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Jaguar Crashed in UP, Pilot killed!!

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The statistics of more aircraft in the air vs the probability of crashes increases.

So please show us so called Professional that PLAAF or Russian airforce or USAF has suffered more than 1000 air crashes in last 40 years.
So please show us so called Professional that PLAAF or Russian airforce or USAF has suffered more than 1000 air crashes in last 40 years.

Am I some sort of a brain trust for you people?

Don't be lazy.

People are not lazy. They simply have impotent (as in English) goals / that is, goals that do not inspire them.

So, they want others to do it for them.

Search for yourself.
Am I some sort of a brain trust for you people?

Don't be lazy.

People are not lazy. They simply have impotent (as in English) goals / that is, goals that do not inspire them.

So, they want others to do it for them.

Search for yourself.

Help yourself and to some extent us and please provide statistics that these three airforces have suffered more than 1000 crashes in last 40 years. Let's see how good you can be without trolling and BSing.
since the pilot didn't eject, and since the village was just 100m from crash site (as per report) ---seems he spent every last second trying to steer the aircraft away from people below, to his best ability

it's a noble move, if that were the case....

setting aside my personal biases and all that stuff, he served his country, so RIP....
since the pilot didn't eject, and since the village was just 100m from crash site (as per report) ---seems he spent every last second trying to steer the aircraft away from people below, to his best ability

it's a noble move, if that were the case....

setting aside my personal biases and all that stuff, he served his country, so RIP....

This story seems to be repeated quite a bit where pilots try and veer the aircraft away from populated sites and are unable to eject in low level flights. It's heart wrenching to see these air warriors taken away from us.
What he meant was the massive discounts you guys get from China - from missiles to the 50 JF-17 fighter jets for less than half the cost! :azn:

the Chinese do soft credit.......learn what 'credit' means

we pay a pre-agreed upon rate upfront....rest are done in installments, or whatever. They are not "free" or "discounted"

Contrary to popular bharti belief, Pakistan Air Force PAYS for almost everything they procure/induct. None of this stuff comes free.

as for the JF Thunders, it is a joint production aircraft. Until the build factory is running @ full capacity, and until we find a way to locally manufacture and source things like avionics, control systems, hydraulic systems etc. (to even further save on costs) -- for now things are done the way they are and its working out okay as far as the Air Force is concerned. Most important is that the fleets are maintained and combat ready ---you can leave the finances to the accountants and all, you don't need to worry about these things :)
IAF trainee pilot Flt Lt S Pandey, who tragically perished in a Jaguar ground attack aircraft crash yesterday, was on a low-level navigation syllabus sortie from the Gorakhpur Air Force Station, and was accompanied by a senior pilot in chase in another Jaguar. Flt Lt Pandey had been on a simulated attack run at ultra low level (below 300 feet to avoid radar) from initial point to target, completed in roughly 2.5 minutes. However, the pilot missed his target, the reasons for which will be part of the court of inquiry. His chase instructor radioed in asking him to turn back and redo the attack manoeuver. Now the normal drill during such training is to pull up to at least 500 feet, turn around, descend at your initial point and go back for the sim attack. Tragically, for reasons still unknown, Flt Lt Pandey began turning around at less than 300 feet, bleeding altitude all the while. The investigation will look into several human and technical factors. Of the latter, the possibilities include an inexplicable breakdown of the entire (or parts of the) flight control system, including the auto-stabilizer system or pitch trim controller, both overwhelmingly critical at such low altitude where reaction time is wafer thin.

Livefist: Early Data On Yesterday's IAF Jaguar Crash
so perhaps a tech. problem or human error --possibly pilot lost situation (altitude) awareness
Another crash of a fighter..... damn this is getting serious...hope MoD grounds all these antique ones and value human lives.

And thanks for all the "ones" celebrating India's crashes. :tup:

Our pleasure!!!! :cheers:

And thanks to IAF for giving us such treats after treats:woot:
We can argue day and night but on serious note your young pilot's lives are not been valued by IAF or your defence ministers , Time and Time again instead of knowing they are not correcting their errors,

They are spending billions on fighter aircrafts, frigates , aircraft carriers but no one is willing to spend much on basic trainers even if a deals gets signed after all the yadda yadda it is put on the back bench and all that lingering stuff starts again

I wonder if all that money spent on jst showy stuff would have spent on few hundred sophisticated trainers it wouldnot have been the case , Its the thing to worry for you guys not for us , we can jst say RIP to the pilot and then start arguing in some other thread but those who have lost their sons can never forgive your MODS or ignorants in IAF ever

Most of you are in your young age and few may have become parents jst imagine yourself , how many hopes you put on your childs , from the day one, one starts to label his offsprings to be a doctor, engineer or a pilot but after so long struggle when one becomes so and its time for him to serve his nation and poor parents suddenly he meets death on the hands of few ignorants , isn't it sad?

And still praising the culprits jst because of your ego is jst pathetic or because you don't want to face the truth and want to remain in some kinda illusion.

Its about the young guns of your nation , no one other than you indians will get worried, why should some one else be . so try something constructive rather than destructive by being illusionists
It is you. I already provided data that with numbers that PAF has highest crash rate in the world.

and by crash rate you mean....

And dude, the list in post#150 , the mushak that crashed in bahawlpur is not of PAF, it is of army aviation. And as i have bolded, stick to PAF, not army aviation.
First RIP to teh pilot as its difficult to get a trained one again...then to the aircraft.

But what the hell is happening????....
Any other dweeb who brings in the PAF as an excuse.. or for comparison in this thread.. will get an infraction.
The young man was a pilot in the IAF.. therefore this thread should discuss the IAF.. and IAF problems ALONE.
Whether the USAF did not have a single crash last year flying the same hours is irrelevant.

And I dont care what category the member belongs to.. violations of the above will still get an infraction.
Any other dweeb who brings in the PAF as an excuse.. or for comparison in this thread.. will get an infraction.
The young man was a pilot in the IAF.. therefore this thread should discuss the IAF.. and IAF problems ALONE.
Whether the USAF did not have a single crash last year flying the same hours is irrelevant.

And I dont care what category the member belongs to.. violations of the above will still get an infraction.

Thanks Santro. Even though that dumbo Raj suri had no proof for the so called PAF highest crash rate in the world but this would be a good warning for the frustrated kid.

Thanks. Now stop comparisons and come back to the topic guys.
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