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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

Lol.. your are one judgmental freak.. not even sparing your mother.. you think judging woman is your birth right? Wrong.. Only Allah will judge people on merit.. don't interfere with Gods work...
There is nothing in to laugh, I told you my reaction now tell me yours?
i will not approve of it.
What special right Allah have given you on your sister or mother to implement your judgement on them? Hamein bhi suna do koi hadith ya ayat shayad humein na pata ho..
What special right Allah have given you on your sister or mother to implement your judgement on them? Hamein bhi suna do koi hadith ya ayat shayad humein na pata ho..
first answer my question then we will take the discussion to next level, dont run away i am repeating the question third time, Tell me does your family dress up like this the way she is dressed up in this video and do you approve of such dress ?
you didnt answer my question Tell me does your family dress up like this the way she is dressed up in this video and do you approve of such dress ?
You are trying to tow the personal line, wallahi insist again in answering and by God i will intensely start judging your mother on your tarbiat.. Go on..
You are trying to tow the personal line, wallahi insist again in answering and by God i will intensely start judging your mother on your tarbiat.. Go on..
This is not the answer to my question, bhgna nahi ab. tell me Tell me does your family dress up like this the way she is dressed up in this video and do you approve of such dress ?
The only One who is judging is you because liberalism is a mental disorder. May Allah give you Wisdom to see through the trickery. Ameen.
Liberlism, blind judgements will take you directly to hell... I have fasted all day, prayed 5 times a day, read Quran, watched tableegh on youtube, if thats make me a liberal so be it.. whatever floats your boat..
Liberlism, blind judgements will take you directly to hell... I have fasted all day, prayed 5 times a day, read Quran, watched tableegh on youtube, if thats make me a liberal so be it.. whatever floats your boat..
oye molvi answer my question Tell me does your family dress up like this the way she is dressed up in this video and do you approve of such dress ?

Liberlism, blind judgements will take you directly to hell... I have fasted all day, prayed 5 times a day, read Quran, watched tableegh on youtube, if thats make me a liberal so be it.. whatever floats your boat..
You are a munafiq,

oye molvi answer my question Tell me does your family dress up like this the way she is dressed up in this video and do you approve of such dress ?

You are a munafiq,
Jawab do na why have you run away ?
This is not the answer to my question, bhgna nahi ab. tell me Tell me does your family dress up like this the way she is dressed up in this video and do you approve of such dress ?
Ok, i don't approve such dress.. none in my family approves.. we live in Saudi Arabia so wahabi influence is little strong.. i hope now jo aag lagi hue thi pichlay 3-4 posts say apk woh bhuj gai ho g..
You have your answer now ab mere bari, i feel sorry for your mother and sisters for living under such circumstances where even their Sons and brothers think they have the Holy right that they can judge them and consider them sluts..
I am sure your mother tried hard to teach you to respect women but dads influence woh kehtay hein na nasal hi kharab hai sari..

Or kisi nay kuch pochna hai?
Ok, i don't approve such dress.. none in my family approves.. we live in Saudi Arabia so wahabi influence is little strong.. you have your answer now, i feel sorry for your mother and sisters for living under such circumstances where even their Sons and brothers think they have the Holy right that they can judge them and consider them sluts..
I am sure your mother tried hard to teach you to respect women but dads influence woh kehtay hein na nasal hi kharab hai sari..
Sab nay dekh lia hai kis ki nasal kaisee hai, dont preach what you dont like for your own mother and sister. My mother is in Jannah away from munafiqs like you.

Ok, i don't approve such dress.. none in my family approves.. we live in Saudi Arabia so wahabi influence is little strong.. i hope now jo aag lagi hue thi pichlay 3-4 posts say apk woh bhuj gai ho g..
You have your answer now ab mere bari, i feel sorry for your mother and sisters for living under such circumstances where even their Sons and brothers think they have the Holy right that they can judge them and consider them sluts..
I am sure your mother tried hard to teach you to respect women but dads influence woh kehtay hein na nasal hi kharab hai sari..
look at this munafiq, "Ok, i don't approve such dress.. none in my family approves"
With all due apology if your or anybodys mother or sister or daughter dresses up like this then dont expect any respect for her from my side. I wont rape or assault her but i will surely consider her a sult
You can consider her whatever you wish - I can’t control your thinking, but neither you nor anyone else has the right to physically or verbally harass her or argue that ‘hormones’ and ‘clothing’ are justification for sexual assault.
I think the debate should be directed to whether Pakistan create Anti **** Law or not. Indonesia under Islamist-Nationalist Religious has made such law but the enforcement of such law is still very poor.

No need to be personal, the debate should be directed into more productive thing like that.
Sab nay dekh lia hai kis ki nasal kaisee hai, dont preach what you dont like for your own mother and sister. My mother is in Jannah away from munafiqs like you.

look at this munafiq, "Ok, i don't approve such dress.. none in my family approves"
I am glad your mother is in Jannah, i am sure seeing how you judge other mothers and sisters i am sure she would have preferred to leave you any how.. Allah unki maghfirat fermaye.. Ameen.
You can consider her whatever you wish - I can’t control your thinking, but neither you nor anyone else has the right to physically or verbally harass her or argue that ‘hormones’ and ‘clothing’ are justification for sexual assault.
Thn atleast have the courtesy to answer my question sir

I am glad your mother is in Jannah, i am sure seeing how you judge other mothers and sisters i am sure she would have preferred to leave you any how.. Allah unki maghfirat fermaye.. Ameen.
She doesnt need your prayers, pray for your sister Mehwish Hayat
look at this munafiq, "Ok, i don't approve such dress.. none in my family approves"
Ofcourse if you give your blind mullaism a rest, you will see i have never advocated for women to expose themselves.. but you are so high on ghairat nasha common sense has left you..

My talk with all of you is about judging woman or feeling entitled to take action..

Wallahi you are the most khabees shaks on the planet earth...

She doesnt need your prayers, pray for your sister Mehwish Hayat
How can you be sure she is in Jannah? reconsidering the terbiat you got from her.. apni Sister ko bhi janat kab bhej rehay ho?
Ofcourse if you give your blind mullaism a rest, you will see i have never advocated for women to expose themselves.. but you are so high on ghairat nasha common sense has left you..

My talk with all of you is about judging woman or feeling entitled to take action..

Wallahi you are the most khabees shaks on the planet earth...

How can you be sure she is in Jannah? reconsidering the terbiat you got from her.. apni Sister ko bhi janat kab bhej rehay ho?
On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيّ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ سَمِعْت رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه و سلم يَقُولُ: "مَنْ رَأَى مِنْكُمْ مُنْكَرًا فَلْيُغَيِّرْهُ بِيَدِهِ، فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَبِلِسَانِهِ، فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَبِقَلْبِهِ، وَذَلِكَ أَضْعَفُ الْإِيمَانِ" .
[رَوَاهُ مُسْلِمٌ].
I am glad I am at first degree of eman and you are on 3rd. AlhamdoliAllah

Ofcourse if you give your blind mullaism a rest, you will see i have never advocated for women to expose themselves.. but you are so high on ghairat nasha common sense has left you..

My talk with all of you is about judging woman or feeling entitled to take action..

Wallahi you are the most khabees shaks on the planet earth...

How can you be sure she is in Jannah? reconsidering the terbiat you got from her.. apni Sister ko bhi janat kab bhej rehay ho?
I have no doubt about her tarbiat and that she is in Jannah. Everybody else including Allah is watchink kis nay kis ki kaisee tarbiat kee hai
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