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Italians over 80 'will be left to die' as country overwhelmed by coronavirus

As long as people eat meat, it's unaviodable, H1N1 is from pigs, bird flu comes from chicken, foot and mouth disease is from cows and horses, MER is from camels... Chinese eating habits are no different from other Asian eating habits.
Human carelessness is to blame then? There is a need to establish norms for human contact with animals and educate people in this regard.
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No, first known case of COVID-19 have been traced back to China on 19-11-19 (Chinese source): https://www.livescience.com/first-case-coronavirus-found.html

Corona is a FAMILY of viruses including latest COVID-19 strain (Wuhan being Ground Zero). It will take a long time to connect dots in this matter. This is why blamegames and deflections are juvenile.

The bottom line is that people all over the world should revisit their eating habits.

Thanks the paper that reported the news belongs to the Alibaba group. Of course @beijingwalker will still find a way to dance around it. I like Jack Ma I hope he does not get branded a traitor 大汉奸柳传志 (like Liu Chuanzhi).
Thanks the paper that reported the news belongs to the Alibaba group. Of course @beijingwalker will still find a way to dance around it. I like Jack Ma I hope he does not get branded a traitor like Liu Chuanzhi.
It's reported in Chinese media too, but something lost in translation I guess, it never said it's for sure, only a possibility, like I mentioned, before we can pinpoint the natural host, we should leave all possibilities open.
It's reported in Chinese media too, but something lost in translation I guess, it never said it's for sure, only a possibility, like I mentioned, before we can pinpoint the natural host, we should leave all possibilities open.

People are angry at China now - it will be forgotten in a few months. Keep helping nations recover, with aid and supplies and for god sake ban the consumption of extinct animals and if some Chinese still want to eat exotic animals make sure safety standards are improved and enforced.
People are angry at China now - it will be forgotten in a few months. Keep helping nations recover, with aid and supplies and for god sake ban the consumption of extinct animals and if some Chinese still want to eat exotic animals make sure safety standards are improved and enforced.
Europeans are angry at EU, Americans are angry at Trump, couldn't be more normal.

for god sake ban the consumption of extinct animals
Get your updated, China banned all wild life trade and consumption, Americans hunt and eat wild animals in open seasons, it's not allowed in China.
WTF? Other countries in Europe are also preparing for the worst. Why should anyone babysit Italy? China MUST help them. After tall this disease is from China. I stopped buying Chinese products already.
WTF? Other countries in Europe are also preparing for the worst. Why should anyone babysit Italy? China MUST help them. After tall this disease is from China. I stopped buying Chinese products already.
Sorry to tell you the true, No one cares about what you think and do, especially China.
Sorry to tell you the true, No one cares about what you think and do, especially China.
Almost everyone I know here shares my opinion. Everyone is fed up with you guys. Look at German media. It talks a lot about cutting reliance on China.
Almost everyone I know here shares my opinion. Everyone is fed up with you guys. Look at German media. It talks a lot about cutting reliance on China.
Since when your name changed into everyone, and do you think China even cares what the whole PDF thinks? in the real world, money talks, bs walks.
Since when your name changed into everyone, and do you think China even cares what the whole PDF thinks? in the real world, money talks, bs walks.
PDF is a mental asylum. By here I meant Germans

Wir müssen über China reden

In Chinas Abhängigkeit
Das Corona-Virus und seine Folgen führen uns drastisch vor Augen, wie abhängig wir von China geworden sind, vor allem wirtschaftlich. China ist Zulieferer von nahezu allen technischen und pharmakologischen Produkten. Die Engpässe treffen uns hart – und existenziell.

Mehr noch: Seit Langem baut China nicht nur seine militärische Macht aus, sondern versucht, mit seinem Seidenstraßenprojekt und massiven Investitionen in Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika sowie einigen Staaten der Europäischen Union seinen Einfluss zu mehren. Das Ziel ist klar: Pekings Führung will Abhängigkeiten schaffen.

Selbstverständlich ist China ein wichtiger ökonomischer Partner – und wird und sollte es auch bleiben. Dennoch muss dem längst nicht mehr klammheimlichen Streben nach globaler Vorherrschaft ein Riegel vorgeschoben werden. Nicht nur weil China ein übermächtiger wirtschaftlicher Konkurrent ist, sondern auch wie Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel richtig erkannt hat: ein systemischer.

China zermalmt Menschenrechte und Werte
Politisch lebt Pekings Führung auf einem anderen Planeten als der Westen. Sie duldet keinen Widerspruch, sie verfolgt brutal politische Gegner, sie hat etwa eine Million muslimischer Uiguren in Lager gesperrt und baut Schritt für Schritt einen allumfassenden Überwachungsstaat aus. Dieses China zermalmt tagtäglich sämtliche Menschenrechte und Werte, die der westlichen liberalen Ordnung trotz Donald Trump und einiger anderer Autokraten in den eigenen Reihen zum Glück nach wie vor wichtig und teuer sind.

Leider schauen manche im Westen mit einer gewissen Bewunderung darauf, wie China derzeit die massenhafte Ausbreitung des Coronavirus im eigenen Land eindämmt. Einige würden der Volksrepublik wohl gerne nacheifern.

Der Preis dieses scheinbaren Erfolges: Wer in seine Wohnung oder zu seinem Arbeitsplatz will, wird anhand eines ihm vorher zugeteilten QR-Code gescannt, er muss seinen Namen und seine Identifikationsnummer eingeben, die Körpertemperatur wird gemessen und er muss angeben, wo er überall gewesen ist.

The ethnic Chinese stores and restaurants in Toronto are suffering as people are avoiding them. Any Southeast Asian person in Canada feels that the other people are avoiding them. It looks the same when any Muslim is discriminated when there is a terrorist event involving Muslims. Also Africans feels discriminated when some Black person commits violent crime and whole Black community is discriminated.
You don't represent German government, Germans are very careful with China, Germany is trying a balance act between US n China.
Yeah and things will change in the future. There will liekly be a huge shift in public opinion about China. Both US and China are diseases to the world.
Yeah and things will change in the future. There will liekly be a huge shift in public opinion about China. Both US and China are diseases to the world.
We'll see, all countries go for money and power, Germany depends on China for trade.
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