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'It was a wrong decision of Arab states to shun talks with Israel': UAE FM

@Indus Pakistan

I am against anti jewish rhetoric for ethical and political reasons. US , France , UK supported Israel heavily in its inception because they see some benefit from that. It doesn't hurt us though. We do not need to confront anyone militarily. Arab regimes are simply incompetent though and never have any cards to play and give up quickly.

All it requires is a competent leadership in Arab world, after which all sides will consider a two state or one state solution. It is not the responsibility of Pakistanis or other Muslims far away to deal with this situation on a political level. And by that I mean your governments, the ordinary people can sympathize with whom they choose.
wanna defeat isreal? defeat the dollar...
No. That's too difficult. Instead if anybody mentions 'Israel' lets do a .... and refuse to recognize Israel. That way the problem will be vanquished.

After the establishment of the State of Israel and subsequent 1948 Arab–Israeli War, most Mizrahi Jews were either expelled by their Arab rulers or chose to leave and emigrated to Israel.[3] According to the 2009 Statistical Abstract of Israel, 50.2% of Israeli Jews are of Mizrahi or Sephardic origin.[4]

They should be allowed back, many countries have offered to take them back in. Although israel is better off momentarily than some of those nations so I doubt they would leave anyway. Considering their cultural attachment to Israel too.
I have nothing against the the Jews infact they have treated me better than Arabs although I would advise against recognizing the State of Israel because they are ruled by a religious right wing that is preparing for the return of their Messiah.
@Indus Pakistan

I am against anti jewish rhetoric for ethical and political reasons. US , France , UK supported Israel heavily in its inception because they see some benefit from that. It doesn't hurt us though. We do not need to confront anyone militarily. Arab regimes are simply incompetent though and never have any cards to play and give up quickly.

All it requires is a competent leadership in Arab world, after which all sides will consider a two state or one state solution. It is not the responsibility of Pakistanis or other Muslims far away to deal with this situation on a political level. And by that I mean your governments, the ordinary people can sympathize with whom they choose.
You can see where I am going with this. Pakistan can choose not to recognize Israel till the next ice age but it won't make a jot of differance. Your not Pakistani so you can't know. I don't want to come across as anti-Palestininian. I am not. The problem is Anti-Semetism in Pakistan has turned into a Ebola like virus. It has eaten into the heart of our people whom 99% have never met a Jew. Yet they nurse this irrational hatred which has become a receptacle for intolerance that has nurtured hate for anything differant. Just saying 'Yahoodi' has become a swear word. Bad weather? Lost job? Economy going down? Corrupt politician? Did not get a erection last night? Blame it on the Yahoodi.

Recognizing Israel is not going to help you but I certainly hope it helps in rolling back the politics of hatred that provides oxygen to our mullahs and extremists. It merely fuels irrationality and hatred.
wanna defeat isreal? defeat the dollar...

The dollar is coming to a natural end. US debt, money printing and the fundamental injustice of a system that allows one country to print the world reserve currency will see to that.
The dollar is coming to a natural end. US debt, money printing and the fundamental injustice of a system that allows one country to print the world reserve currency will see to that.
Agreed, but the natural end will take a lot countries down with it. You can only track to isreal from a position of power, but right now, Arab countries are not in any position of power unfortunately.
You can see where I am going with this. Pakistan can choose not to recognize Israel till the next ice age but it won't make a jot of differance. Your not Pakistani so you can't know. I don't want to come across as anti-Palestininian. I am not. The problem is Anti-Semetism in Pakistan has turned into a Ebola like virus. It has eaten into the heart of our people whom 99% have never met a Jew. Yet they nurse this irrational hatred which has become a receptacle for intolerance that has nurtured hate for anything differant. Just saying 'Yahoodi' has become a swear word. Bad weather? Lost job? Economy going down? Corrupt politician? Did not get a erection last night? Blame it on the Yahoodi.

Recognizing Israel is not going to help you but I certainly hope it helps in rolling back the politics of hatred that provides oxygen to our mullahs and extremists. It merely fuels irrationality and hatred.

Anti-Semitism needs to be combatted in our societies. But, by religious people and not liberals. The efforts will not prevail if it seen as strictly led by liberals. I used to believe in some anti semitic theories and looking back I feel dumb and bad about it. The situation with US, UK, French unconditional support to Israel confused me though. I later began to realize it is interest based and because they felt very guilty over the holocaust.

I agree we Muslims need to combat Anti-Semitism. Even if you believe American Jews are influential for example, they are still American people and part of whole American system and should be seen as strictly Americans. The Sahaba would look at as funny people if they seen this anti Jewish chatter amongst us. Some of it is intellectual laziness too. If you are incompetent its easier to just pretend like Israel has massive influence on the West when its really that Arabs are just not living up to their potential at the moment.

As for Pakistan, certainly it could recognize Israel. A lot of Muslim nations do and still support the Palestinian cause. The only obstacle imo is the current government of Israel doesn't define borders. They prefer recognition mean recognizing West Bank as Israeli territory too. Which complicates things.
Israel survival is based upon being "apart"... Being the anti-pole...
We all thrive by what make us...
Making Israel "part of the Group" will only put Israel on his "End road"...
Israel shouldn't be happy... to see herself "being recognized" by her neighborhood...

But hey... What can you do...when you are governed by half backed monkeys...
Ah...this good old "Stinky Nationalism"... a Cancer within... sugar coated as a "gift"...
The Palestinian cause is lost.

But we should recognize Israel only after two state solution is done.

Heck even Trump accepts Golan Heights as part of Israel now.

Because of the Arab's stupidity they are in this mess.

It is too late, that is the penalty for losing wars.

The Palestinian/Arab problem is of no concern to Pakistan. Just as Kashmir is of no concern to the Palestinians/Arabs. The israelis can annex all of the Palestinian lands. Not our business. PAKISTAN FIRST.
@Indus Pakistan

Also, I definteltly know what you mean about our corrupt mullahs who often times use Islam as a business platform or political platform or even as an a way to achieve high social status for themselves. Believe me I know what you mean.

I urge to not see them as the good Muslims though. They are not, we are in end times and good Muslims are few and between. At the Mahdi's time we will see our perspective on who was good or bad among us was very flawed. Until then we need to improve education and tone down unhelpful rhetoric. You can tone down rhetoric without conceding your positions , which a lot of Muslims unfortunately don't get.

I'm half mizrahi

I thought Mizrahi was meant to mean Morrocan, is that true? Or it includes more nationalities ?
So if you accept how do you rationalize living under the Union Jack or the Star Spangled Banner but showing fists to Israel? Surely is this not picking on the symptom but ignoring the cause? What did I say about my brother.

Me? I have a very logical thought on the subject. You won't or more certainly can't do do jack about USA and UK so you just vent it on Israel. May I suggest you grow up and accept the reality which you have in your actions if not your words. Talk the walk. Not walk this way and talk that way.

I accept the reality of USA and UK. Hell I live in the comfort of UK in a country that was responsible in making Israel. So I can't then turn around and refuse to recognize Israel. That's pathetic and infantile.


Our presence in increasing numbers here can have more effect on trying to alter Uk policy then us leaving

If the jews and their friends can create a cabal of influence then countering it here will be more effective then shouting from Pakistan

Why do you think the jews/friends are so upset with "anti semitism" in labour
Agreed, but the natural end will take a lot countries down with it. You can only track to isreal from a position of power, but right now, Arab countries are not in any position of power unfortunately.

Israel is significant only because it affectively owns the US. A parasite leeching of US money, political support and military support. The collapse of the dollar will end the US empire, then Israel is on its own.

A fundamental shift in the power matrix.
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