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Jakarta protest calls for boycott of Beijing Olympics


Jan 28, 2019
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Jakarta protest calls for boycott of Beijing Olympics
Updated: 14/01/2022
Protesters in Jakarta on Friday called for a boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing over China's treatment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.
Dozens of young protesters gathered outside the Chinese embassy in the Indonesian capital ahead of next month's Games.
The US government and the British, Belgian, Dutch and Canadian parliaments have said Beijing's policy towards the Uighurs amounts to genocide and crimes against humanity.

An estimated one million or more Uighurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities are living in internment camps, which China describes as vocational training and education centres.
Beijing says the measures it has taken are necessary to combat terrorism and a separatist movement.
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Going to be one pathetic Olympics with all the countries bycotting it

but china numba one superpowa :yahoo: :pakistan::china:
The CIA has less and less funds, and there are only dozens of people. And according to the consistent habit of Western media, dozens of people usually are 10 people.

Well done Indonesia

China must be isolated until they allow UN inspectors In Xinjiang for a free and fair investigation

China is selling Ughur organs for sale on Chinese black market
As a Beijinger, I really wish this damn Olympic Games can be cancelled.
So democracy with American characteristics means a handful U.S. regime paid and affiliated pawns pushing or coercing a handful of kids into a role of useful idiots for the U.S. regime about dubious subjects they have absolutely zero clue about, represent quarter a billion people that overwhelmingly dont give a **** about the U.S. regimes racist crusade against Asian countries threatening U.S. hegemony by merely being free and independently existing without some "white" king, president or puppet regime in charge.

Got it.
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SEAGAMES has this kind of sport

Indonesian ( Savika Reva Zahira)

As far as I know I never see any Malls in Jakarta which has ice sketing facility, there is one in Tangerang, West Java, but not difficult to get there from Jakarta. I have been there several times

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