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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

Please show me where those not opposed to Mehwish Hayat have advocated violence or used threats of violence.

If I missed something, it needs to be addressed.

There are comments here by Pakistanis straight outta " Bombing back to stone age " magazine.

Ms. Hayat is of no value to this discussion.
There are comments here by Pakistanis straight outta " Bombing back to stone age " magazine.

Ms. Hayat is of no value to this discussion.
Again, please quote or link to the comments advocating violence against other people for opposing Mehwish Hayat's position.

If you can't, then your earlier claim and comparison is invalid.
Again, please quote or link to the comments advocating violence against other people for opposing Mehwish Hayat's position.

If you can't, then your earlier claim and comparison is invalid.

No one advocated for a violent attacks on Ms. Hayat.

People simply want that award investigated for nepotism and a NAB inquiry followed by FIA inquiry in money laundering by this public figure.
This state was founded on Islam. Its first rule says Quran and Sunnah dominates and Quran and Sunnah has ordered state to stop all vices including vulgarity so better state does its job. It's also mentioned in other parts of constitution. We follow Islam not western meaning of state. Islam rules plain and simple, this is Islamic Republic of Pakistan not secular republic of Pakistan. What I am saying is agreed upon in every sect. There is no difference here and if state can't implement Islam than it has no right to cry when people do it. So better state does its job. And state has institution such as Islamic Ideological Council. It has members of all 4 major sects.

The Objectives Resolution supports the above quote far more than the quote below.

That's your view, not mine.

I'll advocate for my view, you advocate for yours and we'll see whose view gets implemented via laws passed by the National Assembly.

Once laws are passed (or not passed), we should respect them, but that does not mean that we need to stop advocating for change in the future. Who knows, different politicians might get elected and the public perception might change and new laws might be passed.

And then of course comes the issue of effective implementation of said laws.
No one advocated for a violent attacks on Ms. Hayat.

People simply want that award investigated for nepotism and a NAB inquiry followed by FIA inquiry in money laundering by this public figure.
People advocated for violence against women based on the clothing they wear, and that it is justified.

Some members also justified the mob taking matters into their own hands if the government did not 'police morality' per their wishes - essentially advocating for terrorism.

You are the first person on this thread (whose posts I have come across) that has brought up the issue of Mehwish's award nor is it the subject of this thread, so stay on topic.

I understand that you love to go dance around the planets when you get cornered in an argument to try and get away from looking like a fool who's been debunked, but I've done this enough to spot intellectual dishonesty.

Just because I entertain your dissemblance and trolling does not mean what you're doing isn't patently obvious.

And then of course comes the issue of effective implementation of said laws.
Which continues the cycle of advocating for representatives to be elected that can bring about effective implementation.
People advocated for violence against women based on the clothing they wear, and that it is justified.
Domestic abuse is common in Pakistan given the cultural stigma. So it is just up to the civil society to work closer with the government to ensure the talk does not get translated in to a walk.

Morality is a governance matter all over the world.
Some members also justified the mob taking matters into their own hands if the government did not 'police morality' per their wishes - essentially advocating for terrorism.
You can report them under cyber crime laws
Just because I entertain your dissemblance and trolling does not mean what you're doing isn't patently obvious.
I do not mind Agnostics judging me. It is endearing.
Domestic abuse is common in Pakistan given the cultural stigma. So it is just up to the civil society to work closer with the government to ensure the talk does not get translated in to a walk.

Morality is a governance matter all over the world.
So long as people debate and discuss the issues freely and use constitutional means to advance their interests, the system is working and I have no issues.

Violence or the threat of violence is not acceptable.
You can report them under cyber crime laws
I'll let the forum's legal team make that determination.
I do not mind Agnostics judging me. It is endearing.
All of us are guilty of judging others - human trait and all.

So long as everyone abides by the laws and engages peacefully, judge away.
If immorality is your problem why you choose to live in a amoral society. A den of satan. Have they tied you in chains to America?

