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Japan: 50 years of the bullet train

Japanese is super good stranger...Polite, clean,
Yet I think it is a bit of hard to make true friends with them..
Japanese usually hide their opinion very deeply..

Ahahahahah. I like this part : 'style uniforms, were charming and helpful – even bowing to the carriage before they moved to the next compartment. Fellow passengers chatted quietly, or picnicked from their bento boxes. There were no noisy boozed-up football supporters, no businessmen shouting into phones, no spotty teenagers with music leaking from their headphones. Perhaps the only way the Japanese can peacefully coexist in such a crowded country is by sticking to the rules and showing consideration to others; it certainly makes Japan a very civilised country to explore as a tourist.'

This is exactly what I felt when I first visited Japan. The cleanliness ,law and order I have witnessed there is unmatched by any country I have visited in my whole life. Japanese people are soooo law abiding/follow rules/respect authority to the point where sometimes it's as if they are robot. Lol
I don't mean it in a bad way, but in a good way. If only every country in the world was like Japan, then we will be living in a much better /peaceful /harmonious world. You will hardly ever see any protests in Japan no matter what the government does, unlike in countries like Taiwan, China, India, Russia, or even in U. S/european countries.

I will never say it enough, Japan sure is a unique country. Kudos. :tup::cheers:
:tsk: you chinese thais are weird, if these chinese high speed trains aren't safe then we should have had plenty of accidents by now.

Buying things is not about nationalism or ethnicity-ism isn't it? Except during war time, nobody buy things from enemy.
We also welcome Chinese Train to bid as well.
I say I feel safer with Japanses Shinkangsen because 50 years experience, which means that all bugs must have been fixed.

I didn't say we will buy Japanese or Chinese train. I say you all are welcome to bid. After all, nobody is doing charity. Everybody is trading.
I have tried both.
Frankly the China CRH is better than Shinkansen.
It is newly made, faster, copy the advantage of Shinkansen, Siemens and other fast train.
while Shinkansen is a bit of slower and 4 times more expensive..
But Japan is much smaller than China, Shinkansen don`t need to be that fast...

Well done Japan! Thank you so much for the years of innovation you have given the world. I had the great pleasure on travelling on Japan's bullet trains and enjoyed every minute. I will never forget the pretty Japanese girls giggling, as I sat their excited at my first journey.
Japan made cool train, will try Shinkansen in the future, eager to find out the difference of Shinkansen and CRH.

50 years ago, China had nothing but poverty, the same as India, our industrialization didn't even start yet, but now, just 50 years later we have the world's largest railway network, we have strong industrial base, we are also competing with Japan by exporting high speed trains to both poor countries and developed countries, to everywhere in the world, huge development. China will do better.
I have tried both.
Frankly the China CRH is better than Shinkansen.
It is newly made, faster, copy the advantage of Shinkansen, Siemens and other fast train.
while Shinkansen is a bit of slower and 4 times more expensive..
But Japan is much smaller than China, Shinkansen don`t need to be that fast...

I agree.
50 years ...that's cool

2013: In some cities in Japan the road maintenance department has vehicles which run every day on the road as per set schedule scanning the roads. During a set number of days they complete the scanning of the roads and then start all over again. The vehicles scan the roads for cracks which are not visible but may be forming inside the asphalt layer and may result in visible damage above later on. They use lasers to scan the roads. The purpose of all this is to repair the damage before it shows up.

When an employee was asked since how many months have you been using this technology of using laser to scan the roads. The employee replied this is a very old technology and we are using it since many years. When asked for how long, the employee replied since some 20+ years

In some states in US the road authorities have an app which you can download on your smart phone. If you see any asphalt damage on the roads all you have to do is take a photo of it using the app and the relevant government authority will get the photo with a GPS tag.

Within a week or two the repair work is executed.
2013: In some cities in Japan the road maintenance department has vehicles which run every day on the road as per set schedule scanning the roads. During a set number of days they complete the scanning of the roads and then start all over again. The vehicles scan the roads for cracks which are not visible but may be forming inside the asphalt layer and may result in visible damage above later on. They use lasers to scan the roads. The purpose of all this is to repair the damage before it shows up.

