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Italy warns India of European response to marines trial

India don't care a $hit about you and your union Italy. You are making things more complicated for your marines. I fear India will now consider no mercy for them and hang them.
It's the West in general, they think they are superior to everyone else and the thing they hate most is being shown they are not. They think if they bark loud enough these emerging nations like India and China will blink- good on them for showing a new world is emerging.
Yes they often think it's ok when it's them who do, but it's always terrorism or barbary or illegal when it's the other people

The law is the same for everybody even you're white and european
India don't care a $hit about you and your union Italy. You are making things more complicated for your marines. I fear India will now consider no mercy for them and hang them.
Silly reasoning mate, it's not like the Indian judiciary would pay any attention to such remarks or let emotion get in the way of these sort of decisions.

Anyway the Indian Home Ministry ruled out pursuing the Death penalty for the Marines recently:

India to spare Italian marines mandatory death penalty - DAWN.COM

Yes they often think it's ok when it's them who do, but it's always terrorism or barbary or illegal when it's the other people

The law is the same for everybody even you're white and european
Can you imagine if an Indian/Iranian/Chinese flagged vessel with their armed soldiers/marines on board had gone into US/Italian/UK/Western waters and shot and KILLED tow of THEIR fishermen?! I can't even imagine what kind of response they would have to that but no way would they be rolling over like they are asking the Indians to do. They don't the value of human lives as equal- Westerners are worth more than everyone else as far as they are concerned.
Silly reasoning mate, it's not like the Indian judiciary would pay any attention to such remarks or let emotion get in the way of these sort of decisions.

Anyway the Indian Home Ministry ruled out pursuing the Death penalty for the Marines recently:

India to spare Italian marines mandatory death penalty - DAWN.COM
Thats true but I fear that if our media pay serious attention to this 'hallow' threats then Indian govt will be on backfoot and elections are at hand too. You know our media, they may force govt to charge them and bring them to punish them with hardest way possible.
It's funny he says that because the Italians have been trying to get other EU nations to weigh in this and back them against India on this issue and they have actively sought to distance themselves from the case. They have 0 interest in affecting their bilateral relations with India over this Italian issue. A pretty empty threat to be honest and this guy is just pandering to his domestic audience- just like last month when he said it would be "an act of war" if Indian prosecutors pursued the death penalty in this case.

And the Italians complain about the lack of progress in this case when it was THEM who reneged on a DEAL to return the Marines, eventually having to back down and return them to India and now they are blocking certain witnesses from going to India to participate in the trail/investigations. They want to get away scott-free in this case and are throwing their toys out of the pram because India won't let them.

They've done worse than just the deal. These clowns have serious domestic issues and their politicians just decided they'll become heroes by 'rescuing' the marines. And then started the sordid saga where they treated India like some banana republic. First they got into a public spat with FM on the boundry issue, then they tried to pay 'blood money' to the family and get the marines out making the SC angrily intervene and then reneging on the deal. There is not one department of the Indian govt that's not completely pissed off with them. In fact I like what the kerala govt did. I believe the marines remained cooped up on their ship (foreign territory) for several weeks. I believe the KP told them, come down we won't arreast you, we just need you to sign some documents or something....and then when they did they were promptly placed under arrest. Serves them right.
Thats true but I fear that if our media pay serious attention to this 'hallow' threats then Indian govt will be on backfoot and elections are at hand too. You know our media, they may force govt to charge them and bring them to punish them with hardest way possible.
I agree with you about the Indian media but I highly doubt that the GoI will go back on their stated position. The death penalty will NOT be pursued in this case- I don't even know if there is reason to pursue it anyway as I don't think it meets the "rarest of rare" criteria under Indian law for the death penalty to be applied.

They've done worse than just the deal. These clowns have serious domestic issues and their politicians just decided they'll become heroes by 'rescuing' the marines. And then started the sordid saga where they treated India like some banana republic. First they got into a public spat with FM on the boundry issue, then they tried to pay 'blood money' to the family and get the marines out making the SC angrily intervene and then reneging on the deal. There is not one department of the Indian govt that's not completely pissed off with them. In fact I like what the kerala govt did. I believe the marines remained cooped up on their ship (foreign territory) for several weeks. I believe the KP told them, come down we won't arreast you, we just need you to sign some documents or something....and then when they did they were promptly placed under arrest. Serves them right.
It's true, domestic pressure at home is forcing the Italians to act like a bunch of petulant children. They have shown almost no respect to India or her institutions and have tried to undermine India with every action.
Can you imagine if an Indian/Iranian/Chinese flagged vessel with their armed soldiers/marines on board had gone into US/Italian/UK/Western waters and shot and KILLED tow of THEIR fishermen?! I can't even imagine what kind of response they would have to that but no way would they be rolling over like they are asking the Indians to do. They don't the value of human lives as equal- Westerners are worth more than everyone else as far as they are concerned.
I'am scared, it's like talking about a blasphemy
I agree with you about the Indian media but I highly doubt that the GoI will go back on their stated position. The death penalty will NOT be pursued in this case- I don't even know if there is reason to pursue it anyway as I don't think it meets the "rarest of rare" criteria under Indian law for the death penalty to be applied.

It's true, domestic pressure at home is forcing the Italians to act like a bunch of petulant children. They have shown almost no respect to India or her institutions and have tried to undermine India with every action.

Like I had pointed out to another member.

1. NIA is the investigating agency.
2. NIA can charge them only under SUA. The only available penalty under SUA is the death penalty. Please note, there is no other penalty provided.
3. The key point is under what will they be charged. If they need to be charged for murder under some other IPC, then the NIA cannot do it. Another agency will need to do it, because, it will be against the NIA Charter.
4. The invoking of SUA can be challenged, which it has been by the Italian government in the SC. Now, depends on what the SC says.
The Indian Home Ministry ruled out pursuing the death penalty for them a few days ago. The EU IS powerful as a unified block, however it very rarely acts as one and, as you and I have stated, the individual member nations have no interest in damaging their individual bilateral ties with India over this case so they'll leave the Italians to make a big drama and jump up and down but won't get involved either way. As such the remarks about the EU by the Italian PM are as hollow as they come and India knows it- these comments are the his domestic audience.

Thats right.A strong country will give only a single chance.A single warning.Rest is actions that gave unacceptable damage to
opponents.When Italians scoot their marines in name of bail early last year.our PM gave a single warning.rest is actions and they return their marines.Similar goes to china ,US etc.
But here we have a Italian PM that issues warning in daily basis.and EU gave reluctant response .That all

@arp2041 Agni V say jawab dey Inko. :angry:

Dont need to go that far
I agree with you about the Indian media but I highly doubt that the GoI will go back on their stated position. The death penalty will NOT be pursued in this case- I don't even know if there is reason to pursue it anyway as I don't think it meets the "rarest of rare" criteria under Indian law for the death penalty to be applied.

It's true, domestic pressure at home is forcing the Italians to act like a bunch of petulant children. They have shown almost no respect to India or her institutions and have tried to undermine India with every action.

Asking for the death penalty is stupid anyways. There is no indication of pre-meditaion. And this most definitely does not fall under the 'rarest of the rare' cases that SC accepts as a requirement where death penalty has to be awarded. Clearly the marines weren't out to kill Indians that day- but there was something seriously wrong in the engagement protocol that they had been asked to follow.
I think they also afraid about what is next government response after election.Probably Narendra Modi as PM .so they try their maximum for marines .
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