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Jackie Chan calls for India-China peace

If he makes a good version of The Myth then I would go to the cinema to watch it.

But not cheesy crap like the first one. Is it so hard to design a good storyline? He has done it before.
Why following the ignorant Pakistani way man . Jackie is a very popular figure in India and if he bridges the trust deficit between two of the giants of Asia then what's wrong in it .

Why joining PDF? Why not leave if you think pakistani ways are ignorant.
The reason is Media censorship!!

Yes a little bit!
Only in PDF my friend.......
About 99% Chinese don't know China-India had a war ever, I knew that when I was 22 years old at the course<International political and economic>, teacher show some documentary video on class, one of them is about 1962 war; bcs no words about China-India war and China-VN war in history books from Elementary school to high school&#65292;may be meanless for China.

the video is here
Why joining PDF? Why not leave if you think pakistani ways are ignorant.

its our duty to make pakistanis aware of reality.. lot of violence happens because difference in perception..
btw, why are you always anti india.. you are haitian right?

About 99% Chinese don't know China-India had a war ever, I knew that when I was 22 years old at the course<International political and economic>, bcs no words about China-India war and China-VN war in history books from Elementary school to high school&#65292;may be meanless for China.
well, thats the only war we lost, hence we remember..
I thought that China India had not bad relation before I went to PDF

On CDF indian trolls say alot of nasty things about china, I am not trying to instigate,You can ask some CDF members here.
They also target iran and north korea with their hate speech, I wonder why??
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