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Italians over 80 'will be left to die' as country overwhelmed by coronavirus

Bro, read the article. It talks about this issue and cutting down reliance on China in the future.
We read different articles holding different opinions everyday, we'll see how thing play out.

Almost everyone I know here shares my opinion. Everyone is fed up with you guys. Look at German media. It talks a lot about cutting reliance on China.

Just look at the scale of this worthless govt's attitude and priorities:


A regional health official in Wuhan, centre of the outbreak, demanded the destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia on January 1. China did not acknowledge there was human-to-human transmission until more than three weeks later.

The detailed revelations by Caixin Global, a respected independent publication, provide the clearest evidence yet of the scale of the cover-up in the crucial early weeks when the opportunity was lost to control the outbreak.

And the Chinese government’s attempt to silence doctors warning others about the disease:

As word of a mysterious virus mounted, Li Wenliang shared suspicions in a private chat with his fellow medical school graduates.

The doctor said that seven people seemed to have contracted SARS — the respiratory illness that spread from China to more than two dozen countries and left hundreds dead in the early 2000s. One patient was quarantined at his hospital in Wuhan, China, Li said. He urged people to be careful.

Li and seven other doctors were quickly summoned by Chinese authorities for propagating “rumors” about SARS-like cases in the area — but their warnings were prescient. Soon, health officials worldwide would be scrambling to combat a novel virus with a striking genetic resemblance to SARS.

And the Chinese authorities spending January “denying it could spread between humans — something doctors had known was happening since late December — and went ahead with a Chinese Lunar New Year banquet involving tens of thousands of families in Wuhan.” Doctors say that in Wuhan, people who had no connection to that Hua’nan market were among the first showing the symptoms — suggesting that from the beginning, Chinese authorities should have understood that human-to-human transmission was already happening.

(more at link)

Onus is on us the global public (not under CCP firewall + social credit authoritarianism and hive mind control) to spread this reality far and wide of what we are dealing with concerning this thug-regime.

@F-22Raptor @Hamartia Antidote @Itachi @xenon54 @Deliorman @Vergennes
Just look at the scale of this worthless govt's attitude and priorities:


A regional health official in Wuhan, centre of the outbreak, demanded the destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia on January 1. China did not acknowledge there was human-to-human transmission until more than three weeks later.

The detailed revelations by Caixin Global, a respected independent publication, provide the clearest evidence yet of the scale of the cover-up in the crucial early weeks when the opportunity was lost to control the outbreak.

And the Chinese government’s attempt to silence doctors warning others about the disease:

As word of a mysterious virus mounted, Li Wenliang shared suspicions in a private chat with his fellow medical school graduates.

The doctor said that seven people seemed to have contracted SARS — the respiratory illness that spread from China to more than two dozen countries and left hundreds dead in the early 2000s. One patient was quarantined at his hospital in Wuhan, China, Li said. He urged people to be careful.

Li and seven other doctors were quickly summoned by Chinese authorities for propagating “rumors” about SARS-like cases in the area — but their warnings were prescient. Soon, health officials worldwide would be scrambling to combat a novel virus with a striking genetic resemblance to SARS.

And the Chinese authorities spending January “denying it could spread between humans — something doctors had known was happening since late December — and went ahead with a Chinese Lunar New Year banquet involving tens of thousands of families in Wuhan.” Doctors say that in Wuhan, people who had no connection to that Hua’nan market were among the first showing the symptoms — suggesting that from the beginning, Chinese authorities should have understood that human-to-human transmission was already happening.

(more at link)

Onus is on us the global public (not under CCP firewall + social credit authoritarianism and hive mind control) to spread this reality far and wide of what we are dealing with concerning this thug-regime.

@F-22Raptor @Hamartia Antidote @Itachi @xenon54 @Deliorman @Vergennes
Even my parents belong in the risk group. I don't have words to say how much I hate this country now.
My advice. Give up everything. But indulge in sex. Drink, smoking merely reduce your sex drive. Meaning as a youth you to have fun. Not blunt it with smoking, drink, drugs.

I never smoked, never took drugs, never indulged in too much food. But give open licence to the beast.

Dude, we must be brothers, cause I love the monkey too.
Even my parents belong in the risk group. I don't have words to say how much I hate this country now.

Best to focus on hate the govt, not the people. People (country at large) include all the good ones that leaked the problem (and punished for it etc).

However pressure will now have to be applied long term on country as a whole, so people there take steps to replace their govt.

This kind of thing cannot be allowed to stand and repeat yet again in another decade.
LOl, our worthless government is much better than Indian government, please deny it.
I'm sorry sir but in your zeal to defend your motherland you're defending the initial inaction by the CCP.

Please understand, the criticism is not aimed at China, a largely peacefull country with friendly and intricate culture; but the CCP government. They were responsible for the slow response and outright obfuscation of the initial warnings. If this was handled in a forthright manner, we(the global community) could've handled it much better.

I'm afraid for the elderly in my household and you can't deny the CCP's role in this by bringing in India's weaknesses. You can't hide CCP's actions by saying " our government is better than yours" that line of reasoning simply doesn't work.

If you outright obscure shortcomings or policiy or administrative lapses, then it's only a matter of time before history repeats itself. Accountability is a must.
I'm sorry sir but in your zeal to defend your motherland you're defending the initial inaction by the CCP.

Please understand, the criticism is not aimed at China, a largely peacefull country with friendly and intricate culture; but the CCP government. They were responsible for the slow response and outright obfuscation of the initial warnings. If this was handled in a forthright manner, we(the global community) could've handled it much better.

I'm afraid for the elderly in my household and you can't deny the CCP's role in this by bringing in India's weaknesses. You can't hide CCP's actions by saying " our government is better than yours" that line of reasoning simply doesn't work.

If you outright obscure shortcomings or policiy or administrative lapses, then it's only a matter of time before history repeats itself. Accountability is a must.
Not every Chinese is like that guy.
I guess he works in a state company or government given he can spend all his working time on this forum.

Back to the topic, China Gov made a horrible mistake in early stage by ignoring/downplay this virus, but it also tried very hard to contain it once they realize it. China did everything to prevent spreading the virus since then.
The rest of the world just sat there and repeated all the mistakes China Gov made.
If we want to think the thing in rational way, you really shouldn't blame China for the current outbreak worldwide.
China made a mistake at beginning, China also tried hard to prevent it from spreading it worldwide at a cost that is unprecedented.
As long as people eat meat, it's unaviodable, H1N1 is from pigs, bird flu comes from chicken, foot and mouth disease is from cows and horses, MER is from camels... Chinese eating habits are no different from other Asian eating habits.
I just learned that MERS - another Coronavirus type - spread from bats to camels and humans.

It looks like bats are chief carriers of coronavirus types.

Italy coronavirus deaths rise by record 475 in a day


Not every Chinese is like that guy.
I guess he works in a state company or government given he can spend all his working time on this forum.

Back to the topic, China Gov made a horrible mistake in early stage by ignoring/downplay this virus, but it also tried very hard to contain it once they realize it. China did everything to prevent spreading the virus since then.
The rest of the world just sat there and repeated all the mistakes China Gov made.
If we want to think the thing in rational way, you really shouldn't blame China for the current outbreak worldwide.
China made a mistake at beginning, China also tried hard to prevent it from spreading it worldwide at a cost that is unprecedented.

To be fair to China, the UK's top scientist said that China's containment efforts did buy the world 2 months.
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