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Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

1)Breaking oath and suspending constitution 2 and committing HIGH TREASON with respect of Article 6.
2) Killing of 3000 soldiers in Kargil.

1-Their re worse offenders then President Musharraf out their right now. When we have the Sharif of Pakistan and Mr.10% out on the loose, President Musharraf is just a needle in the hay stake.
2-The job of a General is to train his soldiers for war. And when a General thinks his soldiers are ready, he can march them off toward war, thats what he did but he didn't get any political support. And no matter what anyone said everyone knew about this war and our soldiers were ready for it.
I would just like to add on one thing. These soldiers weren't killed. They were martyred in the midst of war.
For those going ga-ga over Lt Gen Jamshed Kiyani's motivated interview, here is something to ponder over:

Dawn Editorial

Revisiting Kargil

THE timing of former Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kyani’s outburst on the Kargil conflict and other major events that have taken place under Gen Pervez Musharraf’s tenure as the COAS and president is at once remarkable and unsettling. Indeed a probe should be held into Kargil for the military high command allegedly going to war without the approval of the elected government, but if nothing else the motive of the general for speaking up long after retirement when neither his job nor privileges are on the line remain open to question. Why is it that after so many years of Mr Musharraf’s being in power so many ex-servicemen have ganged up on him, as it were? Taking his cue from Gen Kyani, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has called for an investigation into the Kargil conflict, which is not surprising given his desire to punish President Musharraf for overthrowing his government in October 1999 in the aftermath of the episode. Mr Sharif says he was not ‘fully’ aware of the details of the operation; he stands vindicated by Gen Kyani and feels now is the opportunity to hit back at Mr Musharraf.

However, this is at a time when the country is facing a crisis of governance due to the ruling coalition’s differences over the reinstatement of the judges who were sent packing under the Provisional Constitution Order of Nov 3 last year. The PPP has refused to honour its commitment made in the Bhurban Declaration stipulating that the judges be restored through a resolution in parliament followed by an executive order. This exposes the party’s lack of homework on the issue before it signed the declaration. The PML-N has also refused to budge from its position, rejecting the restoration of judges and reforming the judicial system through a wider constitutional package proposed by the PPP. The demand for a probe into Kargil may pressure the PPP but given the tacit US backing of the party, it has sustained such pressure so far.

As for the people pinning their hopes on the government while bearing the brunt of issues like food inflation, the energy crisis and terrorism targeting government personnel, foreign missions and ordinary citizens alike, the picture that emerges is not very comforting. Parliament has yet to open the budget debate, Baloch nationalists have yet to be calmed while lawyers threaten to march on the capital to press for the reinstatement of judges. These are some of the challenges that need to be addressed immediately. The people are more interested in getting their pressing issues resolved rather than letting a former general or a politician, howsoever popular, settle a vendetta, as Mr Sharif’s demand for a Kargil probe may well be seen at this time.

DAWN - Editorial; June 05, 2008
Listen the simple fact is that if he was a core commander at the time then he is unlikely to know about it, let alone know who else knew about it. Given he himself has said that core commanders didnt know about it.
I dont blame this general so much as I blame the media, they are trying to destroy the very fabric of the army. The army is an old, powerful and complicated institution, but to take out these matters of personal differences so bluntly infront of the T.V. is most improper. This general has behaved irresponsiblity and Sharif being the desperate man he is will cling on to it like a vindication even though technically its just (bitter)camp gossip, the claims in which are nothing new.
For those going ga-ga over Lt Gen Jamshed Kiyani's motivated interview, here is something to ponder over:

Dawn Editorial

Revisiting Kargil

THE timing of former Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kyani’s outburst on the Kargil conflict and other major events that have taken place under Gen Pervez Musharraf’s tenure as the COAS and president is at once remarkable and unsettling. Indeed a probe should be held into Kargil for the military high command allegedly going to war without the approval of the elected government, but if nothing else the motive of the general for speaking up long after retirement when neither his job nor privileges are on the line remain open to question. Why is it that after so many years of Mr Musharraf’s being in power so many ex-servicemen have ganged up on him, as it were? Taking his cue from Gen Kyani, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has called for an investigation into the Kargil conflict, which is not surprising given his desire to punish President Musharraf for overthrowing his government in October 1999 in the aftermath of the episode. Mr Sharif says he was not ‘fully’ aware of the details of the operation; he stands vindicated by Gen Kyani and feels now is the opportunity to hit back at Mr Musharraf.

