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Jamia Hafsa incident highlights need for stronger measures to prevent Talibanisation in Pakistan

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Mar 21, 2007
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Afghan Taliban flags

August 22, 2021

AS the Afghan Taliban solidify their grip on power, valid questions have emerged about how the movement’s taking of Kabul will impact associated groups in Pakistan. After all, the Taliban have a number of ideological fellow travellers in this country, including jihadi and sectarian outfits, who are overjoyed by the Afghan group’s victory.

One recent incident in the federal capital illustrates that this nexus must be closely watched by the security apparatus to prevent Talibanisation in Pakistan. According to reports, the Afghan Taliban’s white flags were raised from Jamia Hafsa recently — a seminary associated with Islamabad’s infamous Lal Masjid and its militant clerics. The madressah’s administration claims “some students” were behind the stunt; the banners were taken down the same day.

While the Islamabad incident might be small when compared to the greater geopolitical game being played in Afghanistan, for Pakistan’s own security the state cannot let its guard down. After all, many pro-Afghan Taliban elements in this country may seek to import the form of governance taking shape in Pakistan’s western neighbour by attempting to create ‘emirates’ within the state. The Lal Masjid episode — as well as the rise of the TTP in the erstwhile tribal areas — proves that hard-line elements here have the intention to replace the constitutional order with an obscurantist dispensation, and the Taliban victory has only put the wind back in their sails.

For their part, the Afghan Taliban must stick to their promise that their country will not be used to host malign actors targeting other states, as was the case during their earlier rule. In this regard, the government’s call that the new administration in Kabul take action against the TTP must be heeded positively.

While the Afghan ‘jihad’ played a major role in radicalising Pakistani society, and extremist groups found a safe haven during the Taliban’s earlier stint in power, new efforts to recreate the Taliban model locally must be resisted. Pakistan has suffered greatly due to religiously inspired militancy and cannot afford a new wave of terrorism.
Published in Dawn, August 22nd, 2021
If the current corrupt system continues, i bet there will be voices wanting taliban type govt in Pakistan. Our govt system is full of corruption, bureaucrats leeching and sucking the country, on top the military lives luxurious lives in cantt and DHAs and have clubs. There are mafias in every sector. People would want a regime that hangs all these leeches and represent the conservative poor majority common man of the country.
If the current corrupt system continues, i bet there will be voices wanting taliban type govt in Pakistan. Our govt system is full of corruption, bureaucrats leeching and sucking the country, on top the military lives luxurious lives in cantt and DHAs and have clubs. There are mafias in every sector. People would want a regime that hangs all these leeches and represent the conservative poor majority common man of the country.

Country needs transparent and clean government for the people of Pakistan based on the principles of which country was created. Our population is moving towards Bollywood culture, corruption wise we are at the lowest scale in the world and there is little hope of economically progression with the current policies. This is a toxic mix, common man can only absorb so much hardships and problems and corruption needs to be tackled heads on. Country leadership is scared of country image and NGO's, foreign funded media, Tik Tokers are setting the country agenda which doesn't marries with rural conservative society. Country needs to stick to the majority religious and conservative values so divisions in our society can be avoided.
If the current corrupt system continues, i bet there will be voices wanting taliban type govt in Pakistan. Our govt system is full of corruption, bureaucrats leeching and sucking the country, on top the military lives luxurious lives in cantt and DHAs and have clubs. There are mafias in every sector. People would want a regime that hangs all these leeches and represent the conservative poor majority common man of the country.

In the thread about the misbehavior with the girls in the Lahore autorickshaw you were blaming the girls for the incident instead of those wayward criminal youth and here you are legitimizing the Taliban. No surprise.

And @mudas777 trolled in one of my threads about the Taliban, supporting them, and here too he is legitimizing something called "conservative values" and also talking carelessly about Bollywood and TikTokers ( I am sure blaming that Minar-e-Pakistan incident on that TikTok girl ).

You two are birds of the same feather.
There is a need to check extremism in our society but Jamia Hafsa is not the reason why. Everyone knows the place is a hotbed of extremists but they go unchecked because thier ownership is cut from the same cloth as our elite.

its been 15 years now our secret services can not tackle a crazy mullah and his wife until now , lumber 1 agency :hitwall:

Don't expect them to take action against one of thier own. The Mullah and his family are part of the elite of this country. His terrorist brother was a diplomat at one point.
The Mullah and his family are part of the elite of this country. His terrorist brother was a diplomat at one point.

Posted where ?


Man, such threads do bring out the "conservatives" ! :hitwall:

@Pakistani Fighter, you reacted with a Haha to my post and you too had earlier victim-blamed the Minar-e-Pakistan girl.

Another bird of the same feather.
They may attack the girls hostel again.

They killed dozens and had left mutilated bodies in the rubble.

Seems like sectarian thirst is back
Unfortunately Pakistani people on general, will get impressed by pretty much any country in the world, except Pakistan.

Its centuries of a slave mind, their psychology is trained to self sacrifice because they think it means survival. If Jinnah had lived longer he would cured this through evolving Pakistanism.

I think one day you will wake up and the world has moved on and living well with plenty of joy, belonging and abundance and you will still be dealing with people in your country ready to welcome the next barbarian in fashion.
In the thread about the misbehavior with the girls in the Lahore autorickshaw you were blaming the girls for the incident instead of those wayward criminal youth and here you are legitimizing the Taliban. No surprise.

And @mudas777 trolled in one of my threads about the Taliban, supporting them, and here too he is legitimizing something called "conservative values" and also talking carelessly about Bollywood and TikTokers ( I am sure blaming that Minar-e-Pakistan incident on that TikTok girl ).

You two are birds of the same feather.

I never said those morons were not to be blamed. Infact i said they should be hanged. My point in that discussion was abt u wanting to ban bikes n all personal vehicles but not asking women to be careful or considerate.
Here iam pointing to the fact that people are fedup of corruption and want quick justice. This dumb western system is useless, it just delays things n costs alot. I know ud want ppl to go towards communism but that bubble has burst. Why is it that now u ppl dnt talk about worker class and labourers and become aurat march waterboys?
I never said those morons were not to be blamed. Infact i said they should be hanged. My point in that discussion was abt u wanting to ban bikes n all personal vehicles but not asking women to be careful or considerate.
Here iam pointing to the fact that people are fedup of corruption and want quick justice. This dumb western system is useless, it just delays things n costs alot. I know ud want ppl to go towards communism but that bubble has burst. Why is it that now u ppl dnt talk about worker class and labourers and become aurat march waterboys?

Unfortunately, as it stands, Pak society isn't going to change w/o a major societal upheaval that cleanses society. It takes at least a generation for any reform to show effects & IK has constantly been talking about Madina-e-riyasat but he hasn't even tried setting up commissions for major reforms. Any reform he does bring such as the anti-rape law gets stalled by the opposition. Any reform that does manage to pass, has to go through massive propaganda.
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