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It's official: Jordan is now allies with Iran - opinion

It is great to see that the man who before all others openly warned about Iranian hegemony is now succumbing to Iranian hegemony!

Its all about to steal the iraqis the shiite wealth to give it to these arab also to prevent the country from getting chinese investment all in all keep iraq and the shiite under hellish life no electricity no clean water no health services no security no life
just learnt that He is the descendent of prophet muhammad (PBUH) and hazarat ALi (R.A). Is it true?
Yes they are hashmi. His great grand father hussain bin ali was the governor of makkah ( shareef e makkah) in first world war. Who back stab Ottomans and did the job for British spy Lawrence of the arabia, they killed the Ottoman soldiers and help the british to rise the Union Jack on makkah. That was great services for islam and Muslims. In return they got the control over the arabian peninsula.but then the Saud raise from najjad and took control of Makkah and Madina. And hashmi family rule shrink to iraq and jordan. Later in iraq revolutionary overthrow the hashmi king. And the hashmi empire shrink to just jordan. They only loyal to their greed of power and rule, nothing else.see how longer this curse will rule jordan.
“These countries will not sacrifice themselves on the altar of their relations with Israel and will have no choice but to obey the Iranian dictates.

“Israel may soon find itself facing the Iranian threat alone, after Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Emirates and Bahrain realized who the landlord is.”


He made a brief cameo in an episode of Star Trek Voyager. He was a big fan of the series.

I guessed it was either voyager or ds9 from the uniform and lighting and set background but am truly surprised that it was actually him! Also voyager over deep space 9, really?!
It's official: Jordan is now allies with Iran - opinion
Honestly this article is just a propaganda stunt. It fails to explain how Iraqi oil will be transported to Egypt via Jordan. Most Iraqi oil fields are either North (Kirkuk) or South (Basra).
Northern oil fields can be linked via Turkey, while Basra is already a sea port so why Iraqi's need a pipe line through three countries when they can just ship it.

It doesn't make sense considering the geography of three countries. The alleged pipeline has to cross red sea near Aqaba as Jordan does not share border with Egypt.

If goal is to reach meditranian sea then Syria is the best option.
It's official: Jordan is now allies with Iran - opinion

JULY 8, 2021 20:18
JORDAN’S KING ABDULLAH II listens during a meeting in Amman in May. (photo credit: ALEX BRANDON/POOL VIA REUTERS)

JORDAN’S KING ABDULLAH II listens during a meeting in Amman in May.

The king of Jordan believes that opening the door to the Shi’ites will save his country from these crises. But as we have said, this will be a double-edged sword.

On 27 June 2021, Jordan’s King Abdullah II met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Baghdad. All three announced an agreement to cooperate on transporting Iraqi oil through pipelines from Iraq to Jordan to Egypt, from where it will be exported to Europe through the Mediterranean. This agreement is King Abdullah’s “coming out of the closest” with Iran. It is now official: Jordan is allied with Iran because Iraq is actually under Iran’s control. The Iraqi government is a puppet state controlled by Iran. Exporting Iraqi oil through Jordan to Europe is simply exporting oil controlled by Iran, which rules Iraq through its Shi’ite militias and controls the country’s resources.

One day after this happened, Jordanian state media began promoting full financial cooperation with Iran. This is as shocking to the Jordanian public as it was to the Egyptian public 40 years ago when then-president Anwar Sadat announced peace with Israel.

King Abdullah’s adviser, Zaid Nabulsi, a member of the newly appointed “king’s advisory board,” told the media, “Iranian religious tourism will breathe life back into Jordan.” Government-controlled media sites began speaking about one million expected religious tourists. Those are meant to visit the southern village of Kerak, 120 km. (75 miles) south of Amman, to visit the shrine of Jaffar Ibn Abu Taleb. In addition to that, the Jordanian and Arab press began speaking of an Iranian proposal to build an airport in Kerak.

Jaffar Ibn Abu Taleb was the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin who died fighting against the Byzantine Empire in Kerak. His shrine is considered most holy to the Shi’ite faith. Nonetheless, the Sunni faith generally bans visiting graves for worship and considers it an act of infidelity toward God, hence the shrine is mostly closed. Nonetheless, the king himself went for a visit to promote and help legitimize these future visits.

It went further, with a monarchy-supported campaign to even promote the Shi’ite faith itself. This is what Iran did in both Syria and Iraq. This is exactly how it all began.

A Jordanian journalist known for his close ties to the Hashemite monarch, Mouafaq Mahadeen, appeared on TV two nights after the king’s visit and said “80% of Lebanon’s Shi’ites are originally from Kerak.” Jordanian media sites repeated that Iran was considering building an airport in Kerak. Old news stories resurfaced of Iran allegedly promising to supply the kingdom with free oil for 30 years

On July 3, Jordanian TV broadcast a show in which the speakers claimed it was not at all dangerous to welcome the Iranians into Jordan as tourists. This was in response to mutual threats and warnings issued by the leaders of the Palestinian majority of the country as well as the Bedouin native minority. Both issued messages to the king on July 1 warning him against bringing Iran into Jordan. In a normal situation, both sides would not dare criticize the king, let alone send him a warning.

There is no doubt that Jordan is suffering from severe financial hardship due to COVID, corruption, mismanagement, a lack of natural resources including shortage of water. The king of Jordan believes that opening the door to the Shi’ites will save his country from these crises. But as we have said, this will be a double-edged sword, and it will not take long for Jordan to sink into darkness just like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen have. As for Israel, there is a fear of opening a front from hell, sending drones, or even digging tunnels in the areas bordering Jordan, which will be under the control of the Shi’ites.

