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It's official: Jordan is now allies with Iran - opinion

clearly agitated and nervous about future of Israel's position in this region....The fully artificial alliance with some of the Arab kings (abraham accord) is unraveling ....Possibility of Resistance front surrounding them in all directions is making them to run like a headless chicken in all directions...

By the way..is it possible that MBS is a secret deep cover agent of Iran....If you look at his acts from beginning he has been soooo good to Iran.

1- Attacked Houthies and gave Iran a unshakable and mostly "for free" Base and militia right next door while draining saudi wealth on unending war.

2- Cut Khashoggi's body into pieces and made American's to think twice about if Saui is a reliable partner for them... May be Iran is not that bad after all !!!

3-Declared Qatar a Terrorist state and made Qatar best friend with Iran..

4- Tried to remove turkish sultan Erdogan and made Turkey to appreciate Iran as a good neighbour and friend.

5- Tried to remove King Abdullah of Jordan and made Jordan to see Shia Iran in a different light.

6- Tried to remove Bashar in Syria and made Syria even more close to Iran and placed Iran next to her enemy Israel.

7- Made saudi oil installation a Target practice for Iranian weapons and technology..best way to advertise Iran's Military tech with actual targets!!!.

MBS is a gift to Iran that keeps giving..so maybe maybe maybe he is a deep agent of Iran!!.:undecided::undecided::undecided:
He is not freind of Iran not even accepter he just in deep shit America and Israel pushed our mule Alkathemy to go to egypt and jordan instead of china replacing hundreds of billions of investment from china with these two poor states who they even cant feed their own people
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It's official: Jordan is now allies with Iran - opinion

JULY 8, 2021 20:18
JORDAN’S KING ABDULLAH II listens during a meeting in Amman in May. (photo credit: ALEX BRANDON/POOL VIA REUTERS)

JORDAN’S KING ABDULLAH II listens during a meeting in Amman in May.

The king of Jordan believes that opening the door to the Shi’ites will save his country from these crises. But as we have said, this will be a double-edged sword.

On 27 June 2021, Jordan’s King Abdullah II met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Baghdad. All three announced an agreement to cooperate on transporting Iraqi oil through pipelines from Iraq to Jordan to Egypt, from where it will be exported to Europe through the Mediterranean. This agreement is King Abdullah’s “coming out of the closest” with Iran. It is now official: Jordan is allied with Iran because Iraq is actually under Iran’s control. The Iraqi government is a puppet state controlled by Iran. Exporting Iraqi oil through Jordan to Europe is simply exporting oil controlled by Iran, which rules Iraq through its Shi’ite militias and controls the country’s resources.

One day after this happened, Jordanian state media began promoting full financial cooperation with Iran. This is as shocking to the Jordanian public as it was to the Egyptian public 40 years ago when then-president Anwar Sadat announced peace with Israel.

King Abdullah’s adviser, Zaid Nabulsi, a member of the newly appointed “king’s advisory board,” told the media, “Iranian religious tourism will breathe life back into Jordan.” Government-controlled media sites began speaking about one million expected religious tourists. Those are meant to visit the southern village of Kerak, 120 km. (75 miles) south of Amman, to visit the shrine of Jaffar Ibn Abu Taleb. In addition to that, the Jordanian and Arab press began speaking of an Iranian proposal to build an airport in Kerak.

Jaffar Ibn Abu Taleb was the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin who died fighting against the Byzantine Empire in Kerak. His shrine is considered most holy to the Shi’ite faith. Nonetheless, the Sunni faith generally bans visiting graves for worship and considers it an act of infidelity toward God, hence the shrine is mostly closed. Nonetheless, the king himself went for a visit to promote and help legitimize these future visits.

It went further, with a monarchy-supported campaign to even promote the Shi’ite faith itself. This is what Iran did in both Syria and Iraq. This is exactly how it all began.

A Jordanian journalist known for his close ties to the Hashemite monarch, Mouafaq Mahadeen, appeared on TV two nights after the king’s visit and said “80% of Lebanon’s Shi’ites are originally from Kerak.” Jordanian media sites repeated that Iran was considering building an airport in Kerak. Old news stories resurfaced of Iran allegedly promising to supply the kingdom with free oil for 30 years

On July 3, Jordanian TV broadcast a show in which the speakers claimed it was not at all dangerous to welcome the Iranians into Jordan as tourists. This was in response to mutual threats and warnings issued by the leaders of the Palestinian majority of the country as well as the Bedouin native minority. Both issued messages to the king on July 1 warning him against bringing Iran into Jordan. In a normal situation, both sides would not dare criticize the king, let alone send him a warning.

