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Jack Jacob: The general who saved India from more war.

A thousand years of surrendering and handing your princesses over has india in good form.

This is what the real conquerors think of these pak* "mard-e-mujahids" ...Oooooppss. And correctly so.

...you know how they are with personalising their oppressors

As for "bacha baazi", if only the ***** of your ancestors could talk....

"Real resistance" that ended up in 150 years of servitude? I've got to hand it to you, I'm impressed with the world of alternative reality you people have built for yourselves....go with your strength......

....we Afghans are well acquainted with your "Real resistance" to Ahmed Shah Baba, Sultan Mahmoud e Ghaznawi, the Ghorids, the Ghilzais, the Persians, the Arabs....

'Nuff said.
And let's not forget the millions of indians that must have put their arms up - and surrendered - a 1,000 years is a long time.
I see that the diehards are still at it.

Got to give marks for tenacity to all.

The old joke goes like this..

" You are a true Punjabi when you gossip, fight and / or tear apart someone ( read Subject in this case) for hours and end up saying " Saanu Ki" in the end !
1.The heroe of 1971 War was Gen Arora the commander of Indo-BD Joint Command. This Jacob old fart was a Staff Officer who had to carry out orders of his commander. Jacob is despised by both Indian and BD veterans for the disrespect and disloyalty he shows to his old commander who is no more. Arora, on the other hand, was a thorough gentleman, humble, soft-spoken, a fantastic soldier-leader and a true great man.

2. Jacob has been oiling and making grades with politicians in India and the Hasina govt to show himself as a hell of a phanney Khan. Shame on him.

3. This Israeli reporter doesn't know BD is a People's Republic.
Oh look, another 71 thread by an Indian member :coffee:

We get it, you Indians are proud that your entire military "defeated" 35-40,000 solders who were in hostile territory and cut off from their homeland. We know that this is the proudest moment in your history in the last 1000 years at least, but c'mon guys, enough with the 71 posts. Everything that could be discussed about it, has been discussing. lets move on.

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