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Italy warns India of European response to marines trial

That does not bring our marines back home close to their families.

I say it again, wait for the verdict. Why do you have this opinion that the Indian Judiciary is biased? Even if these Marines are convicted they will be sent back to Italy to spend their jail term in an Italian prison.
Do you honestly think we will send other italians to india and allow india to take more hostages? Thats not an option. Beside that, none of the others want travel to india. Its a free decssion they make themself.
Our marines did not break good faith, they came back in time.

India is not some rogue country that would take hostage of the other members who appear in the court to give their testimony. You marines only came back when the SC threatened legal proceedings against the ambassador.
Hahha italy can do nothing about this matter they all they can do is sit and watch
What is your point exactly? Should law be different for the "Racially Superior" Europeans? Is life of a fisherman cheaper than the life of a soldier in uniform? Let us see how civilized and humane Europeans really are.

That guy is Chinese, he's just trying to score brownie points here, ignore him.
That does not bring our marines back home close to their families.

Do you honestly think we will send other italians to india and allow india to take more hostages? Thats not an option. Beside that, none of the others want travel to india. Its a free decssion they make themself.

Our marines did not break good faith, they came back in time.
What about the families of those fisher mens they want justice
As i already said, i never had any bad opinion about india. Infact i did not think about it much. Just a far away and exotic country. I did read some books about india back then and saw some documentations in TV. It was interesting.

But this case has totally changed my opinion and most other italians think same. India is seen here almost like a terrorist state on same level as North Korea. We have 0 trust in indian system. As much as i would like that different, but it is like it is.

I don´t know what future will bring. I think relation between our countries is broken forever. I think we should close our embassy, bring ambassador home and let it be that way. No negative comments anymore and no friendship but also no hostility.

I simply can´t imagine positive relations anymore.
What about the families of those fisher mens they want justice

Exactly, Justice is universal. Justice is not a privilege, it is the right of every individual. Even aliens/foreigners enjoy certain rights in their host countries.
As i already said, i never had any bad opinion about india. Infact i did not think about it much. Just a far away and exotic country. I did read some books about india back then and saw some documentations in TV. It was interesting.

But this case has totally changed my opinion and most other italians think same. India is seen here almost like a terrorist state on same level as North Korea. We have 0 trust in indian system. As much as i would like that different, but it is like it is.

I don´t know what future will bring. I think relation between our countries is broken forever. I think we should close our embassy, bring ambassador home and let it be that way. No negative comments anymore and no friendship but also no hostility.

I simply can´t imagine positive relations anymore.
Well it is Italy which is warning India and not other way around so there is little we can do for you. If Italy wants good relation then we welcome and if not then we have no problem too. And regarding Marines and their families, what about families of those 2 innocent fishermen they killed?
What about the families of those fisher mens they want justice

Justice for what?

Our marines have families too and little children as well.

Let us see one thing clear, you want us italians to chill and base our fate completly in the hands of india. You say evrything will turn out in an acceptable way. But we wouldn´t even feel good in that case if the other country was european.

Let it see from our way. India is exotic for us and we don´t understand it. And what you don´t understand scares you. Thats normal. We don´t know what to expect and if we can trust. We made mistakes because that too, i admit 100%.

All the nationalistic bullshit aside...it is idiotic to believe that this can be solved at court. Its an emotional thing between our nations.

I fully understand that the indian site want see justice. On the other side italy will not allow that our marines will be even one day in an indian jail. No country would allow this. Our government would collapse. They are in our embassy. The pressure on our officials in italy is so gigantic, that they could not let them out of embassy, and indians can´t go in our embassy. This would create a diplomatic worst case scenario. Thats the simple fact.

I don´t even think that india and italy can solve this alone. Maybe a 3rd party is needed to find a solution, a partner both trust. Like Japan for example.
They are living in comfort at the moment but they should really be taken to a actual prison until they are sentenced which should be a min of 10-12 years and also they have to pay to the victims families (if not done so already) before they came return to Italy.
They are living in comfort at the moment but they should really be taken to a actual prison until they are sentenced which should be a min of 10-12 years and also they have to pay to the victims families (if not done so already) before they came return to Italy.

Victim's family have already been paid.

After sentencing, they might be allowed to serve their terms in Italy.
They are living in comfort at the moment but they should really be taken to a actual prison until they are sentenced which should be a min of 10-12 years and also they have to pay to the victims families (if not done so already) before they came return to Italy.

From my understanding, they are not yet charged and are out on bail. Murder charges are generally non bailable, so once they are charged they may be taken in custody.
They are living in comfort at the moment but they should really be taken to a actual prison until they are sentenced which should be a min of 10-12 years and also they have to pay to the victims families (if not done so already) before they came return to Italy.
Italy would not allow this. They are in our embassy for a reason. That way we can secure their security. Italy already paid compensations to the families.

I thought you hated India because you did not get any help from India during the flood. :lol:
I already told you why i said this. Why push this even further?

From my understanding, they are not yet charged and are out on bail. Murder charges are generally non bailable, so once they are charged they may be taken in custody.

You have to storm our embassy then. Do you really want go that way? And i ask this as honest question.

Beside that, this is not murder since it was an accident.
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