However, this is at a time when the country is facing a crisis of governance due to the ruling coalition’s differences over the reinstatement of the judges who were sent packing under the Provisional Constitution Order of Nov 3 last year. The PPP has refused to honour its commitment made in the Bhurban Declaration stipulating that the judges be restored through a resolution in parliament followed by an executive order. This exposes the party’s lack of homework on the issue before it signed the declaration. The PML-N has also refused to budge from its position, rejecting the restoration of judges and reforming the judicial system through a wider constitutional package proposed by the PPP. The demand for a probe into Kargil may pressure the PPP but given the tacit US backing of the party, it has sustained such pressure so far.

As for the people pinning their hopes on the government while bearing the brunt of issues like food inflation, the energy crisis and terrorism targeting government personnel, foreign missions and ordinary citizens alike, the picture that emerges is not very comforting. Parliament has yet to open the budget debate, Baloch nationalists have yet to be calmed while lawyers threaten to march on the capital to press for the reinstatement of judges. These are some of the challenges that need to be addressed immediately. The people are more interested in getting their pressing issues resolved rather than letting a former general or a politician, howsoever popular, settle a vendetta, as Mr Sharif’s demand for a Kargil probe may well be seen at this time.

DAWN - Editorial; June 05, 2008

The timing of Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kyani to disclose this is perfectly right.He was a LT.Gen for God's sake, he knows his duties, he is'nt supposed to speak against his superiors and critisize them in public.He would be considered as a traitor if he does so...he can very well do so after retirement.You would see ex.generals and other army officers critisizing the govt. policies of the Vietnam war after they have retired, but have you ever heard the present generals in the US army speaking-out about Govt. policy in Iraq???,,,...but, later after they retire they most probabily will write a book, on the matter hoping to change certain things.

Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kyani was a perfect soldier, now hopes to make certain facts known to the Public!!!
A 'perfect' general who said that one Pakistani general is equal to three Indian generals, just so that you know...among many other things that you might not find to your liking...

And frankly in relation to Kargil or Lal Masjid he never gave any 'facts', thats the thing with Pakistani media, facts are not a concern of theirs nearly as much as controversial opinions...With due respect I suggest you go over this interview yourself before expressing your views.
obviously thousand doesn't mean exactly thousand, but what i wanna say, if the army was not with musharraf he would have been kicked out long time ago. these politicians know that they cant kick him out unless army stand against him, thats why they try creating stories of army standing up against him.
Has the Pakistani nation forgotten about Nawaz Sharif's mysterious activities as a PM? Do you remember that during his first tenure as PM on weekends,he used to book a whole train coach from Lahore to Islamabad and used to enjoy the company of poor but famous singer Naheed Akhtar during the journey !! (see the newspapers of 1991-92) . He was the most foolish,dunce,thick-headed and nincompoop PM Pakistan has ever had. He used to be more interested in eating and eating instead of concentrating on the briefings and presentations he was called to attend. I am sure he must have been wondering that what "TEA-BREAK" the Army Officers are going to offer him once the briefing finishes. That is the reason he does not remember about what all he was told about Kargil.(If you are from Army you will know it that some people judge the standard of a presentation from the quality of TEA-BREAK !!)Nawaz Sharif never disclosed that he was kept in dark on Kargil issue. Just read the newspapers of those days when Kargil war was going on. Or before he went to USA or when he returned after meeting Clinton he never said that he did not know about how,when or why Pakistan was fighting in Kargil. Now he says he went to save the face of Pakistan Army (By withdrawing from the posts that our Army had snatched from Indian Army-he saved our face or ditched us???) The problem with Pakistanis is that they forget the events very quickly. I can bet that if Musharraf had not kicked him out on 12 Oct 1999 then this Kargil affair would never have come up,because he was an equal partner in that. And if as PM he was not aware of what his subordinates,the Army Cheif and the Air Chief were doing then what more proof is needed that he was an incompetant and inefficient PM ??
A hypothetical situation:If it is possible to have an enquiry on Kargil completed before the by-elections,this same Nawaz Sharif is going to give up his demand of conducting that enquiry. Because that way his true face will be exposed and he will not be able to win the by-election. Now he knows that an enquiry can never be held for Kargil therefore he is asking to have it done. Tell him that we are holding an enquiry and just see that he will be ****-scared !!!
The timing of Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kyani to disclose this is perfectly right.He was a LT.Gen for God's sake, he knows his duties, he is'nt supposed to speak against his superiors and critisize them in public.He would be considered as a traitor if he does so...he can very well do so after retirement.You would see ex.generals and other army officers critisizing the govt. policies of the Vietnam war after they have retired, but have you ever heard the present generals in the US army speaking-out about Govt. policy in Iraq???,,,...but, later after they retire they most probabily will write a book, on the matter hoping to change certain things.

Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kyani was a perfect soldier, now hopes to make certain facts known to the Public!!!

Please don't comment where you don't know what you are saying or just refrain from making ill-informed comments here. When someone at a rank as senior as a Lt Gen has a difference in principle, he can resign and due to the service already rendered, 99% of the time the resignation is accepted with pension. So the issue of speaking while in service does not apply here. There are other honorable ways to show your dissenting views, one being you quit with izzat. Jamshed Kiyani sahib for some reason did not think about this option. :rolleyes:

In Pakistan, the tradition of stepping aside when there are differences is very pronounced. Gen Jehangir Karamat (CoAS) stepped aside when he disagreed with the policies of the then PM. In the past, others had disagreed with the then C-in-C Pakistan Army Gen Auyb Khan and stepped aside. This included Lt Gen Habibullah who could not get along with Gen Musa. Later on during the times of Gen Yahya Khan (President and C-in-C), Lt Gen Yaqub Khan did the same.

So don't kid me with the above clarifications. Officers of the rank of Brigadiers have retired/resigned pre-maturely in the Pakistan Army due to differences with the leadership of the time. A Lt Gen is certainly within his right to quit if he disagrees with what's going on.
With pakistanies like him, who needs an enemy. Everybody is seeming to accuse musharraf of everything as if NS was all innocent. What kind of shitty PM was he if he had no conrtol over the PA and did not know what was going on. I dont buy it. He knew everything but he in the end put all blame on Musharraf because he could not bear the pressure that he should have been being the PM.
I agree with you. WE DO NOT NEED ENEMIES. We have LT GEN(R) JAMSHED GULZAR KIYANI, SHAHID MASOOD, HAMID MIR AND KASHIF ABBASI. They are enough to help complete our enemy's mission !!!!!
This Kashmiri Klan is very dangerous , Hamid Mir, Abbasi, Kiyani, Mian N ji, Mir Shakeel (Geo owner). Shahid Masood never know another Kashmiri.
Does any one know if the ex Nazim of Rawalpindi Tariq Kiyani and Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani are relatives or not. Being Kiyani they are from the same tribe but is their any relashionship between them or not????
If this is true, then it validates my suspicion that he is another one of those who has gone the Hamid Gul way, and is placing some twisted loyalty to the Taliban over his own nation.

It would also explain his distortion of things like the Phosphorous grenades, since he would want nothing more than to discredit the GoP's fight against terrorism and present the terrorist in a good light.

This would be sick, and a complete betrayal to Pakistan.

What if someone said that he is an alien from mars and landed on Pakistan and later became a corps commander. Hmmm. Yeah I believe that.

Lots of people critisize Musharraf why is he any different? explain.

It is the charactar of democracy, look at the Q-league that is now openly attacking Musharraf that he was behind the Anti-Judicioury move that he sent our troops to tribal areas and supported US war on our soil. It is clear from where his voice is coming from and it is from the many angry people who were sanctioned under Musharraf rule.

Did you even read the report on what Musharraf did with the Pakistani money when he went abroad, he spent millions of dolars on golf trips and othe recreational things:disagree:. It was only after the coalition Government came that the wider public knew about this, I read yesterday that a Pakistani jouranlist who saw a raptor fly over Pakistan from a Pakistani Airbase was just released things are changing and they will bite Musharraf.
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