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IT's Proved { Aliens Does Exists }...

Rocky rock

Mar 28, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Two incredible whistle blowers step forward to tell the truth about UFO's and Aliens: Retired Army UFO Consultant, Sgt. Clifford Stone and Retired NATO Intelligence Analyst, Robert Dean. These two men have been deep within the UFO Secrecy with High level clearance.

Disclosure is a process and different for every individual. Many people will just disregard all the evidence, witnesses, abduction cases, whistle blowers, videos and photographs either because they have bought in to the brainwashing and coverup..or because to do otherwise would shatter their belief systems and cause them to question everything they have been taught.
I urge all of you to do your own research.
The information provided in this video and below should help you along your journey

"He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors."
Thomas Jefferson


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Must Watch this Video... n share ur comment's??

US military has worked with Aliens??

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Must Watch this Video... n share ur comment's??

US military has worked with Aliens??

(1) totally fake government employee, clammoring for attention for untruths.
(2) true.

(1) is more likely, and it'll take more than witness statements a-la (2) on tv for me to be convinced that space aliens are actually around earth atm, and look as described by this guy.

same comments as with "us military has worked with aliens"

alien proof books just sell good enough, and going on tv is an excellent way to make money off these books.

nice lightshows, but those could've been done with UAVs and pyrotechnics.. ;)
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And here i though we were all alone:D
@isro2222 mate what do you say about these vids?
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@isro2222 was right all the time. Yesterday night I watched the movie Dark Skies and you will not believe that movie was about the GRAYS. They kidnap the kids. isro2222 please bless us with the information from your Alienopedia .

Grays are coming to probe you

Tamam GRAYS ko bachon ki pohonch se duur rakhen Tabeat kharab hone ki surat maen doctor se ruju karen :cuckoo:
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That is good news indeed. So, is there a halo out there as well? That's what I'm interested to know :whistle:
@isro2222 was right all the time. Yesterday night I watched the movie Dark Skies and you will not believe that movie was about the GRAYS. They kidnap the kids. isro2222 please bless us with the information from your Alienopedia .

Grays are coming you probe you

Tamam GRAYS ko bachon ki pohonch se duur rakhen Tabeat kharab hone ki surat maen doctor se ruju karen :cuckoo:

It makes more sense if you just remove one word:)
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@isro2222 have u seen the movie dark skies??
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@Parul @jbgt90 @Jungibaaz @kaykay @hunter_hunted we put our lives in risk bringing the secrets out to help humans.... in 1995 i wanted to meet mr phil. i called him over phone and asked him did he getting any threats for bringing out the truth? He told me he feels he might not live long.... i told him i will meet him any time he free.... Just after 3 months on 17th jan 1996 he was murdered by CIA.... saddest day for my team and a strong warning by American Goverment. There are 100s of people who worked for Goverment, CIA, MI6 came out and told truth and they got murdered by various weapons including chemicals.... there is huge threat to me and my team so we only use mobile phones and never provokes tall grays who rules American goverment. There are alot secrets which i might put at my Facebook page at Galacticfederation33@gmail.com
Phil Schneider, Dulce Underground Bases, Death of Phil Schneider, Whistle blower of Dulce underground bases, burlington ufo and paranormal research center, bufo paranormal and ufo radio
Underground Bases, Child and Human Abductions, Kidnappings and More
Dr. Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys - YouTube
@peacefan if u have any shame than please do not make fun of people who gave life for people like you.... Dulce underground base there are small childrens, family who been killed for meat and expriment by greys. Have little shame and do not post further with your nonsence.... Thank you....
@Ayush the two people who came forward are doomed.... Trust me they will die by cancer.... Its secret weapon that world goverment use including indian goverment....
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