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'It was a wrong decision of Arab states to shun talks with Israel': UAE FM

Hi are you JIDF?

Nearly all old members are pro-Israhell, pro-'bomb the Middle East' by Amerikans. I would have been here a dozen years ago on PDF, but it was too pro-zionist back then. The gold forums had all the intelligent members, so I stayed away from PDF in the 2000s. The gold forums all went alt-right 'hate white Steve Jobs because Jobs father was a white Syrian migrant', so I am here. The 'white' nationalists hate real whites and the jews hate Semites. Strange times.
Why should I care about Palestine? This is not a Pakistani's problem.

It is called Palestinian-Israeli conflict for a reason.

And those who get involved in it are idiots.
There are two faces to this coin.. one is a Palestinian-Usraeli issue over forcefully occupied Palestinian land by Usrael..the other side is a religious one a Muslim-Usrael (and its backers) issue over Al Quds and who should control it.. So it is also a Muslim problem in fact..
Nearly all old members are pro-Israhell, pro-'bomb the Middle East' by Amerikans. I would have been here a dozen years ago on PDF, but it was too pro-zionist back then. The gold forums had all the intelligent members, so I stayed away from PDF in the 2000s. The gold forums all went alt-right 'hate Steve Jobs because Jobs father was a Syrian migrant', so I am here.

How sad. Just last month it was confirmed Israel was involved in helping India bomb Pakistani soil and these people are bending over for these war criminals. That is worse than any Indian's hatred for Pakistan can be.
That why I say it's all about arab arab arab. It's a racial nationalistic thing..

Belive me I would much more support a idea if turkey, pakistan, indonesia would rule over the area.. But guess what.. Palestinians would not want this.. It's a nationalistic movement ..

The real Muslim movement will İnşallah come in the near future

Racists like to constantly accuse a specific race of racism.

I'm done being nice, the gloves are off. Your countrymen have much higher proportion of racists but I never bring it up. Because I try to preserve unity among Muslims more than you do. ;)

Falcon29 is done being nice. Now is the era of assertiveness. I enjoy eating Shayateen for lunch ....
Racists like to constantly accuse a specific race of racism.

I'm done being nice, the gloves are off. Your countrymen have much higher proportion of racists but I never bring it up. Because I try to preserve unity among Muslims more than you do. ;)

My countrymen have higher proportion of racists? are you kidding me?If that is the case then your countrymen have highest proportion of arrogance infact its the problem with all non gulf arabs.
Racists like to constantly accuse a specific race of racism.

I'm done being nice, the gloves are off. Your countrymen have much higher proportion of racists but I never bring it up. Because I try to preserve unity among Muslims more than you do. ;)

Falcon29 is done being nice. Now is the era of assertiveness. I enjoy eating Shayateen for lunch ....

If the jews were slaughtering the Anatolians, how would they feel if someone said the same thing about the Anatolians being forced to live 70 million of them in Izmir and no aid, as they die in hospitals from being shot by jews. Arab racism is not a issue.
My countrymen have higher proportion of racists? are you kidding me?If that is the case then your countrymen have highest proportion of arrogance infact its the problem with all non gulf arabs.

I'm not taking to you, I'm talking to guy who wants Arabs to just let everyone take over their nations and if they don't it mean they're racist. If he's okay with that then give Turkey to us Arabs. If you don't agree with that according to him it means you're racist ? Lol

Aren't you Pakistani? I was talking to the Turkish guy in case you're wondering.

If the jews were slaughtering the Anatolians, how would they feel if someone said the same thing about the Anatolians being forced to live 70 million of them in Izmir and no aid, as they die in hospitals from being shot by jews. Arab racism is not a issue.

Can't make out what you're saying brother ?
Can't make out what you're saying brother ?

I figured. Better put, The Anatolian turks would be screaming to high heaven if they were in the situation the Palestinians are in. SCREAMING. And then some now nonchalantly say this is because of the Palestinians, something to do with racism???
I figured. Better put, The Anatolian turks would be screaming to high heaven if they were in the situation the Palestinians are in. SCREAMING. And then some now nonchalantly say this is because of the Palestinians, something to do with racism???

Yeah brother , I don't know how he turned this into a racism guy. I think hes talking about the situation with the Ottomans and Arabs in the past. I don't think anyone cares about the past, or at least ressurects the past to cause more negativity. We Muslims are over that. Everyone of us need to start seeing each other as family. Especially now that we are getting very close to the major signs and the prophecies will become clear for everyone soon. Ultimate goal is being accepted as a Muslim by the Lord of the Universe. Inshallah we all end up dying Muslims .
Yeah brother , I don't know how he turned this into a racism guy. I think hes talking about the situation with the Ottomans and Arabs in the past. I don't think anyone cares about the past, or at least ressurects the past to cause more negativity. We Muslims are over that. Everyone of us need to start seeing each other as family. Especially now that we are getting very close to the major signs and the prophecies will become clear for everyone soon. Ultimate goal is being accepted as a Muslim by the Lord of the Universe. Inshallah we all end up dying Muslims .

