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J-9 comparison

China enjoyed its permanent membership in UNSC after UN snatched the membership from taiwan in 1971. Two of the major funders of the UN , germany and Japan are not even given the membership. What a joke.

there is no so called political entity "taiwan", it is the Republic of China which legally represented China by 1949. In 1971, after a landsliding vote in the UN, China is recognized as the solo body to represent China.
because my uncle and many other smart and brave Chinese ware there helping your guys. do you seriously believe you can win the war without China?
This is not about the Vietnam War and the PRC's participation in it. This is about your absurd claim that in the Sino-Vietnam War, the PLAAF was too good to be spent on a backward country like Vietnam. What you said came from ignorance, not from intellect or experience. The PLAAF would have been either destroyed or received a serious beating and China would have lost even greater face in a loss against a former ally. Grow up and when it comes to military affairs -- keep quiet, let the adults talk and hopefully you will learn something.
This is not about the Vietnam War and the PRC's participation in it. This is about your absurd claim that in the Sino-Vietnam War, the PLAAF was too good to be spent on a backward country like Vietnam. What you said came from ignorance, not from intellect or experience.

no matter how you troll, at the time of that war, vietnam had some mig-21 fighters. you can ask any member here whether J-7 is the best mig-21 and we already have small batch of J-8 in the air force.

for the pilots experience crap, basically you are saying China didn't win that war - your army spent decades fighting with the US, however they still lost the war with us.

we have been fighting for almost 1000 years and every time when Chinese captured Lạng Sơn, your emperor would surround to the Chinese as to the south of Lạng Sơn, there is nothing left to stop us and your capital is within walking distance. In the last war, we captured Lạng Sơn and announced that we don't have intention to capture your capital. that announcement explains everything.

no matter how you troll, at the time of that war, vietnam had some mig-21 fighters. you can ask any member here whether J-7 is the best mig-21 and we already have small batch of J-8 in the air force.
No...The real troll here is YOU for not taking wise advice and stay out of areas that you have not a clue. This is not about air force versus air force but about the experience of North Vietnamese missileers who would have slaughtered the PLAAF, no matter what junk the PLAAF put in the air. The USAF and the South Vietnamese Air Force learned tough lessons from these missile engagements.

for the pilots experience crap, basically you are saying China didn't win that war - your army spent decades fighting with the US, however they still lost the war with us.
Decades? Now it is beyond doubt that with this sorry knowledge of history it is YOU who are the troll. Under the program called 'Vietnamization' of the war, the US largely left the battlefield by 1972 with only the USAF and few SpecOps as active participants. Give it up on this hole you are digging for yourself and you are standing ankle deep in your own BS.
No...The real troll here is YOU for not taking wise advice and stay out of areas that you have not a clue. This is not about air force versus air force but about the experience of North Vietnamese missileers who would have slaughtered the PLAAF, no matter what junk the PLAAF put in the air. The USAF and the South Vietnamese Air Force learned tough lessons from these missile engagements.

oh, great. then tell me why vietnamese still asked Chinese "missileers" to help? according to you, my uncle should have stayed at home, watching your superman missileers shoting down US fighters.
nationalism gets you no where.

during the war, we deployed 320,000 troops, provided 2 million rifles, more than 1 billion bullets, 16000 trucks, 500 tanks. our troops (including my uncle) shot down 1700 american fighters, injured 1300. no matter how you troll, Vietnam would be just a piece of **** without such assistance.

as of today, those tanks provided by us are still in active service in your army.

oh, great. then tell me why vietnamese still asked Chinese "missileers" to help? according to you, my uncle should have stayed at home, watching your superman missileers shoting down US fighters.

Shchinese, you are clearly approaching this WRONG.

Gambit does NOT represent the views of common Vietnamese, as a matter of fact his views run contrary to 99.9+% of Vietnamese. The fact that you are arguing with him is FOOLISH.

Please re-learn Viet Nam history, China history (particular Guangdong-Guangxi) to understand what I'm getting at. You understand that Vietnam up to Guangdong used to be one Kingdom? Viet Nam was (and technically still is) a Chinese Kingdom, it was started in Phu Tho (~60 km NW of Ha Noi) by a Chinese King. The capital was then moved to Thanh Long (aka Ha Noi) -- which will be celebrating its 1000th anniversary next year. Later on when Viet Nam expanded south to encompass the Chappa Kingdom and Khmer the capital was moved to Hue. Let's not forget that during these thousands of years, Chinese from all over China migrated to the WHOLE of Vietnam. Nearly all of Vietnamese have direct Chinese-mainland blood (not to mention their history of being a Chinese Kingdom).

