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'It was a wrong decision of Arab states to shun talks with Israel': UAE FM

Israel is significant only because it affectively owns the US. A parasite leeching of US money, political support and military support. The collapse of the dollar will end the US empire, then Israel is on its own.

A fundamental shift in the power matrix.
Yeah, the center of the new power matrix is CHINA...and they keep isreal far away from themselves...
Arab States are all a sellout, no backbones..in a decade or less, Israel will use them as an outhouse.
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The Palestinian cause is lost.

I cant agree with the above statement.

There is not a single cause in the planet that has more attention and is recognised by people from all over the world. If you ask anyone from anywhere in the world about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict they will be somewhat aware of it.

It is always headline grabbing and the media will always cover it. For Palestine to have survived for last 60+ years is not due to the credit of nations like the Arabs, but the popular cause of the people from all around the world.

In the UK more white people promote Palestine than Pakistanis. Simple refer to BDS for proof of this.

It is symbolic of the human spirit to stand strong and never give up in the face of an unrelenting machine-like occupying oppressive force like Israel and Palestine encapsulates this.

Even with all the 9/11-Jihad propaganda, Palestine has remained a top issue for humanity.
I cant agree with the above statement.

There is not a single cause in the planet that has more attention and is recognised by people from all over the world. If you ask anyone from anywhere in the world about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict they will be somewhat aware of it.

It is always headline grabbing and the media will always cover it. For Palestine to have survived for last 60+ years is not due to the credit of nations like the Arabs, but the popular cause of the people from all around the world.

In the UK more white people promote Palestine than Pakistanis. Simple refer to BDS for proof of this.

It is symbolic of the human spirit to stand strong and never give up in the face of an unrelenting machine-like occupying oppressive force like Israel and Palestine encapsulates this.

Even with all the 9/11-Jihad propaganda, Palestine has remained a top issue for humanity.
Why should I care about Palestine? This is not a Pakistani's problem.

It is called Palestinian-Israeli conflict for a reason.

And those who get involved in it are idiots.
I will belive UAE minister if they turn off their aggressive behavior against their neighbors and turn of meddling in foreign countries affairs with a dirty destructive influence.. Huh that won't happen hmmm? .. ...
Why should I care about Palestine? This is not a Pakistani's problem.

It is called Palestinian-Israeli conflict for a reason.

And those who get involved in it are idiots.

Yes true, it is not Pakistan's issue. It is a popular issue
It is called Palestinian-Israeli conflict for a reason.

That why I say it's all about arab arab arab. It's a racial nationalistic thing..

Belive me I would much more support a idea if turkey, pakistan, indonesia would rule over the area.. But guess what.. Palestinians would not want this.. It's a nationalistic movement ..

The real Muslim movement will İnşallah come in the near future
For everyone that wants relations with Israel, it is most certainly your right, we are not preventing you. Go and publicly state it , lol.

They want to serve their new god, Netanyahu. This is like Catholics recognizing the KKK as legitimate.

The moderates in Isreal? only want to use rubber bullets on Palestinians for humanitarian reasons, and so they don't look bad to their hollywood liberal friends. Bulldozing homes is still welcome. This is not conquest, but a genocidal policy by jews. Muslims conquered. Jews displace and genocide.

Here is your new master's goal for all those zionists out there:


And that is just the beginning. The total enslavement of everyone to jews is the wider long term goal. But getting Israhell took 2000 years, so that may take a long time too.

Jews want 50-100 million Semites to be exterminated by removing them from their homes and put in small gaza strips of land where it is called 'criminal' to feed and help those Semites. That is zionism. The criminals in reality are the jews.
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Those who want to establish relations with israel here in Pakistan are enemy of Pakistan as israel is openly supporting india against us as seen on 26 and 27 feb and it will destroy us if allowed to have more access
They want to serve their new god, Netanyahu. This is like Catholics recognizing the KKK as legitimate.

The moderates in Isreal? only want to use rubber bullets on Palestinians for humanitarian reasons, and so they don't look bad to their hollywood liberal friends. Bulldozing homes is still welcome. This is not conquest, but a genocidal policy by jews. Muslims conquered. Jews displace and genocide.

Here is your new master's goal for all those zionists out there:


And that is just the beginning. The total enslavement of everyone to jews is the wider long term goal. But getting Israhell took 2000 years, so that may take a long time too.

There a plenty of wild conspiracy theories out there and most of it is just that, a theory. If you remain focused on the facts on the ground it would help bring transparency to the issue.

The real Muslim movement will İnşallah come in the near future

Its never been about Islam, as i'm sure there are a small few Palestinians who utilise religion as a tool to gain mass support.

If you think about this for a moment as a symbol between a global superpower human oppressor and the oppressed. Thats what makes this an issue for humans, as if we find this acceptable then tomorrow people might as well live in a prison world.

Yes. And people on this forum actually support Israel.

Once I figured out the Alt-right neo-nazis stormfronters hated all Southern Europeans because we supposedly have arab blood, and are thus considered by neo-nazis to be 'sub-humans' and hated and wanted to no longer exist in the world, I logically stop liking some of the alt-right individuals I thought were acquaintances.

Jews and alt-righters are allies, and hate and want the extermination of Semites in the Middle East.

Eventually Turkey came around with Erdogan in anti-zionism. Azerbaijan will eventually come around. I find it troubling that Semites will side with those that want to exterminate Semites.
You know I have younger brother. All his life when he had a issue with my dad he would vent it on my mother. I always told him mother was merely acting on behalf of or secondary to the source of his issues which came from my dad. But he never had the guts to face my dad or found it simply convenient to instead vent on our mother.

The truth is Israel is nothing. Just a few million migrant Germans, Poles, Russians etc that is barely 20 minutes drive wide. A small town in South Asia is bigger. The source of the problem [the one you percieve as a problem] is residing in three axis of evils. Washington, New York and London. It is here that the Jewish lobby resides in heart of both Anglo-Saxon capitals and by using the awesome military, economic, politcal power that is based there it ensures the security and supremacy of Israel. Indeed you could arguably say Israel is merely a colony of these two worl capitals. It was here that Israel was dreamed up, cultivated, planted and since has been protected and nourished from. You take USA and UK out of the equation Israel's days of supremacy would be over. The clock would begin ticking.

So going back to my brother ~ how come you guy's don't go after the mother of the evil? Or is that too inconvenient. Besides anything half you guys live there so un-recognizing them would be like biting your own testicles.
That is the whole problem.. everyone seems to be acting as your younger brother when it comes to the US.. and for the same reasons.. economic sanctions and fear of pain.. in this case it is fear of war and destruction..
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