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It’s over – there will be no Israeli attack on Iran

They are getting carried away over there. There is confidence and then there is over confidence.

Can there be liberal Zionists also ? :D

Dafuq :undecided:

Weapons are merely tools. The true issue is how far the world will let Iran's imperialistic wishes grow before putting a stop to them. Once Iran has nukes it will be a much harder job to stop the mad mullahs - and their ambitions will grow even further. Pakistan doesn't mind if the Persians take back Herat, right?

That is Afghanistan's problem and besides I don't think anyone wants any part of that country with how the country is right now.
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“It has now been some 400 years that a horrendous Zionist clan has been ruling the major world affairs...The Zionist regime is both the symbol of the hegemony of the Zionism over the world and the means in the hand of the oppressor powers...any freedom lover and justice seeker in the world must do its best for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the path for the establishment of justice and freedom in the world...the Muslim nations all move in the same direction towards worshiping God, and the apparent disputes among them are imposed by the Zionists.”

What more proof do the modern-day sheikhs of Araby need to see that once the Iranians have slaughtered the Jewish State they will be the next on the chopping block? (Pakistan only after that, I think.)
You are being superficial by anthropomorphizing the mullahs into Westerners. You assume thinking the mullahs main interest is security of the regime and development of the Iranian people. You are discounting the ideology of "Twelvers" that the world (including Iran itself) is to be broken and remade - and that nuclear weapons make this possible. How can the Cold War-style deterrence of assured destruction function if the people you are trying to deter see that level of destruction as a desirable means to claim the mantle and power of the twelfth imam on their way to achieve their perfect and just Islamic society?

You are islamophobic too, not good :disagree: You dont understand Islam, nor qualified to speak about it. Its a peaceful religion, same as Christianity and another (genuine) religions.

However if you DONT understand them, its natural taken out of context and grossly misinterpreted ideas will confuse you, same as if someone else takes snippets out of Jewish religion, misinterprets, and then full of hate and disdain bashes that religion, much like you do.

“It has now been some 400 years that a horrendous Zionist clan has been ruling the major world affairs...The Zionist regime is both the symbol of the hegemony of the Zionism over the world and the means in the hand of the oppressor powers...any freedom lover and justice seeker in the world must do its best for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the path for the establishment of justice and freedom in the world...the Muslim nations all move in the same direction towards worshiping God, and the apparent disputes among them are imposed by the Zionists.”

What more proof do the modern-day sheikhs of Araby need to see that once the Iranians have slaughtered the Jewish State they will be the next on the chopping block? (Pakistan only after that, I think.)

You dont understand whats being spoken about, AGAIN.

Here is a hint: nation is NOT the same as regime, Zionist or otherwise.

Another point - Iran never EVER said they would attack Israel themselves (unlike Israel, who constantly threatens to attack Iran), Nejad and others many times said its best if Zionist regime implodes itself, like Soviets did, etc. However if occupation and oppression of Palestinians never stops, UN could use the force, and the only reason they havent done it yet is because of constant US vetos.
You are islamophobic too, not good :disagree: You dont understand Islam, nor qualified to speak about it. Its a peaceful religion, same as Christianity and another (genuine) religions.

However if you DONT understand them, its natural taken out of context and grossly misinterpreted ideas will confuse you, same as if someone else takes snippets out of Jewish religion, misinterprets, and then full of hate and disdain bashes that religion, much like you do.
You're bashing me, but with little basis. Sure, it's not my religion, I accept I am not an authority on Islam, yet you haven't specifically contradicted my words. So why should I or anyone else value what you have written here?

Another point - Iran never EVER said they would attack Israel themselves -
NEVER is a big word, and implies you follow what the mullahs say quite closely. Nevertheless, it is clear that the mullahs want the Jews of Israel dead, dead, dead and the implication is that they merely are seeking the proper way to make that happen. I suppose what is in their minds is to arm a proxy group like Hezbollah or Hamas with WMDs and set them loose so Iran's hands appear clean - that's why the mullahs don't vow to destroy Israel directly. That attitude won't save Iran from retaliation, but Iranian leaders are stuck in the 1970s strategic thought they learned when they attended Western universities.
Why do you Bold everything you write?

