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'It was a wrong decision of Arab states to shun talks with Israel': UAE FM

Dude I rather have good relations with Yankee that with ((Koshers)), any country is fine to have decent relations wit but ((Koshers)) are nation wreckers tbh

Nah its too late even is the "Balis" increase in population the ((Koshers)) will come with something new and try to enocourage the Mirzahi Jews to produce more and they are producing more than any other Jewish group in Israel
You do know you did not give a answer. You merely restated your against recognition without giving the actual reasons from the POV from Islamabad. Not Ramallah, not Amman , not Riyad etc
If he or others feel like they can talk to Israel and secure a two state solution, go at it, that would be welcomed by everyone. If he doesn't care about securing a two state solution and just want to develop ties with Israel, then feel free to do so. This goes to anyone else too.

The Palestinians aren't preventing anyone. He is afraid of damaging the reputation of his country amongst the Arab public and consequently losing influence in the region. He is not afraid of Palestinians. So let's not pretend it is somehow Palestinians fault. He did not post this news on his twitter feed.

And complaining about Hamas as if Hamas has any hand in situation across the region or could do anything to change is overreaching.
Dude I rather have good relations with Yankee that with ((Koshers)), any country is fine to have decent relations with but ((Koshers)) are nation wreckers tbh

Nah its too late even is the "Balis" increase in population the ((Koshers)) will come with something new and try to enocourage the Mirzahi Jews to produce more and they are producing more than any other Jewish group in Israel

And that right there is what will burn them

Part of israels success is the secular, educated, worldly jew
Arab/Muslim population in israel is about 21% and rising
Adding more curly side burned haredi wont save israel
You do know you did not give a answer. You merely restated your against recognition without giving the actual reasons from the POV from Islamabad. Not Ramallah, not Amman , not Riyad etc

Fine I just dont like ((Koshers)) happy
And that right there is what will burn them

Part of israels success is the secular, educated, worldly jew
Arab/Muslim population in israel is about 21% and rising
Adding more curly side burned haredi wont save israel

True the Germanic/Western European Jews and Askhanzai Jews are the ones in power and secular the Russian Jews are more like half/half but are Likudniks so "Right wing"
I don't understand countries that advocate relations with Israel but keep every discussion about it private. You need to be assertive in public about what you want if that is what you want. No one will bother you about it.
For everyone that wants relations with Israel, it is most certainly your right, we are not preventing you. Go and publicly state it , lol.

Because in many places they would be hanging from lampposts by their balls

To any Pakistani wanting relations with Israel i say the same thing
If your so eager first go wave the israeli flag in downtown Lahore or Karachi and see the response

Fine I just dont like ((Koshers)) happy

True the Germanic/Western European Jews and Askhanzai Jews are the ones in power and secular the Russian Jews are more like half/half but are Likudniks so "Right wing"


And the more haredi or arabs keep increasing the less the actual jews who are useful to israel
Even if they wanted they cant keep flooding israel with foreign jews with limited opportunities

Its why getting the U.S to pay so much is so important to them
Because in many places they would be hanging from lampposts by their balls

To any Pakistani wanting relations with Israel i say the same thing
If your so eager first go wave the israeli flag in downtown Lahore or Karachi and see the response

I wasn't referring to Pakistani's but yeah, they are afraid of their own people. UAE government will not go public with its intentions towards Israel. Even if they can convince their own people , they will become hated across the Arab world and subsequently lose much influence in the region. Thus they will not make one statement in Arabic to Arabic media or on social media platforms regarding those intentions.

So UAE government must think everyone in the region is brainwashed for sympathizing with the Palestinians. That shows the cruelty in how they perceive the people of the region. If they are more liberal and civilized and whatever else, go do what you want and stop interfering everywhere in Gaza, Libya, Syria , Egypt and so on if you could care less about the local people.

Anyhow, my personal view is one day things will be settled. We should just oppose the occupation but not the Israelis as a people. We can definitely live alongside each other if 1/2 state solution becomes a reality.
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You know I have younger brother. All his life when he had a issue with my dad he would vent it on my mother. I always told him mother was merely acting on behalf of or secondary to the source of his issues which came from my dad. But he never had the guts to face my dad or found it simply convenient to instead vent on our mother.