My hope, it is simply 'interesting times'. What we need is less division among the good. Jews want to divide the good. The turks are under constant attack from the Chinese trolls for doing good in the Middle East and in the Americas, hopefully the Turks don't blindly do this to the Palestinians and Arabs who want peace and justice.
My hope, it is simply 'interesting times'. What we need is less division among the good. Jews want to divide the good. The turks are under constant attack from the Chinese trolls for doing good in the Middle East and in the Americas, hopefully the Turks don't blindly do this to the Palestinians and Arabs who want peace and justice.

Jews aside brother , spot on, by the will of Allah(SWT) this ummah will be set back on track. Allah(SWT) the Merciful will not allow Ummat Mohammed(SAW) to go astray. We are the generation to witness the major signs by the will of the Lord, and all knowledge/glad tidings comes from Him. Just continue to promote Islam/unity among Muslims in this forum and we all need to make sure we are keeping up with the 5 prayers.
Racists like to constantly accuse a specific race of racism.

I'm done being nice, the gloves are off. Your countrymen have much higher proportion of racists but I never bring it up. Because I try to preserve unity among Muslims more than you do. ;)

Falcon29 is done being nice. Now is the era of assertiveness. I enjoy eating Shayateen for lunch ....

Man most of my countrymen are blind to what I have said.. They are blind to Saudi Arabia and blind to UAE and others. The average village ppl have some kind of romantic view about arabs.. Since they are just ppl and ppl have errors and flaws

Today we face huge difficulties and nations have gathered around us. We need open eyes if we act out of romantic views and false assumptions then we will fall in the same trap we had fallen ww1

The mesjid aqsa is not Palestinian nor is it Arab and its not a Palestinian conflict this should not be hijacked to nationalism.. It's a muslim cunflict and it shoukd be dealed as such as I said before if Pakistani Indonesian or else would rule over it I would not have a problem as long as it is for the Islamic cause.. but for now it has nothing to do with that... That's why palestinians side up even with Israel if it fits their interest...

Today Saudi Arabia and UAE the most influential Arab states just used and abused you for their politics.. They sell you out but the same time they use you for the idea of arabism..

This all and the nationalism is why you fail and you Will fail until you come back and treat even the non arabs equal


No look at history, look what history says.. We would fight till death.. This was our way it will be our way as long as we don't forget who and what we are...

Especially now that we are getting very close to the major signs and the prophecies will become clear for everyone soon

And what makes you think that most of the Muslims will understand the signs.. And not to try fighting it or labeling the Muslims as terrorists or backwarded?

For now we have the gulfy club we have the loser side and the targeted side ...

Ppl need to know their enemy within.. If you stop calling against the two horns of Satan ppl will be trapped by them
Jews aside brother , spot on, by the will of Allah(SWT) this ummah will be set back on track. Allah(SWT) the Merciful will not allow Ummat Mohammed(SAW) to go astray. We are the generation to witness the major signs by the will of the Lord, and all knowledge/glad tidings comes from Him. Just continue to promote Islam/unity among Muslims in this forum and we all need to make sure we are keeping up with the 5 prayers.

I was raised Christian, and I like the Middle East more for their people, than religion. Though I respect their religion very much.

Brother it seems like youre absorbing views of others and describing them here. I do not hold those views. You are usually a conciliatory Muslim first guy and I want that to continue. Me and you are like each other in many ways. There is much evil in today's world that it is instead easier to just mention/describe how to get back on right path. I agree some Muslims will unfortunately fall astray in the beginning. I ask Allah(SWT) to not make us one of them. Best way we can prepare is doing 5 prayers and making dua that God preserves us on this deen.

I was raised Christian, and I like the Middle East more for their people, than religion. Though I respect their religion very much.

Apologize brother , I thought you were Muslim.
hopefully the Turks don't blindly do this to the Palestinians and Arabs who want peace and justice.

I give you an example how difficult it is in recent months

Qatar Greece UAE israel and us make joint exercise in Greece

Israel UAE Egypt Greece and Palestinians against us and Lebanon about gas fields also some threatening with war appeared..

Thats the problem and the same situation like the past..

Turkey and Iran and Pakistan are on the hit list I think first Iran than turkey maybe, but I hope that none of these countries will face that..

Best way we can prepare is doing 5 prayers

Yeah the first step is this

But belive me you will turn into someone strange be a stranger for other ppl specially if you begin to correct yourself and your deen and actions. .. Even a simple beard or your 5 daily prayer could grow into fitnah monster ... may Allah help us all
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