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‘It is in India’s interest to integrate into CPEC’

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Our forum, our rules. Who are you to order don't do this or that?!

We can easily transport burnol to India then. No shortage what so ever again of burnol in India. Isn't it mind blowing?

let me guess i am talking to a 2 year old kid, i am sure your the bright apple of Pakistan's future!
Intellectually challenged people do not deserve a response in substance.

Yep true for all you modi indians ........... the vermin who plague this Earth. World would have been better without you pests.

Now shut it Ganga ram and don't try acting smart because you are not, you cannot be .................
Yep true for all you modi indians ........... the vermin who plague this Earth. World would have been better without you pests.

Now shut it Ganga ram and don't try acting smart because you are not, you cannot be .................

As i said intellectually challenged!

Re-read what you posted! Breaks every single forum rule, but we will have the mods stay quiet on this one as well. Hence why i don't resort to off-topic posts.

Anyhow. back to Topic! - China is doing everything correct for international isolation and there will come a time where it will need to take cognizant of its actions. Karma will catch up if not now then later!
that is what your elite and its media stooges is telling you

but the fact is unlike pakistan who have only CEPC as the only thing to get a better future that too by collecting revenue instead of using it to trade its own produce and slowly but steadly all kinds of small medium and heavy industries are decaying or daying in pakistan

india on the other hand has many heavy and medium and light industries and pharma , software/IT and service provider industry plus owr own internal trade(which genrates more than 60% of owr revenue)

so the fact is we wanted/ or went for chabahar when pakistan stopped us in using its land to trade with afghansiatan and beyond and we want that to get copper gas and petroleum products from iran , afganistan and central asia

so its pakistan loss not making india its partner and not vice versa as even without link to central asia owr economy is growing at a very fast pace but pakistani economy is crumbling and only hope to make it better is the potential revanue genrated from CEPC ... Got It :azn: :sarcastic:
Sir, what our elite say or does is a separate issue and you know me that I'm against them and do not consider them our friends to say the least and some of them are downright traitors.
But Narendra Modi has publicly opposed CPEC and it is no longer a covert policy. India should have been allowed if it demanded so from Pakistan but it directly contacted Iran and started investing in Chabahar but we have no problel with that at all since for CPEC at least two customers are confirmed i.e. Pakistan and China (the worst case scenario) and Gwader is a deep sea port and has no match with Chabahar and also Iran would like to be a part of CPEC and I see Chabahar as a positive influence on CPEC in normal case and neutral in the worst. Despite Chabahar, CPEC will have a lot of dividends for India but you took a collision path instead of being supporting and willing to participate...so regardless of what our elite says, we can see what India is doing with our own eyes.

Re read what you wrote! - Now to say we are involved in terrorism?

India - (laughable at best)

Pak - OBL your chief guest! -

enough said!
Gwader is in Baluchistan and there is a clear evidence that India is involved in terrorism there in addition to RAW's involvement with MQM and TTP.
Sir, what our elite say or does is a separate issue and you know me that I'm against them and do not consider them our friends to say the least and some of them are downright traitors.
But Narendra Modi has publicly opposed CPEC and it is no longer a covert policy. India should have been allowed if it demanded so from Pakistan but it directly contacted Iran and started investing in Chabahar but we have no problel with that at all since for CPEC at least two customers are confirmed i.e. Pakistan and China (the worst case scenario) and Gwader is a deep sea port and has no match with Chabahar and also Iran would like to be a part of CPEC and I see Chabahar as a positive influence on CPEC in normal case and neutral in the worst. Despite Chabahar, CPEC will have a lot of dividends for India but you took a collision path instead of being supporting and willing to participate...so regardless of what our elite says, we can see what India is doing with our own eyes.

Gwader is in Baluchistan and there is a clear evidence that India is involved in terrorism there in addition to RAW's involvement with MQM and TTP.

Sorry Pakistan's evidence cannot be taken into consideration, there is no validity - that is what you get for becoming the terror capital of the world! you have no credibility!

ok try sell this to the world forum and lets see who buy's it other than china for its own interests...
Sir, what our elite say or does is a separate issue and you know me that I'm against them and do not consider them our friends to say the least and some of them are downright traitors.
But Narendra Modi has publicly opposed CPEC and it is no longer a covert policy. India should have been allowed if it demanded so from Pakistan but it directly contacted Iran and started investing in Chabahar but we have no problel with that at all since for CPEC at least two customers are confirmed i.e. Pakistan and China (the worst case scenario) and Gwader is a deep sea port and has no match with Chabahar and also Iran would like to be a part of CPEC and I see Chabahar as a positive influence on CPEC in normal case and neutral in the worst. Despite Chabahar, CPEC will have a lot of dividends for India but you took a collision path instead of being supporting and willing to participate...so regardless of what our elite says, we can see what India is doing with our own eyes.
well sir as PM of india its his job to keep indian intersts forward first than gloating about freindship or justice and CEPC is passing through the land which pakistan occupied when it attacked india in 1948 hence we have full right to oppose it as that land is leagelly not pakistani but indian land

but CEPC might be the only ray of hope for pakistani nation to survive its ever crumbling economy and internal structures but same is of no value to indians as even without a direct contact with central asia we are growing at 5-7%+ for almost two decades now and future is brighter than ever even without central asian oil& gas and precius metals like copper , gold and titanium and uranium
India should have been allowed if it demanded so from Pakistan but it directly contacted Iran and started investing in Chabahar but we have no problel with that at all since for CPEC at least two customers are confirmed i.e. Pakistan and China (the worst case scenario) and Gwader is a deep sea port and has no match with Chabahar

India's interest in Chabahar is even older than CPEC project.

CPEC will have a lot of dividends for India

Such as ?
well sir as PM of india its his job to keep indian intersts forward first than gloating about freindship or justice
Then you said it all that India's interest are in opposition to Pakistan and thus there can be no convergence.
and CEPC is passing through the land which pakistan occupied when it attacked india in 1948 hence we have full right to oppose it as that land is leagelly not pakistani but indian land
That's the most absurd justification by India, GB has been under Pakistan's control for past 69 yrs and do you we did not build any roads there before? so why is there a pain in India big rear end of the sudden over CPEC?

So get a better logic that can stand a few rounds. This logic is pretty dumb and you know it.
Let's hold a plebiscite then. Until then, keep your mouth shut on G-B.
We have every right to speak.. that is democracy .. is it a new word for you ? for plebiscite, read through the pre-requisite and do your homework meeting them...
Then you said it all that India's interest are in opposition to Pakistan and thus there can be no convergence.

That's the most absurd justification by India, GB has been under Pakistan's control for past 69 yrs and do you we did not build any roads there before? so why is there a pain in India big rear end of the sudden over CPEC?

So get a better logic that can stand a few rounds. This logic is pretty dumb and you know it.
well we for last 69 years have been raising it but pakistanies in there corus of kashmir and peblisite never really botherred about it but now since its a leagel tangle your nation cannot ignoare it so making all the so called fictitous and funny indian conspiracy theories again CEPC .... funny naa :sarcastic:
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