There is no doubt that Jordan is suffering from severe financial hardship due to COVID, corruption, mismanagement, a lack of natural resources including shortage of water. The king of Jordan believes that opening the door to the Shi’ites will save his country from these crises. But as we have said, this will be a double-edged sword, and it will not take long for Jordan to sink into darkness just like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen have. As for Israel, there is a fear of opening a front from hell, sending drones, or even digging tunnels in the areas bordering Jordan, which will be under the control of the Shi’ites.

Dr. Edy Cohen grew up in Lebanon and served for 15 years in the Israeli intelligence community. He is a researcher at the BESA Center who specializes in inter-Arab relations, the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and Jewish communities in the Arab world. He is author of The Holocaust in the Eyes of Mahmoud Abbas (Hebrew).

It is great to see that the man who before all others openly warned about Iranian hegemony is now succumbing to Iranian hegemony!

Doubtful, especially as this is an opinion piece as well.

I would wager the average Jordanian is neutral towards Iranians at best, and a strongly negative opinion at worst. I can't see deep Iran/Jordan relations unless it is forced upon the population or their are major shifts in public opinion.

Alot of the Palestinians in Jordan like to complain about Israel, but are sitting twiddling their thumbs when their is a real country out there that would be willing to offer everything for support. They refuse to accept, or they curse. This is one of the primary reasons they have gone nowhere.

Because of this hostility, they lose a lot of financial benefit, but that is their problem. They are so brainwashed, they fear tourists lol.

It again falls back to Yemen crisis---. If pak military had made future investment in GCC, this day would not have arrived.

Pakistan's refusal to spearhead Yemen campaign has made the islamic world extremely weak overall---.
You wanted to get bogged down in that conflict? Pakistan's refusal was because of it's wise forethought and wisdom. No Idiot wants to get bogged down there. Not the Saudis, not the emeriti's, nor Iranians are deploying 1000s troops there.

If you think their is financial gain in waging this brutal war, then you are sorely mistaken, luckily Pak leaders have not made this mistake in selling themselves for other countries as mercenaries.
The Safavid state is growing
Imao, I thought you hated Iran. Are you one of the beneficiaries of free Iranian oil? :)
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Imao, I thought you hated Iran. Are you one of the beneficiaries of free Iranian oil? :)

I hate the west too, so I will have to partake in this unholy alliance with you Majoos. If the Majoos fall, the white man will laugh at us all, they will say 'we conquered the middle east'. I can't agree with that.

Qais al Khazali should decide Iraq's course, he's a good man who hates all our enemies including the Kurds. Although I disagree with his views on the ba'ath, that can wait given the situation.
Its all about to steal the iraqis the shiite wealth to give it to these arab also to prevent the country from getting chinese investment all in all keep iraq and the shiite under hellish life no electricity no clean water no health services no security no life

Yup, they've prevented Chinese entry into the company to build thermal powerplants, but if you ask a German like Siemens or Japanese company to come in and build one, they will not allow them either... Meanwhile ISIS gangs are attacking power lines on purpose.

The Chinese can come in there and build brand new plants with much lower cost in 6 months, and fix a ton of problems..

I'm not sure what they want, I think they just want everything to be bad so that Iran can be blamed.
I hate the west too, so I will have to partake in this unholy alliance with you Majoos. If the Majoos fall, the white man will laugh at us all, they will say 'we conquered the middle east'. I can't agree with that.

Qais al Khazali should decide Iraq's course, he's a good man who hates all our enemies including the Kurds. Although I disagree with his views on the ba'ath, that can wait given the situation.

THATS IT. Now you understand. We can have our disco dance in the sand later. Late us Majoosis and you camel riding traitors be allies nd get the white imperials out of all of arabia first. You have truly become wise Camel. WE HAVE A COMMON ENEMY. THOSE MOFOS want us both screwed. We have to drive those FOREIGNERS out of all of middle east so each country can save its thousand year old traditions.
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