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Jack Jacob: The general who saved India from more war.


All one has to do is look at this picture and remember the sacrifices these brave men gave to their Motherland. General Jack Jacob on the far right
I think the Pakistani's are most pissed-off that there was a hand of Yahudi/Joo involved in their humiliation in 1971. This must be greater humiliation than surrendering to the bania-Hindu... They claim that Pakistan is the citadel of Islam

Also, I feel that there must a big self-loathing in the Punjabi-Musalman, that they were the first ones to be conquered and then submit to the foreign invaders and they were under the foreign rule for the past 1500years.. The fact that they were molested over and over and over again by the central Asians, Afghans, Arabs and the Persians, must have got very deep into their psyche. Like a sexually abused child who grows up to being a greater abuser, the Punjabi-Muslaman in the post-independence era wants to be the dominate his country, which was the main reason for their humiliation of 1971.
In the last 1000year history, the Punjabi-Musalman has been a ruler of his nation only since 1947. Before 1947, the last time a Punjabi who ruled the land of 5 rivers, all the way to Kabul, was a Sikh by the name of Rajit Singh.
And let's not forget the millions of indians that must have put their arms up - and surrendered - a 1,000 years is a long time.

You do know that the Indians who put up their arms and surrendered and handed over their processions (living and non living) converted most of the time and became Muslims of the subcontinent. Majority of those migrated to Pakistan in 1947.. Think about it ;)
India History : Myth of 1000 Years of Muslim Rule

The "effective" rule was precisely from 1206 with the establishment of the Mamluk Dynasty to the year 1707 when Aurangazeb died. So about 500 years.

And even during these years many parts of South India,East India, Marathwada remained out of control of the Islamic Empires whose main power base was the UP region with the Empire extending upto Bihar in the East and Godavari basin down South.
Even during the rule of pre-Mughal Muslim dynasty's, their dominance was mostly in the urban areas like major cities and towns and their writ didn't extend much into the rural areas. At the village grass-roots level, it was always the local landlord or the tax-collector or the village panchayats or community leaders who had control and they were mostly Hindus.

The maximum duration of foreigners (Afghan/central Asian/Persian/Arab) rule in south-Asia was in the regions of the present day Pakistan.
God and soldier we alike adore - Just at the brink of ruin not before - The danger past, both are alike requited; God is forgotten and the soldier slighted”
great he could communicate and he reach Pakistan at war time . Now we have hotlines to resolve matters quickly .
Seems like the whole of the indian population of PDF was out in force on this thread, LoL - but us Pakistani Punjabi's :pakistan: can take it. I will repeat what I said in my first comment before the injuns - "tried" to take me on.

A worthy adversary but we neither forgive and forget - and let's leave it at that.
After all if the Pakistani Punjabis could take "in" the Afghans, Persians, Turks, Arabs why not Indians ?

Given some time we Indians will also make it to the missile names in Pakistan..
Another indian, comes to hold the hand, and defend the honor of miss sergi - did she cry - was not my intention.
You can send your GF to me if you are so sure about me being miss :P Rafi bai ( it's not a typo )
How did you forget me ??? We have a detail conversation few months ago where you got started with you TRADE MARK LINE " being in India first hand " and we just .... You there. remember :D

PS: I really don't want to get personal but your comment made to write this ^^^
Everybody can do it
Seems like the whole of the indian population of PDF was out in force on this thread, LoL - but us Pakistani Punjabi's :pakistan: can take it. I will repeat what I said in my first comment before the injuns - "tried" to take me on.

A worthy adversary but we neither forgive and forget - and let's leave it at that.

Oh, we know you can 'take' it.

A hunter went out hunting and was confronted by a grizzly. He took a shot, the grizzly looked around puzzled, saw the hunter cowering behind his gun, and stripped and bu**ered him. The hunter crawled back, nursing his sore bits, swearing revenge.

Next week, wounds healed, with a bigger gun, he returned. The bear was rooting around in the same patch of berry bushes. The hunter took a shot, and to his horror, the bear just swatted it off, and turned to look who was bothering him. He sighed when he saw the hunter, took away his gun and did him again. It was quite painful this time. The bear put his all into it. The hunter crawled back, too worn out to even think revenge.

But think it he did, being born of a martial race, and two weeks later, pads and bandages off, he returned hopefully with a really big heavy calibre rifle. He sneaked up on the bear and took a shot. And his blood ran cold as the bear turned and looked disbelievingly at him. The bear came up, took away his gun, and undressed him, almost tenderly. And he asked him the question I've been wanting to ask you.

It isn't about the hunting, is it?
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