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Italy warns India of European response to marines trial

Italy would not allow this. They are in our embassy for a reason. That way we can secure their security. Italy already paid compensations to the families.

I already told you why i said this. Why push this even further?

You have to storm our embassy then. Do you really want go that way? And i ask this as honest question.

Beside that, this is not murder since it was an accident.

1. Your marines were never at risk in India. India is not a lawless country.
2. We will not storm your embassy. But being a civilized nation, Italy will honour it's words.
3. If it wasn't murder then they have got nothing to fear. Trial hasn't begun, stop speculating.

Even if the marines are convicted they will be sent back to Italy to serve their jail term.
Well nothing will change until after the Indian elections are held and if Modi wins fingers crossed he will not let them go scot free because as soon as these marines return to Italy the max they will serve is 6 months jail time (if that) which would be more like a 3 star hotel in terms. That would be a disaster and a insult to the victims families we would be a banana republic if we ever allowed that, No the rule of the land must apply and they must have their day in court.

Justice for what?

Our marines have families too and little children as well.

Let us see one thing clear, you want us italians to chill and base our fate completly in the hands of india. You say evrything will turn out in an acceptable way. But we wouldn´t even feel good in that case if the other country was european.

Let it see from our way. India is exotic for us and we don´t understand it. And what you don´t understand scares you. Thats normal. We don´t know what to expect and if we can trust. We made mistakes because that too, i admit 100%.

All the nationalistic bullshit aside...it is idiotic to believe that this can be solved at court. Its an emotional thing between our nations.

I fully understand that the indian site want see justice. On the other side italy will not allow that our marines will be even one day in an indian jail. No country would allow this. Our government would collapse. They are in our embassy. The pressure on our officials in italy is so gigantic, that they could not let them out of embassy, and indians can´t go in our embassy. This would create a diplomatic worst case scenario. Thats the simple fact.

I don´t even think that india and italy can solve this alone. Maybe a 3rd party is needed to find a solution, a partner both trust. Like Japan for example.
Italy would not allow this. They are in our embassy for a reason. That way we can secure their security. Italy already paid compensations to the families.

I already told you why i said this. Why push this even further?

You have to storm our embassy then. Do you really want go that way? And i ask this as honest question.

Beside that, this is not murder since it was an accident.

'Accident' is a claim it is not a fact in the court of law it must be proven and lesser charges may be brought if that were to be case.
I already told you why i said this. Why push this even further?

Well you confided me in private but it's about time people knew about your lying habits. Of course they already know the story of the watch. :lol:

You have to storm our embassy then. Do you really want go that way? And i ask this as honest question.

Beside that, this is not murder since it was an accident.

I am sure Italy wouldn't make another mistake of trying to neglect the judicial process again, this time it may seriously go against them, as it would probably force India to not send them back to Italy to serve their time if convicted.

Beside that, this is not murder since it was an accident.

They would be charged for murder most probably, a non bailable offense. I must say that I am not a legal expert, so I may be wrong here.
1. Your marines were never at risk in India. India is not a lawless country.
2. We will not storm your embassy. But being a civilized nation, Italy will honour it's words.
3. If it wasn't murder then they have got nothing to fear. Trial hasn't begun, stop speculating.

Even if the marines are convicted they will be sent back to Italy to serve their jail term.

Our prime minister promised by all his cabinet that the marines will not be in indian jail. Otherwise italy would die as a nation because we could not send soldiers outside anymore and would be ashamed infront all of the world. If india would demand them in indian jail, we would hold them in our embassy. Thats the basic fact. And i don´t think such a situation is something italy wants nor india. Our both nations would look like idiots. Thats why i say we need a diplomatic solution over this.
Our prime minister promised by all his cabinet that the marines will not be in indian jail. Otherwise italy would die as a nation because we could not send soldiers outside anymore and would be ashamed infront all of the world. If india would demand them in indian jail, we would hold them in our embassy. Thats the basic fact. And i don´t think such a situation is something italy wants nor india. Our both nations would look like idiots. Thats why i say we need a diplomatic solution over this.

Do you understand the difference between Judicial Custody and Jail? The marines cannot be sent to jail before they are convicted. And if they are convicted, they will be sent back to Italy as per the agreement between the two countries. Hence your PM's promise to Italy will be honoured by us. Italian Marines will not be "Indian Jail".

Italy cannot dishonour it's own words. Hence Italy must cooperate in the judicial process.
Well you confided me in private but it's about time people knew about your lying habits. Of course they already know the story of the watch. :lol:

I am sure Italy wouldn't make another mistake of trying to neglect the judicial process again, this time it may seriously go against them, as it would probably force India to not send them back to Italy to serve their time if convicted.

They would be charged for murder most probably, a non bailable offense. I must say that I am not a legal expert, so I may be wrong here.
Do you understand the difference between Judicial Custody and Jail? The marines cannot be sent to jail before they are convicted. And if they are convicted, they will be sent back to Italy as per the agreement between the two countries. Hence your PM's promise to Italy will be honoured by us. Italian Marines will not be "Indian Jail".

Italy cannot dishonour it's own words. Hence Italy must cooperate in the judicial process.

We want them in our embassy during this process. We accepted in sending them back to india, so imdia should respect our wish that they stay in our embassy.
I simply can´t imagine positive relations anymore.

Du kannst nicht erwarten, dass die Inder jemals mit Anstand mit dir argumentieren. Wenn du nachgibst, treten sie nach. Die verstehen es nur mit Gewalt so wie die Briten und Mughals es mit ihnen gemacht haben.

Inder sind die größten Schleimer, wenn sie merken, dass sie verlieren. Nur meine persönliche Erfahrung.
Du kannst nicht erwarten, dass die Inder jemals mit Anstand mit dir argumentieren. Wenn du nachgibst, treten sie nach. Die verstehen es nur mit Gewalt so wie die Briten und Mughals es mit ihnen gemacht haben.

Inder sind die größten Schleimer, wenn sie merken, dass sie verlieren. Nur meine persönliche Erfahrung.

Somebody told me that you are actually a Chinese guy. Your German is "perfect", not a single typo, that means you are using Google Translate.
They did not come back voluntarily. They were allowed to leave India on the basis of an affidavit by the Italian ambassador to India. When they reneged on the promise the SC of India initiated proceedings against the ambassadors, he was stopped from leaving the country. After that Italy decided to send the marines back. Italy is playing it wrong all along.
Already been addressed, please read the comments before posting.
Somebody told me that you are actually a Chinese guy. Your German is "perfect", not a single typo, that means you are using Google Translate.

No he probably went to school in Germany, but his heart still bleeds for China. Check his post history. ;)
It all depends how Nato perceives the trial.

India put substantial capital in this. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Already been addressed, please read the comments before posting.

You could also read the news before posting! Jeez what's with the belligerent tone when someone is actually trying to help!
Somebody told me that you are actually a Chinese guy. Your German is "perfect", not a single typo, that means you are using Google Translate.
i dont know if he is chinese, but he knows german. he uses local slangs that google would not know.

You could also read the news before posting! Jeez what's with the belligerent tone when someone is actually trying to help!
well you are bellingerent towards myself too. ..
Du kannst nicht erwarten, dass die Inder jemals mit Anstand mit dir argumentieren. Wenn du nachgibst, treten sie nach. Die verstehen es nur mit Gewalt so wie die Briten und Mughals es mit ihnen gemacht haben.

Inder sind die größten Schleimer, wenn sie merken, dass sie verlieren. Nur meine persönliche Erfahrung.
Denkst du die haben ein google translate?
You think they cant use google translate?
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