Or is smell of money too much for you ....

Biggest threats to Pakistan -

  • lack of secular [non religious education].
  • excess piety and pretend religiousioty.
  • corrup and lack of morals
  • laziness
  • no civic sense of responsibility
  • ignorance

then somewhere at the bottom

  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • loose women

Ite freaking 2020 and we are still debating how to police sartorial wearing and choices the psuedo liberals want all women wearing mini skirts while the psuedo conservatives want every women to wear burka or hijab damn non Muslims are laughing at us but being this is Pakistan specific issue I could say non Pakistanis are laughing too
Violence or the threat of violence is not acceptable.

People often advocate to bomb the mosques and religious gatherings openly here as well.

A 2 way street.

All of us are guilty of judging others - human trait and all.

So long as everyone abides by the laws and engages peacefully, judge away.

But the word Agnostic has a settled definition don't you think.

Anyhow as i said morality is a governance issue and hence laws which mirror the public sentiments should be made to avoid issues like these going out of control.

People often advocate to bomb the mosques and religious gatherings openly here as well.

A 2 way street.
Please report such posts. We have enough moderators to handle reported posts now. Such threats of violence are not acceptable either.

All situations should be handled per the law and by the relevant authorized State institutions.
Please report such posts. We have enough moderators to handle reported posts now. Such threats of violence are not acceptable either.

All situations should be handled per the law and by the relevant authorized State institutions.

I do not take sides in this conflict.
Anyhow as i said morality is a governance issue and hence laws which mirror the public sentiments should be made to avoid issues like these going out of control.
I have no issues with that.

If you read my earlier posts, I encouraged members (on both sides of the issue) to follow the path of peacefully promoting their views to influence a larger number of people and eventually influence law makers to bring about the changes they desire.

They may not succeed the first time, or the second, but they should keep trying, and we should all respect that difference of opinion and allow it to be voiced and debated publicly without violence or the threat of violence.
You have to be utterly foolish to believe such pics prove anything.

Ask any man----ANY MAN----the way woman is dress has a lot to do with the type of attention she gathers naturally. For example, I see a girl A in my class wearing jeans and shirt whatever. Then, I see the same girl at a beach where she's wearing a bikini. Guess during which interaction I'm more likely to notice physical aspects of her body or better yet, under which circumstance would I be more sexually aroused/attracted to her? We all know the answer.

Ofc, it doesn't mean I am an animal and I start touching just because she's naked lol. What I am trying to say is that the way woman dress has a lot to do with what type of attention she attracts from males subconsciously. So clothes are not just unimportant things when it comes to discussion about interaction between gender. They matter...alot.

Some dresses can bring more negative attention on you (depending on where you are). That negative attention can lead to abuse. Is the woman to be blamed for that? Heck no. But should this be a part of an honest conversation about gender-relations, harassment, culturally appropriate behavior? YES.

Just Image a brother,
whose sisters and mother had been wearing these from his childhood. He has seen female naked legs far often at his home, school, markets, beaches and whole society.

These naked legs are not going to make any difference for him.

but on the other side if a girl wore the same dress in Pakistan, BAM
I have no issues with that.

If you read my earlier posts, I encouraged members (on both sides of the issue) to follow the path of peacefully promoting their views to influence a larger number of people and eventually influence law makers to bring about the changes they desire.

if you put Kim Kardashian what color is this bag debate here, people would still be using the same tone. its just lingua franca now i guess.

my argument is that there is a section of society for examples the amish who define morality as a religious concept but they cannot discuss religious issues as per forum rules hence the frustration on their part.
Just Image a brother,
whose sisters and mother had been wearing these from his childhood. He has seen female naked legs far often at his home, school, markets, beaches and whole society.

These naked legs are not going to make any difference for him.

but on the other side if a girl wore the same dress in Pakistan, BAM
LOL I know how much Women are respected in West. Hoe, Slut, Chick are used way often there than in Pakistan
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