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J-10C for PAF - Hypothetical Scenario

Its possible and we are also using Chinese AWACS ZDK-3
It seems PL-15 only has 150km range. That is not enough to hit AWACS aircraft very far away.

It will have to use AWACS though...

Well, if I had the ability and need to acquire Mig-31BM from Russia I would especially if I could get R-37. Its going to be hard for Pakistan to take out Indian AWACS just in general, and I don't know how it can.
It will have to use AWACS though...

Well, if I had the ability and need to acquire Mig-31BM from Russia I would especially if I could get R-37. Its going to be hard for Pakistan to take out Indian AWACS just in general, and I don't know how it can.
it would be least chance to get Mig-31+R-37 from Russia, Russia would not allow to sell it to Pakistan because of Mig-31 is their strategic weapon and PAF want true multi role agile/maneuverable fighter jets, not one mission specific Mig-31 and also Mig-31 is interceptor with limited maneuverability/agility
Do you happen to know which aircraft is going to carry it?


The VLRAAM powered by RAMJET tech, was earlier reported as PL-21 but was very huge. It was test fired from J-16 some times.

China is apparently struggling to miniaturize the RAMJET motor to decrease the size of the missile. Once that happens, J-10 can definitely carry it and i hope so does Thunder. But the key to that is miniaturization.
You can't just compare fighters to each other in a fair way, combat is not fair. There will be assets supporting both air forces, and key way to beat Indian air force is to destroy AWACS aircraft. Without AWACS, IAF would be like a man armed with a gun, but only has a flashlight at night while PAF would be able to operate with night vision goggles. J-10C is not the key here, it can't perform the role needed to destroy AWACS at far range.

Key for PAF is buying an aircraft like Mig-31BM armed with very long range BVRAAMs that allow engagement of AWACS at far ranges, and yet can safely maneuver out of the situation. Even buying a squadron of these aircraft would allow PAF to take out strategic assets of IAF.

Although MiG-31 is not possible but you have hit the nail! what is required is silver bullet!
it would be least chance to get Mig-31+R-37 from Russia, Russia would not allow to sell it to Pakistan because of Mig-31 is their strategic weapon and PAF want true multi role agile/maneuverable fighter jets, not one mission specific Mig-31 and also Mig-31 is interceptor with limited maneuverability/agility
If not Mig-31, we still have the option of JH-7 as enforced by @MastanKhan view which i second
The VLRAAM powered by RAMJET tech, was earlier reported as PL-21 but was very huge. It was test fired from J-16 some times.

China is apparently struggling to miniaturize the RAMJET motor to decrease the size of the missile. Once that happens, J-10 can definitely carry it and i hope so does Thunder. But the key to that is miniaturization.
No you're mixing 2 projects, PL-21 (RAMJET) is abandon project in favor of dual pulse rocket motor, VLRAAM has a dual pulse rocket motor no RAMJET here it is

If not Mig-31, we still have the option of JH-7 as enforced by @MastanKhan view which i second
JH-7 is more intended for deep strike/CAS role, not for long range air defense missions, but i agree its best available option for PAF for getting deep strike and CAS jet
The JH-7 is old, pretty much like our current Mirages.

I wonder what backup plan the PAF have in order to replace the Mirages for Deep Strikes similar to the strikes on 27th Feb.
The JH-7 is old, pretty much like our current Mirages.

I wonder what backup plan the PAF have in order to replace the Mirages for Deep Strikes similar to the strikes on 27th Feb.
But sir Avionics wise JH-7A is much better than our mirages
The JH-7 is old, pretty much like our current Mirages.

I wonder what backup plan the PAF have in order to replace the Mirages for Deep Strikes similar to the strikes on 27th Feb.
Can't deep strike be performed by JF-17 with CM-802AKG, and REK?
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