Yes, again you are correct. Hatemongers are usually absolutely ignorant of the world and the facts.

Your hatred makes about the same difference if a rat hated a lion.

Good job though, this is the first step of acceptance.

xcuse me

what u mean by that

we r da rats n u guys r da lions :what:

if u guys believe in rat n lion theory 2 much then why all day long cry about holocaust :cheesy:
Iran isn't going to try and hit Dimona anymore then Israel will hit Bushehr. It would turn Gaza, Westbank, Al Aqsa, into a contaminated zone. and invite a massive nuke retaliation agianst Iran.
Don,t you think Israel bombing the enrichment facilties will do the same?Spread radioactive material in the area?
There will never be an Israeli attack on Iran, nor has there ever been such an option. It's part of a charade on part of Israel to make the West impose more sanctions, and scare Russia/China.

The only way for Iran to get out of this crisis is to acquire nuclear weapons, which it will do in due time (time-range between five to ten years for operational and deliverable nuclear weapons). Unfortunately the current ruler does not believe in them.

It's unfortunate that normal Israelis such as Ptex have been lulled into believing that the Iranian nuclear program can be "attacked". I'm very curious as to what exactly would be attacked, and if Ptex understands the consequences of such an attack, namely the permanent withdrawal of Iran from the NPT?
You're bashing me, but with little basis. Sure, it's not my religion, I accept I am not an authority on Islam, yet you haven't specifically contradicted my words. So why should I or anyone else value what you have written here?

Everything you wrote was pure islamophopic ignorance of the subject. Instead of contradicting every single claim with extensive quotes and wasting my time, I would suggest you to read Quran and then inquire what you dont understand in it. Otherwise dont speak about the subject you have no knowledge of.

NEVER is a big word, and implies you follow what the mullahs say quite closely. Nevertheless, it is clear that the mullahs want the Jews of Israel dead, dead, dead and the implication is that they merely are seeking the proper way to make that happen.

Its clear you are paranoid, since NOTHING points that way. Jews are living nicely and peacefully in Iran, Iran never said they would attack Israel (or any other country), "wipe Israel off the map" was fake mistranslation as usual.

Oh, and again - zionist regime isnt NOT the same as the nation, just because Iran wants zionist regime to fall, doesnt mean in any way they want all Jews "dead, dead, dead". Like I'm pretty sure you want Iran's government to fall, does it mean you want all Iranian nation "dead, dead, dead"? I hope not, but who knows you ;)

I suppose what is in their minds is to arm a proxy group like Hezbollah or Hamas with WMDs and set them loose so Iran's hands appear clean - that's why the mullahs don't vow to destroy Israel directly. That attitude won't save Iran from retaliation, but Iranian leaders are stuck in the 1970s strategic thought they learned when they attended Western universities.

So you are mind reader too? Was it mutation after radioactive spider bite? :laugh:

First of all, that claim you made is repeated by people who have NO understanding of science. Nuclear bombs have a distinct radioactive signature of manufacturer, i.e. there would be no confusion if nuke is by US, China, Iran or whatever. You cant fake it. Therefore if anyone explodes hypothetical Iranian nuke, everybody would know the source the very same day, and Iran would become radioactive desert after nuclear retaliation.

Second of all, nobody would give their most priceless deterrent to proxy groups, Iran doesnt even give their most advanced conventional weapons to Hezbollah/Hamas.
Not many have the guts like your nation to rape women in jails when they protest for freedom and against corruption.

The day a missile touches Dimona is a day Iran loses a vast portion of their population.

But the same day is the day that Israel totally gets wiped off the map and Israeli people die in weeks due to radiation fallout.
Comparing the small area of tiny Israel (Iran is over 80 times larger than Israel with a low population density) and the extremely high population density in Israeli cities, any WMD attack could do something that Israelis feel happy about the holocaust.


look and acted like they wont attack or maybe for the election year they are saying it
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