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Japan: 50 years of the bullet train

Japan made cool train, will try Shinkansen in the future, eager to find out the difference of Shinkansen and CRH.

50 years ago, China had nothing but poverty, the same as India, our industrialization didn't even start yet, but now, just 50 years later we have the world's largest railway network, we have strong industrial base, we are also competing with Japan by exporting high speed trains to both poor countries and developed countries, to everywhere in the world, huge development. China will do better.
Its India's decision to either choose us or China to build India's own Shinkansen. Does India prefer Japanese technology and expertise with an unblemished 50 year record history, or does it prefer China's own design ?


I prefer Japanese, way too mature and experienced. And I don't care if Chinese members get offended= their govt has for 2 decades pushed projects off their engineers for symbolic victories and not given them enough freedom for quality issues, this makes the stuff really trashy. I don't trust their tech.
I prefer Japanese, way too mature and experienced. And I don't care if Chinese members get offended= their govt has for 2 decades pushed projects off their engineers for symbolic victories and not given them enough freedom for quality issues, this makes the stuff really trashy. I don't trust their tech.

Yep just like Fukushima - "mature and experienced" technology.

The difference between us and Japan is that we are an open society, and all our faults are for the world to see. Meanwhile, Japan is a closed society, and no one really knows what is going on. Just look at the response to the 2008 earthquake vs. the response to the 2011 earthquake. One was open for the whole world to see, the other was mired in secret until the disaster could no longer be contained.

And of course, no matter what happens, India is the consumer - it is not the producer. You use the tools and buy it, at loss, from elsewhere.
Yep just like Fukushima - "mature and experienced" technology.

The difference between us and Japan is that we are an open society, and all our faults are for the world to see. Meanwhile, Japan is a closed society, and no one really knows what is going on. Just look at the response to the 2008 earthquake vs. the response to the 2011 earthquake. One was open for the whole world to see, the other was mired in secret until the disaster could no longer be contained.

And of course, no matter what happens, India is the consumer - it is not the producer. You use the tools and buy it, at loss, from elsewhere.

Sc**ew you-that was because of a natural disaster. If you want to push under the carpet that there are systemic policy issues that have been plaguing your manufacturing, that's your problem man. No engineer designs/ intends to design a rocket that veers into a village and kills everyone there. That happens only when they have 'orders' not to destroy the damn thing when it goes off course. You don't have the credentials to match Japan. Instead of being Jingoistic, if you worked towards it I'd respect you more. Until then, the difference between you and Japan is quite a lot.
Sc**ew you-that was because of a natural disaster. If you want to push under the carpet that there are systemic policy issues that have been plaguing your manufacturing, that's your problem man. No engineer designs/ intends to design a rocket that veers into a village and kills everyone there. That happens only when they have 'orders' not to destroy the damn thing when it goes off course. You don't have the credentials to match Japan. Instead of being Jingoistic, if you worked towards it I'd respect you more. Until then, the difference between you and Japan is quite a lot.

Why are you so mad? Is it not the truth? Is it because you have no achievements such as Beidou global navigation, the fastest supercomputer in the world and quantum communications? Does Japan have them? No. So what do you mean "credentials"?

Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information news/ quantum-communications-leap-out-of-the-lab-1.15093

I noticed Indians like talking "credentials" instead of "knowledge". Many of my colleagues are the same way. They're here for the "degree". They're not here for the "work experience" and "knowledge". That's quite unfortunate.
Fukushima was built to withstand 12 magnitude earthquake, Hannah but only 7 magnitude shook make it leak. India call in the Japanese to built for them the nuclear reactor. Because supa powah Modi said all India population are dumb.
Fukushima was built to withstand 12 magnitude earthquake, Hannah but only 7 magnitude shook make it leak. India call in the Japanese to built for them the nuclear reactor. Because supa powah Modi said all India population are dumb.

It wasn't the earthquake that caused the Fukishima meltdown, it was the tsunami.
That is a lied, earthquake shook leak the reactor then tsunami came along make it kaboom. The earthquake only give 7 magnitude and it claim can withstand 12 magnitude.
Japan made cool train, will try Shinkansen in the future, eager to find out the difference of Shinkansen and CRH.

CRH using improved/ modified Shinkansen from Japan. Kawasaki transfered tech to China and helped them build CRH2. Itwas lated modified/ improved to CRH380A which is in use these days on major routs apart from other modal inspired / is Seimens Velaro known as CRH3 and CRH380B



50 years ago, China had nothing but poverty, the same as India, our industrialization didn't even start yet, but now, just 50 years later we have the world's largest railway network, we have strong industrial base, we are also competing with Japan by exporting high speed trains to both poor countries and developed countries, to everywhere in the world, huge development. China will do better.
Ture!! China has achieved almost impossible feat. It is impossible to emulate by any country in world today. But it never fail to inspire developing countries across globe.
CRH using improved/ modified Shinkansen from Japan. Kawasaki transfered tech to China and helped them build CRH2. Itwas lated modified/ improved to CRH380A which is in use these days on major routs apart from other modal inspired / is Seimens Velaro known as CRH3 and CRH380B

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Ture!! China has achieved almost impossible feat. It is impossible to emulate by any country in world today. But it never fail to inspire developing countries across globe.

No we modified and bettered Siemens technology mainly
50 years , Japan choose Train and Pakistan choose PIA , and after 50 years , Japan is top of world and we are still buying crappy second hand planes
Come to bid Thailand's project! We need good quality Japanese train. I would feel saver riding Japanese Shinkangsen than China high speed train as the later has less experience. For the same price, I will choose Japanese train any time. But I guess it is not the same price. If the ticket price is too high, I simply need air plane, or bus.

I really need good train coz I would like to travel with many friends and many bikes.
Come to bid Thailand's project! We need good quality Japanese train. I would feel saver riding Japanese Shinkangsen than China high speed train as the later has less experience. For the same price, I will choose Japanese train any time. But I guess it is not the same price. If the ticket price is too high, I simply need air plane, or bus.

I really need good train coz I would like to travel with many friends and many bikes.
:tsk: you chinese thais are weird, if these chinese high speed trains aren't safe then we should have had plenty of accidents by now.
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