When an employee was asked since how many months have you been using this technology of using laser to scan the roads. The employee replied this is a very old technology and we are using it since many years. When asked for how long, the employee replied since some 20+ years

In some states in US the road authorities have an app which you can download on your smart phone. If you see any asphalt damage on the roads all you have to do is take a photo of it using the app and the relevant government authority will get the photo with a GPS tag.

Within a week or two the repair work is executed.

Yes, this is absolutely true. Civil works , roadside planning , urban planning, are all within the responsibility of each prefecture's Civil Engineering district, which in turn has offices for each town and city. It is mandatory to make weekly examinations / inspections.This in turn allows a prompt amelioration of any pot holes, or any unsightly problems.
2013: In some cities in Japan the road maintenance department has vehicles which run every day on the road as per set schedule scanning the roads. During a set number of days they complete the scanning of the roads and then start all over again. The vehicles scan the roads for cracks which are not visible but may be forming inside the asphalt layer and may result in visible damage above later on. They use lasers to scan the roads. The purpose of all this is to repair the damage before it shows up.

VIS spectrum lasers will scatter off the 1st layer of asphalt and would not even get close to penetrating into the deeper layers. In addition, the unevenness of the 1st asphalt layer would cause incoherent scattering and mask the signal from true cracks. I highly doubt asphalt transmits in IR.
Buying things is not about nationalism or ethnicity-ism isn't it? Except during war time, nobody buy things from enemy.
We also welcome Chinese Train to bid as well.
I say I feel safer with Japanses Shinkangsen because 50 years experience, which means that all bugs must have been fixed.

I didn't say we will buy Japanese or Chinese train. I say you all are welcome to bid. After all, nobody is doing charity. Everybody is trading.

China Railways Safety Record: A Comparative Study | Hidden Harmonies China Blog
January 7, 2013

  1. Railways are the safest means of transportation among all methods in this study.
  2. Railway safety-wise, China and France are about twice as safe as Japan and Germany.
  3. You are about 2.2 times as likely to die in an American airplane as in a Chinese rail car, traveling the same distance.
  4. You are about 200 times as likely to die in a vehicle on an American highway as in a Chinese rail car, traveling the same distance.

China has experienced a building boom in railways, especially high-speed railways (HSRs). There are many detractors outside of China pointing to its perceived shortcomings, especially its safety record, after the 2011 Wenzhou train crash that claimed 40 lives. Recently the longest HSR line in the world between Beijing and Guangzhou became operational, and in reporting it almost all Western coverage brought up the Wenzhou crash.

The purpose of this post is to answer these questions: are Chinese railways safe, and how safe?
LOL neither Chinese nor Japanese trains can accommodate thousands of Indians riding on the roof. Indians are so poor they can afford nothing except bovine powered vehicles. But they will talk as if they can afford Rafale :rofl:
I will never try those Japanese trains. I can ride HSR, we are unlike pathetic Indians who has to buy from others.
I'm more afraid of the mass fatalities, sitting on top of those trains isn't a good idea
Come to bid Thailand's project! We need good quality Japanese train. I would feel saver riding Japanese Shinkangsen than China high speed train as the later has less experience. For the same price, I will choose Japanese train any time. But I guess it is not the same price. If the ticket price is too high, I simply need air plane, or bus.

I really need good train coz I would like to travel with many friends and many bikes.

Since 2001 the Japanese Shinkansen 5 accident, killing 114 people, injuring 493 people.
Only Chinese things will be amplified blindly.

Its India's decision to either choose us or China to build India's own Shinkansen. Does India prefer Japanese technology and expertise with an unblemished 50 year record history, or does it prefer China's own design ?

I know what you mean, you mean the Japanese Shinkansen safety, China is not...

Ha-ha you didn't say without mincing words expression, but hinted , ha ha:wave:
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