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‘It is in India’s interest to integrate into CPEC’

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Really....................... you thank other abusive indians for their sh*t mentality and then try here telling me its a discussion forum. Yeah sure.
A lot of them do this some of them are really hypocrites man @django @Zibago @Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye
OT: We all know it's never gonna happen they're opposing CPEC why the hell they would join this project?
@Arsalan @That Guy ?
India has exposed her jealousy of CPEC so much


Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɛləs/
envious resentment of someone or their achievements,possessions, or perceived advantages.

Tell me more about it. :lol:
‘It is in India’s interest to integrate into CPEC’
Published: September 5, 2016


ISLAMABAD: Although the environment around the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has remained somewhat uncertain for over a couple of years, the situation appears now to have taken a turn for the better.

An Indian lobby might persist with opposition to this regional plan eulogised as the ‘game-changer’ slogan, but within Pakistan, a consensus can be seen evolving over the direction it takes in the near future.

Modi spoke India’s mind over CPEC

Is the political impediment in Pakistan out of its way? This question seems to be less relevant now than it was only about six months ago.

The questions most relevant now would be about the scheduled enforcement of the CPEC plan and the possible engagement of Pakistani investors in benefiting from it.

The regulatory framework operating in Pakistan, red-tape culture and lack of information about the plan getting onto the ground might be major impediments as far as the investing community is concerned.

The most relevant person to approach in this context was Zaheeruddin Dar, a former public finance bureaucrat now running his own consultancy organisation in the name of Development Analysis Research Team (DART).

About the opposition to CPEC from an Indian lobby he said, “it is in the interest of the Indian economy to integrate to this plan. It benefit the Indian economy to be part of the future facilitation available in trading with entities operating from Kolkata to Moscow and Beijing via Central Asia and Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.”

Pakistan needs to block India’s move to become regional sheriff

As far as the present regulatory structure and the red-tape culture in Pakistan are concerned, he said “there will be pressure on bureaucracy from the government and the business community to mend its ways. I do not see potential bureaucratic opposition in this context, so the situation might not be as cloudy as many people might conceive”.

Dar thought “a new regulatory framework might be in the offing as soon as the business community, both inland and from abroad presses for basic changes”.

“Chinese companies have already begun seeking joint ventures and takeovers in Pakistan in the run up to CPEC infrastructure layout on the ground,” he added. “As far as Pakistani investors are concerned, the sectors most of them might choose would be light engineering, foods and garments.”

According to him, there is a lot of information the government tends to hold back on CPEC from the likely and potential investors. It can be vital information to the intending investors whose main source of information is the official documents. “Such information is also needed as far as public and media are concerned.”

Dar thought the government might eventually liberalise the flow of information as far as CPEC is concerned. The law now in vogue to enforce access to information might also help in this connection.

Pakistan aware of hostility towards CPEC

“The Chinese companies and officials do not face impediments in getting such information through, but its free flow might give a boost to the potential engagement of the trading and investing communities with the CPEC plan. They have never experienced such an opportunity and the methods of availing them might be slow to become public knowledge.”

He thought a large chunk of the foreign investment for the CPEC projects might come from the Chinese investors. As far as consensus in Pakistan on CPEC is concerned, he said it was evolving and there was growing anticipation in Pakistan that CPEC would accelerate trade and industry, including the stock exchange in this country.

According to his information, the Pak-China relevant organisations and officials were engaged productively in exchanging notes on developments taking place as far as the CPEC infrastructure is concerned.

The first phase in this context would be completed by the end of 2020.

Progress on investment from the Pakistani entrepreneurs and the foreign investors might be seen between 2020 and 2025.

“The CPEC might show its most potential results by 2030,” said Dar, adding that it would be then that the region would see results of the entire activity from India to Russia and Afghanistan to the shores of Burma and adjoining lands. He did not think that there was cause for pessimism in the CPEC context. However, it was up to the institutions and investors in Pakistan to take advantage of the situation triggered by the CPEC plan, which might be unprecedented in terms of development.

The writer has worked with major newspapers and specialises in the analysis of public finance and geo-economics of terrorism

Published in The Express Tribune, September 5th, 2016.

