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It happens only in India:A COAS with fake encounter case pending in court

Its time for you to see the mirror instead trying to hide behind the excuse of pakistan.And it dont affect me if you throw stones on pakistan in a thread unrelated to it @WebMaster is there to take care of it

There is no excuse..or do you take these internet arguments seriously do you..the real is case is the court, will be decided by the courts, a person his innocent, until proven otherwise, there is nothing further discuss here.

You fly a flag of country and ask me the question about mine. I answer the question and ask you same question about yours(when will justice be done on your army chiefs). Are you too chicken to answer that or is it, do you have no answer?
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@ajtr it is YOU who chose to post 11 month old news with he provocative "IT ONLY HAPPENS IN INDIA" title, it is YOU the has abused and insulted other members, it is YOU that has brought in off topic comments like the Ghazi. If you think the whole world is wrong is it not possible it is maybe YOU in the wrong?
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IA is the best in dealing with the brain washed barbarians from the other side and they are the best to terrorize the terrorists, regarding the fake encounter case Law will take care of it.

India is not the country, where every defeat is categorized as a victory and after every defeat Army takes over civilian Govt. as if they have won and a victory.
yes kill the innocent civilian and declare as terrorist thats whar happens. who knows how many of those mass graves have innocent people killed in fake encounter buried their thats why goi is refusing to do dna testing.
yes kill the innocent civilian and declare as terrorist thats whar happens. who knows how many of those mass graves have innocent people killed in fake encounter buried their thats why goi is refusing to do dna testing.

DNA test is not kids play and any tim dik and harry come start saying we will do it? how many in your country has done DNA ? now lets how many ISI has killed your civilians ? news reporters killed by ISI for publishing real story.

What will DNA prove?

Moreover Musf is hiding in UK , for killing the Baloch Leader after surrounding him with Airforce and Artillery gun, now where are your courts , military ?
yes kill the innocent civilian and declare as terrorist thats whar happens. who knows how many of those mass graves have innocent people killed in fake encounter buried their thats why goi is refusing to do dna testing.

And who are you to say otherwise? Yes there have been a few incidents in the past but do you know who uncovered this? Internal IA investigations and the Indian human rights commission. But are you a soldier? Have you ever served in JK? You people love to demonise the IA to suit your own predujices but in actuality there is little factual evidence to support your nonsensical hypothesis.
yes kill the innocent civilian and declare as terrorist thats whar happens. who knows how many of those mass graves have innocent people killed in fake encounter buried their thats why goi is refusing to do dna testing.

3 more graves have been added to those mass graves and will keep on extending.

You can keep on crying :lol:
Name calling? FATAWA?!! I call it how I see it, you don't seem to add anything to this site but discourse.

And the GoI/MoDlawyers must have looked at the case and seen no substance to them as they themselves have Bikram Singh a clean chit. They have no vested interest to see an particur officer COAS. Of there was an announce if proof then he would not have been alwed to become COAS. The IA is a proffesional organza room that ensures the highest standards of discipline are met.
As i said clearing gen.singh of all accusation is not MOD's or goi's or its lawyers' job.its courts job.and court found something in the case that it taking time on the case.otherwise it would have thrown the case out of court as sc did to p i l.
As for IA being professional.....those mass graves of kashimrs sings a lot of praise to IA's professionalism.or better look for some of those examples of IA professionalism in rapes disappearance and fake encounters .thread of it is already there in kashmir section.

I think you'll find it was you @ajtr that brought in the Ghazi! What's the matter- you can give it but you can't take it??!!
I invoked ghazi as example you are invoking it as ot to divert thread.
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There is no excuse..or do you take these internet arguments seriously do you..the real is case is the court, will be decided by the courts, a person his innocent, until proven otherwise, there is nothing further discuss here.
answer is no i take board as only to air my views.

You fly a flag of country and ask me the question about mine. I answer the question and ask you same question about yours(when will justice be done on your army chiefs). Are you too chicken to answer that or is it, do you have no answer?
if you want to ask about pakistan then open thread in related section.
@ajtr it is YOU who chose to post 11 month old news with he provocative "IT ONLY HAPPENS IN INDIA" title, it is YOU the has abused and insulted other members, it is YOU that has brought in off topic comments like the Ghazi. If you think the whole world is wrong is it not possible it is maybe YOU in the wrong?
news is not old as long as case is still pending in court.
i also posted latest on the same news hope you have read it.

Btw if you think i ve used abusive language then you have report button make use of it.
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As i said clearing gen.singh of all accusation is not MOD's or goi's or its lawyers' job.its courts job.and court found something in the case that it taking time on the case.otherwise it would have thrown the case out of court as sc did to p i l.
As for IA being professional.....those mass graves of kashimrs sings a lot of praise to IA's professionalism.or better look for some of those examples of IA professionalism in rapes disappearance and fake encounters .thread of it is already there in kashmir section.

