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Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

When a ship is sinking…rats are the first to run away…

Gen (retd) Jamshed Kiyani proved once again that the only group to tarnish the image of Army is none other than the Army guys themselves…..:tsk:

Although I am not in favour of many policies by Musharaffs, but I do feel bad for the serving Army lot ….While CoAS is taking drastic steps and using every trick in his kitty to restore the Army’s image in publics eyes, one such (Gen Jamshed Kiyani) idiot ruins everything…I don’t know what provoked him to come on National TV but whatever it was, he has once again neutralised all the efforts by CoAS….

P.S…I am sure that Gen Jamshed (retd) will be a very happy man after receiving his June’s Bank Statement...:partay:
One question crossess my mind after seeing the interview of Gen Jamshed Gulzar and reading through the "very very responsible" statements of Gen Qayyum (steel mill) and others like them......why doesn't the Army train its officers to become crooks like Pakistani politicians??? I mean to say that how come these Generals become so naive/goofs on hoof and simpletons when they are confronted with bogey anchormen of TV channels and then they start coughing out all the SECRET / TOP SECRET and other classified matters. Then they just forget what they have been teaching junior officers like us, that do not discuss official matters even at your home.Instead of that they want to become TV stars by appearing on the TV. Can somebody let them know that by appearing on TV you do not neccessariliy become HEROES.You can become VILLAINS as well,as has happened in your cases SIR JEEEEE.
When a ship is sinking…rats are the first to run away…

Gen (retd) Jamshed Kiyani proved once again that the only group to tarnish the image of Army is none other than the Army guys themselves…..:tsk:

Although I am not in favour of many policies by Musharaffs, but I do feel bad for the serving Army lot ….While CoAS is taking drastic steps and using every trick in his kitty to restore the Army’s image in publics eyes, one such (Gen Jamshed Kiyani) idiot ruins everything…I don’t know what provoked him to come on National TV but whatever it was, he has once again neutralised all the efforts by CoAS….

P.S…I am sure that Gen Jamshed (retd) will be a very happy man after receiving his June’s Bank Statement...:partay:
The bank statements will not matter much for him because in terms of Qazi Hussain Ahmed's words Jamshed Gulzar was not a Corps Commander but he was a CRORE COMMANDER. I think his next move should be that Gen Jamshed should appear on the TV again and announce that he is giving up all the plots of land,QMG plot,AG's plot ,QMG land and other perks that he got from Musharraf (Ex-COAS).The reason would be that "I do not agree with the policies of Musharraf !! so my ZAMEER BHAI says that I should disassociate my self from any such thing which Musharraf gave me"

What is more interesting that you seem to be deaf and blind when comes to who is the real target.....

Why is Nawaz so willing to see the Judiciary rise, why Asif so willing to see the Judiciary rise why are the people protesting ask yourself that question.... I cant believe I am going to explain this to you...

Who will the Judiciary attack first should I say, is it Nawaz is it Asif is it the nation... I wonder who will be the victim of its power hmmm... Musharraf... he has a pending trail... he might have bought little bit of time but there is no running, after the Judiciary returns.

The coalition government cant impeach Musharraf, because the bogus senate which was elected during his tenure is yes musharraf, it will be by next year when there will be new elections, until then he is protected by his clerks who he so well paid and looked after. But the Judiciary is lose it will bite musharraf.... Who is hiding what... no one mate we all are waiting for the Judiciary to step in the ring.
Restoration of the Judiciary is not the main issue for us Musharraf supporters. Pakistan can only be strengthened by having an independent judiciary. So you won't find us complaining about that as we all believe in "Pakistan first" and not Musharraf, or CJP, or NS or Zardari first.

The problem with restoration of judiciary (or of the former CJP) is that he himself has become too politicized. The former CJP owes too many favors to the politicians (esp. PML-Q) and he is allowing himself to be used by Nawaz Sharif and team to the fullest possible extent. For as long as the problem of the restoration of judiciary revolves around Iftikhar Chaudhry, don't expect any stability in Pakistan. Even if he is restored, the problems and instability will continue as PML-Q will instigate the judiciary (Iftikhar Chaudhry) against PPP and Asif Zardari (not that I would mind seeing him being taken to task), however the end game leaves Nawaz Sharif on top, which to me is totally unacceptable as he is just as destructive, corrupt and self-serving as Zardari.
Restoration of the Judiciary is not the main issue for us Musharraf supporters. Pakistan can only be strengthened by having an independent judiciary. So you won't find us complaining about that as we all believe in "Pakistan first" and not Musharraf, or CJP, or NS or Zardari first..

