the same as the British leave India. And China is no ability to suppress Japan now. The world will add a new superpower.

The thing is that America decides whether not Japan can become normal. Japan also doesn't mind the protection and arms America gives it.
The thing is that America decides whether not Japan can become normal. Japan also doesn't mind the protection and arms America gives it.

:coffee: Japanese people and Chinese people have the same cultural. What we do, they will choose the same. You should understand the idea of Japanese.
Japanese is not a nation willing to surrender, hidden strength, waiting for an opportunity, that is the Japanese.
:coffee: Japanese people and Chinese people have the same cultural.
You should understand the idea of Japanese. Japanese is not a nation willing to surrender, hidden strength, waiting for an opportunity, that is the Japanese.

True back then but now they are used to American protection. What are they going to do, start a revolt? Only if American protection is not effective.
Japan is 3rd largest economy..do u think they don't have money...???

ok, let me educate you.

japanese government spends more then it makes. it's debt to gdp ratio is skyhigh. the primary voting block in the country is retirees living on pensions. this block of voters wants to cut military spending and send every non-pension related penny balancing the budget. any leader who want to do otherwise will get kicked out. japan already kicked out 4 PMs in the last 4 years.

therefore, japan doesn't have the money or the political will to design and build 5G aircrafts. especially since they have the option to just buy F35s


Like NATO not building missile defenses in eastern europe, I'd advocate to NATO: "Give Japan+Taiwan to the Chinese"..
By not doing so, you'll just start an arms race.

IMO, it's better if the Chinese get more say in the affairs of their own backyard. It'll reduce global tensions, and regional ones too.

On the other hand, China may start to bully their neighbors if these neighbors don't develop some defensive capability.
I just pray the Chinese will be wise and not start a regional arms race.
That includes staying out of Japanese airspace, Chinese!
:coffee: You are wrong.
Whether Japan will become a normal country, the decision is not in China. If the USA allows Japan to normalize, Japan will become a normal country, but the USA does not allow it now.

I said the Indians underestimated Japan. Because they do not know how strong the Japanese. Only Chinese and the Americans know that.
If Japan become a normal country, USA will be driven out of East Asia, the same as the British leave India. And China is no ability to suppress Japan now. The world will add a new superpower.

So the USA does not allows Japan to normalize, and China supports the USA to do so.

You are the lone Chinese on this thread that make any sense. Thanks for being Sane! First thing, US protects Japan not rule it. secondly, USA will be a Japanese ally going forward as well there should be no doubt about it. But at present USA has its own set of huge issues back home and they want to focus on other things. Japan is no threat to US at all so they will help the ally to have a strong Army base to fight the threats to US and others. May be who knows in future US can put up a missile defense shield in Japan like they are doing in Polland.
True back then but now they are used to American protection. What are they going to do, start a revolt? Only if American protection is not effective.

You are right, so China supports the USA.
In recent years, Japan has been to find ways to dismantle the USA bases.
And several Japan Prime Minister began a few close to the China, For example: Shinzo amps, Yasuo Fukuda, Yukio Hatoyama, Naoto Kan... Because they know that China can help Japan to become a normal country.

Like NATO not building missile defenses in eastern europe, I'd advocate to NATO: "Give Japan+Taiwan to the Chinese"..
By not doing so, you'll just start an arms race.

IMO, it's better if the Chinese get more say in the affairs of their own backyard. It'll reduce global tensions, and regional ones too.

On the other hand, China may start to bully their neighbors if these neighbors don't develop some defensive capability.
I just pray the Chinese will be wise and not start a regional arms race.
That includes staying out of Japanese airspace, Chinese!

china's military budget grows with china's GDP. it is not advised any country in the region to start an arms race with china unless they also have 10% annual GDP growth, otherwise it could wreck your economy.
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