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Italy warns India of European response to marines trial

Dont need to go that far

Mate, we all know that. Both nation are sane & things won't escalate this FAR...There's a long story (another thread) ------ That is why I mentioned about A-5....:D Lets, leave it...:enjoy:
Mate, we all know that. Both nation are sane & things won't escalate this FAR...There's a long story (another thread) ------ That is why I mentioned about A-5....:D Lets, leave it...:enjoy:

It is your photo in that avatar?
Well, both India and Italy are posing for their own home audience...:coffee:
India has enough Nuclear weapons to make complete Europe The Hiroshima of West...................
Man what are you talking about?A North Korean style comment.

We want friendship with all the nations of the world.

But if someone challenges our Sovereign RIGHT to try someone guilty of murder than we won't be pushed back............

Even if that means a Nuclear Armageddon.
We want friendship with all the nations of the world.

But if someone challenges our Sovereign RIGHT to try someone guilty of murder than we won't be pushed back............

Even if that means a Nuclear Armageddon.

Nukes and military force is a last resort and only apply when our national security questioned.I dont think this is a case like that.,
Italy is already done.
oye ye waar kab start hoga......waiting anxiously to attack on Sonia maino ancestral home.... :guns::guns:
Italy has reacted angrily to an Indian decision to try two Italian marines, accused of killing two fishermen, under an anti-piracy law.

Prime Minister Enrico Letta said the proposal was unacceptable. "Italy and the European Union will react."

The marines, who had been guarding an Italian oil tanker, said they mistook the men for pirates when they opened fire off the Kerala coast in 2012.

India's Supreme Court has announced it will hear the case next week.

The lengthy diplomatic spat began in February 2012 when Massimilian Latorre and Salvatore Girone were first detained on suspicion of murder.

They were eventually allowed to return home for a four-week period to vote in the February 2013 elections.

Rome initially refused to return them, arguing they should be tried in Italy because the incident took place in international waters.

The marines eventually flew back to Delhi in March 2013.

Massimilian Latorre (L) and Salvatore Girone have been staying at the Italian embassy in Delhi
Italy's deputy foreign minister Staffan de Mistura, speaking outside the Supreme Court in Delhi on Monday, said the decision to charge the marines under the Suppression of Unlawful Acts (SUA) maritime security law was "unacceptable".

It was tantamount to labelling a friendly country and its two military representatives as "terrorists", he said,

Mr Letta tweeted on Monday that the Italian government "totally rejects the use of the concept of terrorism".

Indian authorities had originally planned to use part of the SUA that would have brought the death penalty but said on Saturday it would use a different section that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in jail.
Marines Latorre and Girone are currently on bail at the Italian embassy in Delhi.

Italy has complained at the slow progress of the case. India says the delay is down to witnesses who were on board the ship with the marines failing to return from abroad to provide evidence.

BBC News - Italy warns India of European response to marines trial
The EU won't do jack. India is too valuable as a partner to simply ignore or pass resolutions against it. They may make a statement about their "deep concern" about the situation, but nothing more.

Why do you think the US is changing it's policy about Modi?
The EU won't do jack. India is too valuable as a partner to simply ignore or pass resolutions against it. They may make a statement about their "deep concern" about the situation, but nothing more.

Why do you think the US is changing it's policy about Modi?

There is a bigger question: Is it ethical to protect a suspect from the law? If the Marines are innocent they will walk free with their heads held high. This is a humanitarian matter, and the life of a poor fisherman is as valuable as the life of a soldier in uniform.

India has already agreed to EU's demand by not asking for "Death Sentence", I don't think there is a room for any further compromise.
There is a bigger question: Is it ethical to protect a suspect from the law? If the Marines are innocent they will walk free with their heads held high. This is a humanitarian matter, and the life of a poor fisherman is as valuable as the life of a soldier in uniform.

India has already agreed to EU's demand by not asking for "Death Sentence", I don't think there is a room for any further compromise.
Another issue must also be noted, these marines came back to India voluntarily, when they really didn't have to.

Still, whether India chooses to punish them to the fullest extent of the law is up to them and Italy has no say in the matter anymore.

I do have to point out though, the Italians aren't actually against the trial itself, they're against the anti-piracy laws being used to charge the marines; it's basically saying the marines are terrorists is what the Italians are accusing the Indians of trying to do.
You guys are so easily stirred.

This statement came after Indian statement they will not pursue death penalty. Letta isn't on very solid ground as a PM of Italy and is looking to score some patriotism points by acting all tough vs a decision for which it was already decided it won't happen.

This is for internal consumption. The same can be said about these newly established anti piracy accusations for the government of India. Both want to look tough infront of their home audience.
You guys are so easily stirred.

This statement came after Indian statement they will not pursue death penalty. Letta isn't on very solid ground as a PM of Italy and is looking to score some patriotism points by acting all tough vs a decision for which it was already decided it won't happen.

This is for internal consumption. The same can be said about these newly established anti piracy accusations for the government of India. Both want to look tough infront of their home audience.

The problem is our bureaucracy which give charge for investigation to Anti-terrorism agency which have only power to frame case under perception of national security.
This is a un-intentionally murder case which have 7 to 10 prison & penalty.
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