Dr. Edy Cohen grew up in Lebanon and served for 15 years in the Israeli intelligence community. He is a researcher at the BESA Center who specializes in inter-Arab relations, the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and Jewish communities in the Arab world. He is author of The Holocaust in the Eyes of Mahmoud Abbas (Hebrew).

It is great to see that the man who before all others openly warned about Iranian hegemony is now succumbing to Iranian hegemony!
Or he has found a way to milk the Saudi cow as well!

Perhaps he looks at UAE and it's huge economic relations with Iran and finally realizes he has been nothing but a dumb puppet with a due expiration date!
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After seeing what happened to Iraq, Syria and Libya you don't have to be a genius to work out Jordan will be next. Pakistan, Turkey and Iran should send a joint defense force to Jordan to ensure Jordan doesn't suffer the same fate and put enough fire power there to deter any Israeli aggression.

We don't need turkey... we don't needs NATO ally turkey to accomplish our agenda. And quite frankly Pakistan shud focus on the Islamic agenda of the east. Pakistans duty is to its east.

And turkey and Iran are two very different countries. Iran have nothing in common wit NATO ally Turkey. Don't associate us with them. It disgusts me seeing turkey mentioned in the same line as us.

It again falls back to Yemen crisis---. If pak military had made future investment in GCC, this day would not have arrived.

Pakistan's refusal to spearhead Yemen campaign has made the islamic world extremely weak overall---.

I understand and respect patriotism but you have to understand why Pakistan didn't spearhead Yemen campaign. It wasn't only cuz they didn't want to, they don't have the ABILITY to do so.

Let's not overestimate Pakistan here, the fact is Pakistan is in no position economically nd socially to be assertive in foreign policy or adventures. They don't have the funds nor the international standing to lead anything.

I mean how much is their Budget ? Very meager. Even sanctions stricken Iran spend way way more on defense than Pakistan ever managed to do , not mention Irans spending to maintain their extensive proxy networks.

All Pakistan can do at least wen it comes to the Middle East , is make a few short speeches nd pass few words nd that's all. It can do no more. Cuz it can't.

Pakistan is a developing country nd shud focus on spreading their influence to their east
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I understand and respect patriotism but you have to understand why Pakistan didn't spearhead Yemen campaign. It wasn't only cuz they didn't want to, they don't have the ABILITY to do so.

Let's not overestimate Pakistan here, the fact is Pakistan is in no position economically nd socially to be assertive in foreign policy or adventures. They don't have the funds nor the international standing to lead anything.

I mean how much is their Budget ? Very meager. Even sanctions stricken Iran spend way way more on defense than Pakistan ever managed to do , not mention Irans spending to maintain their extensive proxy networks.

All Pakistan can do at least wen it comes to the Middle East , is make a few short speeches nd pass few words nd that's all. It can do no more. Cuz it can't.

Pakistan is a developing country nd shud focus on spreading their influence to their east
Obviously money wasn't a problem, the Saudi cow would have payed them.

But any party or government who had dared to join Saudis' massacre in Yemen , would have lost the next election too.

This is the difference between a Republic and a dictatorship.
Its irrelevant about Iran or any other country. Its seems people have short memory. When your survival is at stake, you will go and make alliance which might not make sense.

Remember this chap? Not sure why Israeli media is moaning.

Jordan's Kingdom was shooting at anyone who tried to cross the Israeli border. They threatened anyone who tried to show any kind of support to Palestinian resistance.
I can't believe this. If there was such an alliance then Israel couldn't breath for one day. Iran would arm every Palestinian man to the teeth through Jordan-Syria borders. Israeli depth is less than 70 KM and a simple artillery can cover the whole occupied lands along with artillery rockets such as Fajr-5 they make a hell for Israel.
Jordan is Britain's vital asset in the region.

It again falls back to Yemen crisis---. If pak military had made future investment in GCC, this day would not have arrived.

Pakistan's refusal to spearhead Yemen campaign has made the islamic world extremely weak overall---.
When i read this Ja-Kesh's quotes, the only thing that comes to mind is :
"Pakistan is for sale, anyone?"
Why is Jordan no longer a Saudi policy follower?

It is wonderful that Iran has such a great ally as Saudi Arabia which through its dumb actions always makes Iran stronger and stronger! Iran could not wish for a better ally!
Wether it rains, thunders or snows, Saudi Arabia is there to help Iran!

Long live Saudi Arabia!
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I understand and respect patriotism but you have to understand why Pakistan didn't spearhead Yemen campaign. It wasn't only cuz they didn't want to, they don't have the ABILITY to do so.

Let's not overestimate Pakistan here, the fact is Pakistan is in no position economically nd socially to be assertive in foreign policy or adventures. They don't have the funds nor the international standing to lead anything.

I mean how much is their Budget ? Very meager. Even sanctions stricken Iran spend way way more on defense than Pakistan ever managed to do , not mention Irans spending to maintain their extensive proxy networks.

All Pakistan can do at least wen it comes to the Middle East , is make a few short speeches nd pass few words nd that's all. It can do no more. Cuz it can't.

Pakistan is a developing country nd shud focus on spreading their influence to their east


You are clueless to what amount of financial gains and fortunes would have come with that.

Find my old post and yet you may learn a thing or two.

You are clueless to what amount of financial gains and fortunes would have come with that.

Find my old post and yet you may learn a thing or two.
Your kind once sold Pakistani lives to foreign powers in the hope of having billions of aid. What happened?
Let me say Pakistan after all those years cannot get rid of foreign supported insurgency on its soil.
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