What, this is new revelation, the harsh hate for the Judiciary probably soften over the course of time, this is new blain I remember your comments on that fetal day when Musharraf imposed Musharraf law on Judiciary. I think for this part of your argument I feel you have lost the ability understand what is going on and who are the players in the Judiciary struggle, to be honest your probably the top analyst when it comes to military, I always notice something important being picked up by you on military analyses, here I feel you chose the wrong figure heads, its not the CJP its Chaudri Aitazaz who is important on these matters of Judicial crisis, the person who started this long march short march, restore boycott, its all to do with Aitazaz and he has been the real player, infact what I was told by lawyer, it was him who was informed by the Attorney General Musharraf's clerk that if you don't stop this case against Musharraf who Aitazaz launched successfully "You wont have any Judiciary left by the time we are done with you" and that is how Aitazaz knew that there will be a mini Marshall law initiated by Musharraf, Aitazaz has a personal vendetta with Musharraf, I think you must have missed the confrontational headlines of Aitazaz vs Musharraf.

The problem with restoration of judiciary (or of the former CJP) is that he himself has become too politicized. The former CJP owes too many favors to the politicians (esp. PML-Q) and he is allowing himself to be used by Nawaz Sharif and team to the fullest possible extent. For as long as the problem of the restoration of judiciary revolves around Iftikhar Chaudhry, don't expect any stability in Pakistan. Even if he is restored, the problems and instability will continue as PML-Q will instigate the judiciary (Iftikhar Chaudhry) against PPP and Asif Zardari (not that I would mind seeing him being taken to task), however the end game leaves Nawaz Sharif on top, which to me is totally unacceptable as he is just as destructive, corrupt and self-serving as Zardari.

I agree with you on the bold bit and other parts, but doesn't everyone know this if not, Chaudri saab was made CJP because he was so political minded, and Musharraf cant life under active pure Judiciary he would get in all sorts of problems especially him breaking the constitution of Pakistan which is punishable by death, Nawaz does not favor CJP, let me give you an insight, I know you favor this dictator and hence I feel you might have lost your touch in understanding politics here, this is the same CJP who legitimized the illegal case against Nawaz and his Chair person, this the same CJP who said Nawaz to go search a new home Musharraf is so called legitimized for his actions and it was him who signed the petition to allow him to wear his rug. Why did CJP bite the hand that fed him I have said this before when this happened in the march 07 thread, I felt it was extraordinary that Musharraf clerk didn't like Musharraf's actions immediately, it was because they wanted to safe their skins and that they didn't want to lose their jobs that was the real reason blain, nothing to do with anti Musharraf, where did it come from it came suddenly from the missing persons cases and steal mill blunder that PM Aziz did in some way the PM wanted this to happen because of his blunders who Musharraf trusted so much, Musharraf had to pay with his own credentials, no wonder that corrupt ran back to US. Chaudri wont go against Zardari he said that when he was released because Zardari might have a lose Aitazaz at the moment but when required he shall never allow Chaudri point fingers at any who attack the political structure. Look I am not in favor of CJP he was Musharraf's back door henchmen and he later bit his hand for not feeding him anymore, but at the moment CJP will be used by Aitazaz, to attack Musharraf and this time put him on trail. Nawaz wants revenge and he will take it by using the same man who once trailed him for hijacking.
When a ship is sinking…rats are the first to run away…

Gen (retd) Jamshed Kiyani proved once again that the only group to tarnish the image of Army is none other than the Army guys themselves…..:tsk:

Although I am not in favour of many policies by Musharaffs, but I do feel bad for the serving Army lot ….While CoAS is taking drastic steps and using every trick in his kitty to restore the Army’s image in publics eyes, one such (Gen Jamshed Kiyani) idiot ruins everything…I don’t know what provoked him to come on National TV but whatever it was, he has once again neutralised all the efforts by CoAS….

P.S…I am sure that Gen Jamshed (retd) will be a very happy man after receiving his June’s Bank Statement...:partay:

Actually nothing wrong in his speaking out. No one should be above crticism. Only thing which makes it suspicious is the timing of his statement. Pakistan must have a impartial commission to find out the truth. While the findings of the commision can be kept locked away like in UK for 30 - 50 years one day the truth must be known.

Listen folks !! the rats have decided to jump off the sinking ship. Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar,Lt Gen Qayyum and Lt Gen Moeen Haider are trying their best to jump off the sinking ship of Musharraf. They do not realise that they will not be able to swim through the sea. Seeing their displayed character the public is not so foolish so as not to recognise the true faces of these GOOD WEATHER FRIENDS. Imagine what will be their plight if Musharraf steers clear of all this mess. Will they have any face left to show off ???
What, this is new revelation, the harsh hate for the Judiciary probably soften over the course of time, this is new blain I remember your comments on that fetal day when Musharraf imposed Musharraf law on Judiciary. I think for this part of your argument I feel you have lost the ability understand what is going on and who are the players in the Judiciary struggle, to be honest your probably the top analyst when it comes to military, I always notice something important being picked up by you on military analyses, here I feel you chose the wrong figure heads, its not the CJP its Chaudri Aitazaz who is important on these matters of Judicial crisis, the person who started this long march short march, restore boycott, its all to do with Aitazaz and he has been the real player, infact what I was told by lawyer, it was him who was informed by the Attorney General Musharraf's clerk that if you don't stop this case against Musharraf who Aitazaz launched successfully "You wont have any Judiciary left by the time we are done with you" and that is how Aitazaz knew that there will be a mini Marshall law initiated by Musharraf, Aitazaz has a personal vendetta with Musharraf, I think you must have missed the confrontational headlines of Aitazaz vs Musharraf.