The truth is Israel is nothing. Just a few million migrant Germans, Poles, Russians etc that is barely 20 minutes drive wide. A small town in South Asia is bigger. The source of the problem [the one you percieve as a problem] is residing in three axis of evils. Washington, New York and London. It is here that the Jewish lobby resides in heart of both Anglo-Saxon capitals and by using the awesome military, economic, politcal power that is based there it ensures the security and supremacy of Israel. Indeed you could arguably say Israel is merely a colony of these two worl capitals. It was here that Israel was dreamed up, cultivated, planted and since has been protected and nourished from. You take USA and UK out of the equation Israel's days of supremacy would be over. The clock would begin ticking.

So going back to my brother ~ how come you guy's don't go after the mother of the evil? Or is that too inconvenient. Besides anything half you guys live there so un-recognizing them would be like biting your own testicles.
I wasn't referring to Pakistani's but yeah, they are afraid of their own people. UAE government will not go public with its intentions towards Israel. Even if they can convince their own people , they will become hated across the Arab world and subsequently lose much influence in the region. Thus they will not make one statement in Arabic to Arabic media or on social media platforms regarding those intentions.

So UAE government must think everyone in the region is brainwashed for sympathizing with the Palestinians. That shows the cruelty in how they perceive the people of the region. If they are more liberal and civilized and whatever else, go do what you want and stop interfering everywhere in Gaza, Libya, Syria , Egypt and so on if you could care less about the local people.


And this UAE dude Ganger-whatever is some sort of uber liberal clown

If you search for him on Google he had major butt pain against Pakistan when we refused to kill Yemenis for them

You know I have younger brother. All his life when he had a issue with my dad he would vent it on my mother. I always told him mother was merely acting on behalf of or secondary to the source of his issues which came from my dad. But he never had the guts to face my dad or found it simply convenient to instead vent on our mother.

The truth is Israel is nothing. Just a few million migrant Germans, Poles, Russians etc that is barely 20 minutes drive wide. A small town in South Asia is bigger. The source of the problem [the one you percieve as a problem] is residing in three axis of evils. Washington, New York and London. It is here that the Jewish lobby resides in heart of both Anglo-Saxon capitals and by using the awesome military, economic, politcal power that is based there it ensures the security and supremacy of Israel. Indeed you could arguably say Israel is merely a colony of these two worl capitals. It was here that Israel was dreamed up, cultivated, planted and since has been protected and nourished from. You take USA and UK out of the equation Israel's days of supremacy would be over. The clock would begin ticking.

So going back to my brother ~ how come you guy's don't go after the mother of the evil? Or is that too inconvenient. Besides anything half you guys live there so un-recognizing them would be like biting your own testicles.

I completely agree

The heart of israel is not in the middle east its the cabal in Washington, NY, London etc

Over time the politics changing here is what will hurt israel the most

And this UAE dude Ganger-whatever is some sort of uber liberal clown

If you search for him on Google he had major butt pain against Pakistan when we refused to kill Yemenis for them

I completely agree

The heart of israel is not in the middle east its the cabal in Washington, NY, London etc

Over time the politics changing here is what will hurt israel the most

Tbh I feel bad for Emirates. They are not that politically savvy a people and are punching above their weight. Regardless of how their government is I still respect them as a people. They are doing some things right on a domestic level.

As for Palestinians, they should not be underestimated. We can flip the situation upside down across the whole region. Not the PA clowns but other Palestinians. Out of respect and brotherlyhood we refuse to do so. I hope it doesn't come down to that. This thing were others look down at us is a farce imo. Let them be men and develop relations with Israel.
The heart of israel is not in the middle east its the cabal in Washington, NY, London etc
So if you accept how do you rationalize living under the Union Jack or the Star Spangled Banner but showing fists to Israel? Surely is this not picking on the symptom but ignoring the cause? What did I say about my brother.

Me? I have a very logical thought on the subject. You won't or more certainly can't do do jack about USA and UK so you just vent it on Israel. May I suggest you grow up and accept the reality which you have in your actions if not your words. Talk the walk. Not walk this way and talk that way.

I accept the reality of USA and UK. Hell I live in the comfort of UK in a country that was responsible in making Israel. So I can't then turn around and refuse to recognize Israel. That's pathetic and infantile.
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