So now do you understand why your bickering is stupid?! The reason why there was a Sino-Viet war in 1979 was SOLELY because China wanted to re-unify (after the Frenchies broke Viet Nam from China). And China was NOT defeated, rather withdrew because the Vietnamese didn't want to re-unify at that moment. China and Vietnam will be re-unifed in the future, how soon that will be will depend on the level of MATURITY on both sides. Both Chinese and Vietnamese know re-unification will occur within the next few decades, make no mistake about it. But Unintelligent Nationalism is STUPID and COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE.

Related to Hindus/Indians. Both Pakistani and Chinese members need to calm down when receiving a barrage of Bharati hate and lies. We must not let our emotions control us. With the proper insight, the proper and effective way to handle them will be known. For this to occur, we must understand their collective circumstances, how they were raised, their media propaganda, etc. The most effective counter-measure to their lies and misconceptions is to expose them with FACTS and TRUTHS. There are a several stages people go through:

Initial Stage:
==> Full of hate & misconceptions

Confronted with truths & compassion:
==> Denial
==> Guilt & shame
==> Silence & reflection
==> Period of inactivity/recluse
==> Reform - OR - continued denial & hatred - OR - Recluse

Give people a chance first. We cannot expect them to change instantly.

That is why they say: To understand the present we must know the past.

I am not trying to demoralize anybody here, but stupid nationalism is harmful. :china:
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China enjoyed its permanent membership in UNSC after UN snatched the membership from taiwan in 1971. Two of the major funders of the UN , germany and Japan are not even given the membership. What a joke.

CPC has enjoyes a lot form the toil and affort of the Nationalists. First, the Nationalists saved the country and CPC drove them out of the country. Then snatch their UN membership.

nationalist saved the country? then the CPC drove them out of the country then stole their seat?

someones spitting out BS....

the nationalist party was massively corrupt, they formed a temporary alliance with the CPC to fight the Japanese, but u forget, china was in civil war before and after ww2, it was the KMT themselves who decided to kick the CPC out of the alliance for the CPC had popular support and if a vote was up the KMT knew it would lose. and CPC didnt steal jack sh1t the KMT didnt represent the chinese people, the west simple choose to ignore a billion people for 30 years only in 71 did they give the seat back to where it should have been in the first place, infact the only reason why the KMT still exist is because the USA intervened in the chinese civil war then proceeded to declare the government of the island of taiwan(where the KMT retreated and took all wealth they could from china to) as the sole representative of all china
Shchinese, you are clearly approaching this WRONG.

Gambit does NOT represent the views of common Vietnamese, as a matter of fact his views run contrary to 99.9+% of Vietnamese. The fact that you are arguing with him is FOOLISH.

Please re-learn Viet Nam history, China history (particular Guangdong-Guangxi) to understand what I'm getting at. You understand that Vietnam up to Guangdong used to be one Kingdom? Viet Nam was (and technically still is) a Chinese Kingdom, it was started in Phu Tho (~60 km NW of Ha Noi) by a Chinese King. The capital was then moved to Thanh Long (aka Ha Noi) -- which will be celebrating its 1000th anniversary next year. Later on when Viet Nam expanded south to encompass the Chappa Kingdom and Khmer the capital was moved to Hue. Let's not forget that during these thousands of years, Chinese from all over China migrated to the WHOLE of Vietnam. Nearly all of Vietnamese have direct Chinese-mainland blood (not to mention their history of being a Chinese Kingdom).

So now do you understand why your bickering is stupid?! The reason why there was a Sino-Viet war in 1979 was SOLELY because China wanted to re-unify (after the Frenchies broke Viet Nam from China). And China was NOT defeated, rather withdrew because the Vietnamese didn't want to re-unify at that moment. China and Vietnam will be re-unifed in the future, how soon that will be will depend on the level of MATURITY on both sides. Both Chinese and Vietnamese know re-unification will occur within the next few decades, make no mistake about it. But Unintelligent Nationalism is STUPID and COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE.

Related to Hindus/Indians. Both Pakistani and Chinese members need to calm down when receiving a barrage of Bharati hate and lies. We must not let our emotions control us. With the proper insight, the proper and effective way to handle them will be known. For this to occur, we must understand their collective circumstances, how they were raised, their media propaganda, etc. The most effective counter-measure to their lies and misconceptions is to expose them with FACTS and TRUTHS. There are a several stages people go through:

Initial Stage:
==> Full of hate & misconceptions

Confronted with truths & compassion:
==> Denial
==> Guilt & shame
==> Silence & reflection
==> Period of inactivity/recluse
==> Reform - OR - continued denial & hatred - OR - Recluse

Give people a chance first. We cannot expect them to change instantly.