India can get benefits by either joining CPEC or by creating its own CIEC (China-India Economic Corridor). India has choice and an opportunity to prevent Pakistan from getting a center-stage position.
Can any member tell me what is the use of CPEC to India ?
stick to the frigin topic, we are not talking about the evolution of Indians or the systematic breakdown of the DNA of Pakistani's, if you cant stick to the topic then stay quiet.
Our forum, our rules. Who are you to order don't do this or that?!

Can any member tell me what is the use of CPEC to India ?
We can easily transport burnol to India then. No shortage what so ever again of burnol in India. Isn't it mind blowing?
Can any member tell me what is the use of CPEC to India ?
A diagonal link to CPEC has only one usage to India.. to connect India to land locked Central Asia... nothing more ...nothing less.. it will be a land rout to Afghanistan and beyond....
Whether it is in their benefit or not, India has exposed her jealousy of CPEC so much so that she should never be allowed to become a part of it. India has launched not only the diplomatic offensive but she is also involved in terrorism and sabotaging efforts and thus she should be declared and undesirable country with no diplomatic relations, no cultural exchange and no trade until she changes her attitude and frees the IoJ&K
that is what your elite and its media stooges is telling you

but the fact is unlike pakistan who have only CEPC as the only thing to get a better future that too by collecting revenue instead of using it to trade its own produce and slowly but steadly all kinds of small medium and heavy industries are decaying or daying in pakistan

india on the other hand has many heavy and medium and light industries and pharma , software/IT and service provider industry plus owr own internal trade(which genrates more than 60% of owr revenue)

so the fact is we wanted/ or went for chabahar when pakistan stopped us in using its land to trade with afghansiatan and beyond and we want that to get copper gas and petroleum products from iran , afganistan and central asia

so its pakistan loss not making india its partner and not vice versa as even without link to central asia owr economy is growing at a very fast pace but pakistani economy is crumbling and only hope to make it better is the potential revanue genrated from CEPC ... Got It :azn: :sarcastic:
Whether it is in their benefit or not, India has exposed her jealousy of CPEC so much so that she should never be allowed to become a part of it. India has launched not only the diplomatic offensive but she is also involved in terrorism and sabotaging efforts and thus she should be declared and undesirable country with no diplomatic relations, no cultural exchange and no trade until she changes her attitude and frees the IoJ&K

Re read what you wrote! - Now to say we are involved in terrorism?

India - (laughable at best)

Pak - OBL your chief guest! -

enough said!
India can get benefits by either joining CPEC or by creating its own CIEC (China-India Economic Corridor). India has choice and an opportunity to prevent Pakistan from getting a center-stage position.

There is already a project for expressway called BCIM Economic Corridor
We don't need Afghanistan to access Central Asia. CPEC will help us to connect that part of the world through China how ever for Indians, with no CPEC accessibility, there is sea, there is Iran and one and only unstable Afghanistan. Also there are lots of if and buts like stable Afghanistan, which is highly unlikely, US-Iran improved relationship which is again very tricky business, and of course expensive sea route avoiding Pakistani sea waters.Make your pick.
Meh.... :lol:

Stop whining & leave the discussion part to more sensible members.

Whining ................ holy sh*t a modi indian is telling me about whining .......... this is joke of the century. :enjoy:

Kaka munna try hard you are disappointing me at least your TTA was better than you at this. :lol:

If you indians were that sensible I wouldn't be talking the way I am talking, you are lowest of the lowest and sadly you sit right next to our borders.
Isn't sometime back Pakistan opposed India trade with Afghanistan,they would only allow empty Indian trucks to return.

Tomorrow after joining CPEC they will put more ridiculous condition,forget government which businessman will take such risks?

Unless trust deficit is reduced,i don't see anything like this happening
stick to the frigin topic, we are not talking about the evolution of Indians or the systematic breakdown of the DNA of Pakistani's, if you cant stick to the topic then stay quiet.

Lecture your sh*tty people I am not interested.
A lot of them do this some of them are really hypocrites man @django @Zibago @Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye
OT: We all know it's never gonna happen they're opposing CPEC why the hell they would join this project?
@Arsalan @That Guy ?

Indians never had a wish to join CPEC since it has been launched....They have gone to such extent against CPEC that even Chinese think tank, probably close to Government had to issue warning to India regarding sabotage of CPEC/Baluchistan...

But if Indians are surely working on destabilizing Pakistan and CPEC nods then we are and should be returning the favor...The only things is that Indians make too much noise while we don't in achieving our targets.......
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