I agree with you on the bold bit and other parts, but doesn't everyone know this if not, Chaudri saab was made CJP because he was so political minded, and Musharraf cant life under active pure Judiciary he would get in all sorts of problems especially him breaking the constitution of Pakistan which is punishable by death, Nawaz does not favor CJP, let me give you an insight, I know you favor this dictator and hence I feel you might have lost your touch in understanding politics here, this is the same CJP who legitimized the illegal case against Nawaz and his Chair person, this the same CJP who said Nawaz to go search a new home Musharraf is so called legitimized for his actions and it was him who signed the petition to allow him to wear his rug. Why did CJP bite the hand that fed him I have said this before when this happened in the march 07 thread, I felt it was extraordinary that Musharraf clerk didn't like Musharraf's actions immediately, it was because they wanted to safe their skins and that they didn't want to lose their jobs that was the real reason blain, nothing to do with anti Musharraf, where did it come from it came suddenly from the missing persons cases and steal mill blunder that PM Aziz did in some way the PM wanted this to happen because of his blunders who Musharraf trusted so much, Musharraf had to pay with his own credentials, no wonder that corrupt ran back to US. Chaudri wont go against Zardari he said that when he was released because Zardari might have a lose Aitazaz at the moment but when required he shall never allow Chaudri point fingers at any who attack the political structure. Look I am not in favor of CJP he was Musharraf's back door henchmen and he later bit his hand for not feeding him anymore, but at the moment CJP will be used by Aitazaz, to attack Musharraf and this time put him on trail. Nawaz wants revenge and he will take it by using the same man who once trailed him for hijacking.

You may know more about the internal intrigues. I just posted as I have been able to read the situation, I am not saying either is right or wrong, but just telling you how I feel. I for one (as little as that may matter) would not stand for Musharraf being tried for treason. There have been bigger crimes committed against our deprived nation and the irony of this situation is that its these same bloody criminals like NS and Zardari suggesting Musharraf should be impeached.

This holier than thou attitude of these sellouts (NS, Zardari et-al) gets under my skin. :angry::angry:

On the issue of the sincerity of the PPP to restore the judiciary, I read an opinion piece that suggested that the proposed reforms would actually take powers away from the Supreme Judicial Council to dismiss/suspend judges who are alleged to have committed wrong doing, and put them in the hands of politicians in parliament.

What are the details of this, and does this not seem a step back in terms of strengthening and creating independence of institutions?

Are the judges going to be "judged" by a parliamentary committee composed equally of opposition and ruling party members, or are we looking at a simple majority in parliament, whereby the ruling party will be able to rid itself of any judges it considers to be acting against its interest?
You may know more about the internal intrigues. I just posted as I have been able to read the situation, I am not saying either is right or wrong, but just telling you how I feel. I for one (as little as that may matter) would not stand for Musharraf being tried for treason. There have been bigger crimes committed against our deprived nation and the irony of this situation is that its these same bloody criminals like NS and Zardari suggesting Musharraf should be impeached.

This holier than thou attitude of these sellouts (NS, Zardari et-al) gets under my skin. :angry::angry

Very well said. Gen M for all his problems and bad decisions should never be humiliated.

Why did the Zameer Bhai of Maj Gen Ehtesham Zameer went to sleep when as per his statement he was rigging the results of referendum for Musharraf?? He should be questioned as to why did he do it in the first place?? On whose orders did he rig the results??Why has he kept silent since 2002??and now on whose orders/instructions/desires is he coughing it out ??Does he think he is any different from Jamshed Gulzar,Moeen Haider and Qayyum???
Why did the Zameer Bhai of Maj Gen Ehtesham Zameer went to sleep when as per his statement he was rigging the results of referendum for Musharraf?? He should be questioned as to why did he do it in the first place?? On whose orders did he rig the results??Why has he kept silent since 2002??and now on whose orders/instructions/desires is he coughing it out ??Does he think he is any different from Jamshed Gulzar,Moeen Haider and Qayyum???

Maybe he discovered GOD and his concience ?

Better late than never.

Why did the Zameer Bhai of Maj Gen Ehtesham Zameer went to sleep when as per his statement he was rigging the results of referendum for Musharraf?? He should be questioned as to why did he do it in the first place?? On whose orders did he rig the results??Why has he kept silent since 2002??and now on whose orders/instructions/desires is he coughing it out ??Does he think he is any different from Jamshed Gulzar,Moeen Haider and Qayyum???

u know we wouldnt be having this discussion if the armed forces had kept themselves out of politics. then we would only have to deal with bribe scandals in arms deals. less controversial. (like our indian counterparts). (indian forum members pls dont mind!)
EACH & EVERY1.....under the command of musharaf, took what ever they need but what happened now is simply the classic case of crupt ... jonior fromer miltry genrals afraid of their acountiblity by the hands of crupt politicians, trying to get more from croupt political leadership!!!
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