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‘It is in India’s interest to integrate into CPEC’

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Which is why India needs to grow up and get out of this "Short-term thinking" mindset. National policies should be decided upon based on what's in the best interest of the nation rather than winning elections. Unfortunately, it's pretty much the same here.

I hope you apply this short term thinking to Pakistan.. We have economic goals but not at cost of outmr Interest.. So far that so called Game changer CPEC is boasted by pakistani mass.. The fact We have multiple corridors.. CPEC run across Part of kashmir which is not acceptablefor us.. no thanks, keep the game changer with you.. I rather consider GST as game changer than CPEC. Most of CPEC investment into the power sector in which pak lag behind.. but when come to India we are adding more and more power every year... we have our own vision, we are not depended on one corridor alone unlike pak doing now. may be it is first project in pak, so you guys might boasting lot.. first receive fruits of the so called project.. then argue with us.. till then take a chill pill.
As i said intellectually challenged!

Re-read what you posted! Breaks every single forum rule, but we will have the mods stay quiet on this one as well. Hence why i don't resort to off-topic posts.

Tries telling me a modi indian whose country has a minster that called my country hell. You vermin have this habit of picking up fights that you cannot. Your interior minister is living proof of that.

Now spare me your bigotry and don't try your luck.
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A lot of them do this some of them are really hypocrites man @django @Zibago @Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye

OT: We all know it's never gonna happen they're opposing CPEC why the hell they would join this project?

@Arsalan @That Guy ?

Whether it happens or not it sure is in their interest. However the burden of disagreements between us two is so huge that there is absolutely no chance of anything happening on these lines.

Then you watch this and you think.. What the Hell....
well the thing is muslim elite never learns from historical mistakes when mughal rule was in decay after aurangzeb and muslim elites contant faluires to check sikh and marthas gaining power they invited british first for trade and then militarry help now after independence it was yamrica bahadur and now its all weather friends and CEPC ..... if you know what i mean :sarcastic:
let me guess i am talking to a 2 year old kid, i am sure your the bright apple of Pakistan's future!
& here is the guy who will become the next PM of India because stupidity & douchebaggery is criteria of becoming shining India's ruler. Congratulations in advance.
Whether it happens or not it sure is in their interest. However the burden of disagreements between us two is so huge that there is absolutely no chance of anything happening on these lines.

Don't you see the hypocrisy, first they kept crying Pakistan won't let our trucks access Afghanistan, now when the opportunity is there they are trying their best to sabotage it.

Actually Pakistanis are to be blamed........... they are naive and soft otherwise we should have learnt how this modi indian mentality works ............. remember when they refused to play cricket, just to financially hurt us. You can be friends with your worst enemy but you cannot befriend a hypocrite who keeps looking for opportunities to back stab you.
well we for last 69 years have been raising it but pakistanies in there corus of kashmir and peblisite never really botherred about it but now since its a leagel tangle your nation cannot ignoare it so making all the so called fictitous and funny indian conspiracy theories again CEPC .... funny naa :sarcastic:
First of all it is CPEC so correct your spellings. Second, you have come up with even dumber argument since if your stance did not get any heed by the international community in past 69 yrs, what makes you believe that it will be any different this time and why your voice was feeble that it never made to our ears? Some doctor gave you and injection or what that all sudden you have started crying loudly and remember crying does not make up for logical reasoning.

India's interest in Chabahar is even older than CPEC project.
Clearly the investment came after CPEC
Such as ?
No spoon feeding my friend, if you can't understand the importance of trade for economy then it is not my fault, you should sue your teachers and school.
We have every right to speak.. that is democracy .. is it a new word for you ? for plebiscite, read through the pre-requisite and do your homework meeting them...

Sure plebiscite will happen when Pakistan Army Moves out of P0K.. as per UN resolution.

The point is that no one in G-B wants to join India. Meaning that if a plebiscite was ever held, it would not become a part of India. So it will never be a part of India. Therefore, it is not your land, nor will it ever be.
& here is the guy who will become the next PM of India because stupidity & douchebaggery is criteria of becoming shining India's ruler. Congratulations in advance.

Thanks I will take it as a compliment! For your enlightenment the choice of words and sentence structuring, show's the exemplary quality of education you have received. Surly world class!
The point is that no one in G-B wants to join India. Meaning that if a plebiscite was ever held, it would not become a part of India. So it will never be a part of India. Therefore, it is not your land, nor will it ever be.
there wont be any peblisite till kashmiri pandits and sikhs are resettelled in kashmir and pakistan vacates G&B.AJK and china vacates aksai chin as UN resulution was for complete kashmir not a special part
dont worry we dont forget and dont forgive as to what we had to suffer
Very well then...bring it on we are ready and you still have to suffer a lot :sniper::sniper:
A bad news for you another Baloch leader surrendered today..smoke it now :lol:
Tries telling me a modi indian whose country has a minster that called my country hell. You vermin have this habit of picking up fights that you cannot. Your interior minister is living proof of that.

Now spare me your bigotry and don't try your luck.

For the record "what the hell is modi indian" sounds like you need to be educated on how to address people on a forum!

See there is a plain simple method to avoiding disappointment, just stick to the topic! the banter your outputting is well crafted, hated incited brain-farts, which does nothing more than stink and linger for a while but hold no substance or value!

Now my interior minster visiting was nothing more than a formality. Rajnath's credibility via a v Nawaz S. Please don't compare gold with copper!
Very well then...bring it on we are ready and you still have to suffer a lot :sniper::sniper:
A bad news for you another Baloch leader surrendered today..smoke it now :lol:
well good luck to you too :butcher:

dont worry wait for some time before afghanistan + iran & even china comes and joins the party to get there own sheres of influences dont worry abhi to khel shuru hi hua hai mere dost :devil:
there wont be any peblisite till kashmiri pandits and sikhs are resettelled in kashmir and pakistan vacates G&B.AJK and china vacates aksai chin as UN resulution was for complete kashmir not a special part

You misunderstand. I was merely trying to state that plebiscite or no plebiscite, there is no scenario in which GB is a part of India.
Thanks I will take it as a compliment! For your enlightenment the choice of words and sentence structuring, show's the exemplary quality of education you have received. Surly world class!
Lol, a slum rat giving ratings to others. Classy
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