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Italy to send marines back to India

This dude's not gonna last a day more at this rate. :lol:

Also the Mods are gonna have a hard time now. All they had to do was delete the pic. Now they need t remove 2 and 1/2 pages of related posts. :lol:
When push came to shove, Italy was the one that blinked. Congrats to India on a game well played.


They look like a couple of guidos and one of them is wearing a man-purse. You should throw the book at them.

The problem is that they were plainly stupid; the two of them. They (and 4 others, there were 6 marines on the M.T. Enrica Lexie) had not even clearly worked out their ROE. The Watchkeepers on the Bridge had seen a fishing boat on a convergent course but moving slower than the Italian Tanker. The Marines were alerted and had stationed themselves. The decided (on asumption) that the Fishing boat (a wooden boat named St.Anthony with a max speed of abt. 11-12 kts) was a Pirate Skiff and opened fire at a distance of >100 m. No warning or cautionary methods were used to warn off the fishing boat. No warning shots or flares were fired. Some of the fishermen on the boat were asleep. Two of those who were on deck were shot. All of this happened after dusk on 15th Feb 2012.

Sort of a semi-trained (for this kind of ops) trigger-happy response.
EzioAltaïr;4063368 said:
This dude's not gonna last a day more at this rate. :lol:

Also the Mods are gonna have a hard time now. All they had to do was delete the pic. Now they need t remove 2 and 1/2 pages of related posts. :lol:

Or they will delete whole thread :lol:
Good that Italy is sending the marines back but all this for what? Is something still there to unfold?

OT @Aaliya yousuf
You insane???
Don't ruin this thread for us.
This isn't funny..
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Relax guys, aeronaut was driving home he left only for few minutes and then this black sheeps shows up
The problem is that they were plainly stupid; the two of them. They (and 4 others, there were 6 marines on the M.T. Enrica Lexie) had not even clearly worked out their ROE. The Watchkeepers on the Bridge had seen a fishing boat on a convergent course but moving slower than the Italian Tanker. The Marines were alerted and had stationed themselves. The decided (on asumption) that the Fishing boat (a wooden boat named St.Anthony with a max speed of abt. 11-12 kts) was a Pirate Skiff and opened fire at a distance of >100 m. No warning or cautionary methods were used to warn off the fishing boat. No warning shots or flares were fired. Some of the fishermen on the boat were asleep. Two of those who were on deck were shot. All of this happened after dusk on 15th Feb 2012.

Sort of a semi-trained (for this kind of ops) trigger-happy response.

No doubt. They're going to get what they deserve. I think it was a dumber move by the Italian government. They looked bad by reneging and then looked stupid and weak when they got called out.

I'm just hoping this doesn't become a trend and governments start seeing ambassadors as a bargaining chip.

Anyways, props to the Indian government for taking the stand.
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