That is why they say: To understand the present we must know the past.

I am not trying to demoralize anybody here, but stupid nationalism is harmful. :china:

your above comments is completely stupid.

1. Vietnamese are not part of the Han ethnic group. In China there are another ethnic group called Yue, they are Chinese-Vietnamese and the language is completely different - tell me who it can be possible?

2. The war is not about unify, we never want to have a damn poor province like Vietnam. It was because Vietnam's anti-Chinese movement including forcing thousands of Chinese-Vietnamese living in Vietnam to move back to China.

please stop lecturing me the history of China, I can honestly tell you I am an expert on that.
your above comments is completely stupid.

1. Vietnamese are not part of the Han ethnic group. In China there are another ethnic group called Yue, they are Chinese-Vietnamese and the language is completely different - tell me who it can be possible?

2. The war is not about unify, we never want to have a damn poor province like Vietnam. It was because Vietnam's anti-Chinese movement including forcing thousands of Chinese-Vietnamese living in Vietnam to move back to China.

please stop lecturing me the history of China, I can honestly tell you I am an expert on that.

Please go visit Viet Nam. Visiting the countryside, the cities, historical sites and what do you see?

Chinese characters, Chinese buildings, Chinese customs, everything is Chinese. Viet Nam since it's inception, the language IS Chinese, just a different dialect (like Guangdonghua, Shanghaiese, Putonghua, etc). It was only after hundred+ years of FORCEFUL French occupation that forced the conversion to latin letters.

Go visit the graveyards, the tombstones (both ancient ancestral and modern) are in Chinese.

Go visit the ancient cities of Ha Noi, Hue and even Saigon/HCM and the ancient buildings are Chinese.

All Vietnamese surnames are Chinese - just as Koreans are. The words and grammar is IDENTICAL to classical/traditional Cantonese.

That's why they say in Viet Nam, that "China ruled Viet Nam for a thousand years". What people forget (and this was due to the Frenchies) was, Viet Nam was part of China -- Viet Nam is transliterated as Yue Nan. You can say they are ethnic Yue + Han.

Let you in on this: Chinese CPC have always had their eye on re-unifying Viet Nam, and the people/government of Viet Nam knows this fully. Viet Nam was until the arrival of the European Imperialists was part of China proper. :china:
Let you in on this: Chinese CPC have always had their eye on re-unifying Viet Nam, and the people/government of Viet Nam knows this fully. Viet Nam was until the arrival of the European Imperialists was part of China proper. :china:

this is stupid. have a look at the definition of China proper?

China proper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

let's make it clear: we don't want to reunify with Vietnam. they are an independent country and their people deserve to be independent forever.

for the language and culture link, I give you this --> :no:
it is like saying the UK and the US will reunify due to the language and culture similarity.
I'll give this little clue:

Which are the countries receiving the top investment from China?


First is Indonesia. Second is Viet Nam. And the difference is only a few tens of Billions. Now consider that Indo's population is 237 million and Viet's is 83 million, you can CLEARLY see the 'importance' (emphasis) China places on Viet Nam. Keep in mind that there's many other nations that are just as attractive to invest in, when you keep this fact in mind. :)
this is stupid. have a look at the definition of China proper?

China proper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

let's make it clear: we don't want to reunify with Vietnam. they are an independent country and their people deserve to be independent forever.

for the language and culture link, I give you this --> :no:
it is like saying the UK and the US will reunify due to the language and culture similarity.

:rofl: Please don't reference wikipedia for 'controversial political' topics. :rofl:

Clearly you don't know the history of China as well as you should. Yes, there are some people in both China and Vietnam who feel Viet Nam and China should remain friendly, but separate countries. But there are also many in both nations who are "waiting" to see if it is beneficial for a re-unification. That's why I said in a few decades this may happen, as right we are still observing. Either way, this is a matter for CPC and CPV to discuss.

:rofl: Please don't reference wikipedia for 'controversial political' topics. :rofl:

Clearly you don't know the history of China as well as you should. Yes, there are some people in both China and Vietnam who feel Viet Nam and China should remain friendly, but separate countries. But there are also many in both nations who are "waiting" to see if it is beneficial for a re-unification. That's why I said in a few decades this may happen, as right we are still observing. Either way, this is a matter for CPC and CPV to discuss.


stop trolling in this J-9 thread.

your above posts have been reported.
Related to Hindus/Indians. Both Pakistani and Chinese members need to calm down when receiving a barrage of Bharati hate and lies. We must not let our emotions control us.

Don't act like Muslim pakistanis are the only experts left to comment on vietnam.

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