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Italy to send marines back to India

The part about us being "chinks" was pretty funny.

Not that funny when the word is banned by the country of the sayer. :lol:

Speaking of word-bans, if any mod ever decide to come to this forum, please read this suggestion and censor the word for the sake of northern friends. :lol:
If they had not returned the marines one question could be raised against them is, Indian authority co-operated everything along the lines of law and event sent the accused marines for Christmas and then also to vote by trusting Italy and in the end Italy did not keep its promise. This would have spoiled their image.
No doubt. They're going to get what they deserve. I think it was a dumber move by the Italian government. They looked bad by reneging and then looked stupid and weak when they got called out.

I'm just hoping this doesn't become a trend and governments start seeing ambassadors as a bargaining chip.

Anyways, props to the Indian government for taking the stand.

The stupidity of the Italian Marines is one thing; the Italian Govt trying to be smarter by half is the other thing!
Sure there is a Vienna Convention. But it is neither an excuse nor a fig-leaf for a Govt and its Envoy to create and aid "fugitives from justice"!!
Sure there is a Vienna Convention. But it is neither an excuse nor a fig-leaf for a Govt and its Envoy to create and aid "fugitives from justice"!!

right and I will also add to it, nor under geneva convention neither under vienna convention one can let go the accused so freely I guess. So under which convention were they allowed to go that italy later on talks about Vienna convention?
If they had not returned the marines one question could be raised against them is, Indian authority co-operated everything along the lines of law and event sent the accused marines for Christmas and then also to vote by trusting Italy and in the end Italy did not keep its promise. This would have spoiled their image.

Once Italians took that stupid decision of not sending their marines back...they put themselves in a very tricky situation. There was only two option left for them. Either fight India & hold their ground tight or submit to Indian pressure & let the marines go back to India. Now you can imagine which is more embarrassing for the Italians & would cause a dent in their image.. ??
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