I invoked ghazi as example you are invoking it as ot to divert thread.

Right so I'm, of anyone else, am expected to believe anecdotal evidence from YOU??!! Also you can't seem to separate the IA and the CAPFs and the JK Police instead like so many other ignorant commentators you are generalising every security person in JK to be an IA soldier when this simply is not the case.

And let's see what happens with the case I can't see anything other than an innocent charge coming as the Goi and MoD lawyers must have made an objective and balanced decision and must believe the case will not come to anything otherwise they have just put themselves on a massive hole because they cleared the General to take charge of the highest IA office. If there was even a doubt in their mind or an inkling the General was anything other than innocent they would simply have reason seed to their superiors that he should not be promoted and that would be that.

Do you not think the MoD or GoI are shrewd enough to ensure there is nothing that reflects badly on them?

So you can talk about the Ghazi but you expect everyone to ignore it and not follow your example?!'
DNA test is not kids play and any tim dik and harry come start saying we will do it? how many in your country has done DNA ? now lets how many ISI has killed your civilians ? news reporters killed by ISI for publishing real story.

What will DNA prove?
its for court to decide.Btw clearing all doubt of relative is goi's 1st duty. otherwise goi has something to hide.

Moreover Musf is hiding in UK , for killing the Baloch Leader after surrounding him with Airforce and Artillery gun, now where are your courts , military ?
pakistan is not the topic.plz open thread in appropriate section.
Who are you to decide who is outsider who is not.GOI says im not.so keep your nonsense to yourself.

Lady you are having serious comprehension problem.. Lets try to think for one second that the world does not revolve around you and concentrate.

You are the one who said the below quote..

india is answerable to world for this human right violation in disputed region of kashmir.

My answer is for the above quote.. I am not asking about your citizenship or where your loyalty lies..

If you still having problems understanding what I said, please let me know.. I will try to make it easier for you with some pictures..

Off Topic: Are you the one who was saying Indians and its government are liars.. may be there is chance that GoI lied to you about the citizenship ;)
And who are you to say otherwise? Yes there have been a few incidents in the past but do you know who uncovered this? Internal IA investigations and the Indian human rights commission. But are you a soldier? Have you ever served in JK? You people love to demonise the IA to suit your own predujices but in actuality there is little factual evidence to support your nonsensical hypothesis.
whats the number count of your a few....some 10....100...1000?
It was uncovered first by Angana P. Chatterji and Parvez Imroz if its not for both these goi and army would never would have revealed it.btw there are tons of reports of disappearances /fake encounter rapes in kashmir by men in uniform.Its not necessary for one to be in army or to serve in kashmir to know the plight of those kashmiris mothers sisters whose sons husbands have gone missing killed in fake encounter.
answer is no i take board as only to air my views.

if you want to ask about pakistan then open thread in related section.

We are not in habit of creating pointless thread, just for the sole purpose of bashing another country..however you can count on us keep ruin your buzz, if you do.
We will ask the very same question you ask us to till the time you answer them or you quit initiating such pointless topics.

The answers to your questions were answered in first few posts ..however if you want to keep playing the game by all means.
Right so I'm, of anyone else, am expected to believe anecdotal evidence from YOU??!! Also you can't seem to separate the IA and the CAPFs and the JK Police instead like so many other ignorant commentators you are generalising every security person in JK to be an IA soldier when this simply is not the case.
this case is about COAS so like the chain of command flows from top to bottom so is the example made at top of the pyramid makes the lower rank fear of consequence of fake encounters.so its taken as separate case with in itself.

And let's see what happens with the case I can't see anything other than an innocent charge coming as the Goi and MoD lawyers must have made an objective and balanced decision and must believe the case will not come to anything otherwise they have just put themselves on a massive hole because they cleared the General to take charge of the highest IA office. If there was even a doubt in their mind or an inkling the General was anything other than innocent they would simply have reason seed to their superiors that he should not be promoted and that would be that.
court is the ultimate one to clear him not the goi rest is just beating around the bush as u doing now.

Do you not think the MoD or GoI are shrewd enough to ensure there is nothing that reflects badly on them?
i dont think that GOI is shrewed enough otherwise it would not have got caught in so many corruption cases itself.:lol:

So you can talk about the Ghazi but you expect everyone to ignore it and not follow your example?!'
so that it can be pointed out that its a trend among indian forces.

We are not in habit of creating pointless thread, just for the sole purpose of bashing another country..however you can count on us keep ruin your buzz, if you do.
We will ask the very same question you ask us to till the time you answer them or you quit initiating such pointless topics.

The answers to your questions were answered in first few posts ..however if you want to keep playing the game by all means.
you are in habit of only use pakistan as your escape route isnt it a irony that you have to use pak to save yourself.:woot:

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