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J-20 Detailed vlog by a Western Military Aviation Analyst

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Aug 3, 2008
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So far this guy has the best unbiased detailed analysis on YouTube about the Chinese 5th Gen J-20 jet fighter

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So far this guy has the best unbiased detailed analysis on YouTube about the Chinese 5th Gen J-20 jet fighter

Even as it seems he has my books, he is mixing several things and is (at least IMO) posting wrong stuff: For example, it entered service in late 2016 (not 2017), the J-20B is not the current serial variant, but the J-20A, he claims that following the first combat brigade, two more followed (actually we know only two at all right now) and again he claims there are between 120-150 operational already. I think in summary, ... a nice try - especially not to spread the typical bashing and bias - but surely not the best!


And why starting a new thread anyway just for a video?
And why starting a new thread anyway just for a video?

Video is the new primary form of information sharing. Even beyond print journalism in many ways other than peer reviewed literature.

I think this video is the most detailed oriented Western analyst on the J-20. Therefore is of extra interest to many.

Your concern about the issue of the date of induction is minor, he claims upfront inna lot of conjecture due to unavailability of reliability information.
So far this guy has the best unbiased detailed analysis on YouTube about the Chinese 5th Gen J-20 jet fighter

He sounds Russian to me. Where is he from? Any idea?
Video is the new primary form of information sharing. Even beyond print journalism in many ways other than peer reviewed literature.

I think this video is the most detailed oriented Western analyst on the J-20. Therefore is of extra interest to many.

Your concern about the issue of the date of induction is minor, he claims upfront inna lot of conjecture due to unavailability of reliability information.

Video is a terrible format for professional analysis. Text is easily searchable and understood across language barriers. Speech is not.
He sounds Russian to me. Where is he from? Any idea?

He says he is Italian and working in U.K. Has aeronautical engineering equivalent degree.
Served in Italian Airforce as well.
Video is the new primary form of information sharing. Even beyond print journalism in many ways other than peer reviewed literature.

I think this video is the most detailed oriented Western analyst on the J-20. Therefore is of extra interest to many.

Your concern about the issue of the date of induction is minor, he claims upfront inna lot of conjecture due to unavailability of reliability information.

Pardon, but only since "Video is the new primary form of information sharing" it is not necessary to check the facts?? :fie:

And regardless any listed mistakes and errors you still rate it "the most detailed oriented Western analyst on the J-20." :crazy: You only call these "issues" minor? :hitwall:

Alone the few mentioned errors are a reason to ignore it and call this video simply BS, but as you noted, similar to blogs and short news reports, "Video is the new primary form of information sharing" and unfortunately since this is so, many don't care about content and facts. It is much easier to put some stuff together, make some fancy marketing and in fact to spread BS.

As such :closed:
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