Sorry but you really belive such a bunch of bulls....
There isn't any deportation of peacefull muslims in Italy.
There is no request to swear loyalty to italian constitution (only if you apply for citezeship, obviouselly).
It goes by itself that anyone have to obey to Italian law.
The only deportations take place in the event somebody is considered to be dangerous in terms of public safety (eg links with terrorist or extremist proselytizing).
Mass deportation???? Anything this could means ... it would be totally illegal
Yes. We actually already do speed deportations.
There is zero tolerance for anything unitalian.
For example muslims get deported when tehy dont swear loyality to the italian constitution:
Others got deported with their families for FB posts, naming ther child Jihad or for shouting "Allahu Akbar" in public.
One Imam was deported because he did not swear that he accepts 100% equality of men and women.
Italy only has 8 mosques. All illegal mosques got smashed down last year.
So far this strategy was sucessful. We never had a terror attack yet.
But the next step is mass deportations. Currently thousands are rounded up and put in camps to achieve that.
Have you any problem or what?
Art. 3
Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.
Art. 8
Tutte le confessioni religiose sono egualmente libere davanti alla legge.
Le confessioni religiose diverse dalla cattolica hanno diritto di organizzarsi secondo i propri statuti, in quanto non contrastino con l'ordinamento giuridico italiano.
I loro rapporti con lo Stato sono regolati per legge sulla base di intese con le relative rappresentanze.
Art. 19.
Tutti hanno diritto di professare liberamente la propria fede religiosa in qualsiasi forma, individuale o associata, di farne propaganda e di esercitarne in privato o in pubblico il culto, purché non si tratti di riti contrari al buon costume.
Google trasnslator:
Art. 3
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
Art. 8
All religions are equally free in front of the law.
Religious confessions other than Catholic are entitled to organize themselves according to their own statutes, are not in conflict with the Italian legal system.
Their relations with the State are regulated by law on the basis of agreements with their respective representatives.
Art. 19.
Everyone has the right to profess freely their own religious faith in any form, individually or in association, to disseminate it in private or in public worship, provided that the rites are not contrary to morality.