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ISRO launches record 104 satellites into space

You fail to see the point of my post. And answered like a primary school kid (no offense).

How do *you* get benefitted if Bajaj makes motorcycles? Or there is a PSLV/GSLV launch?

Do *you* get money from the govt., a promotion, get to live in a better house, have better govt. facilities? Bajaj gets rich (or the Govt. fat cats get richer with bribes from Govt. contracts), but why are *you* (average Indian schmuck) jumping up and down and cheering??

The answer would be *no*.

How does making motorcycles/buses/cars/trucks in India or shooting off rockets in useless space endeavors help the average citizen (or Sanghi) *personally*?

The answer is still a big, fat *NO*. I think I've made my point. Enough OT talk.

Bilal, I sympathised with some of what you wrote in the post I quoted (about being able to critique one's own country) but this line of reasoning is silly.

Your original point was about how I benefited from having a banya like Bajaj manufacture motorcyles. Perhaps you wanted to drive home a point about how we benefit from a PSLV launch but choosing a motorcycle (and now cars and buses) as an analogy is quite poor.

While there is something to be said for arguing that benefits from a launch vehicle are not immediately tangible and the odds are high that average citizens will not gain anything from the PSLV, motorcyles and cars are very different products. As per the 2011 census 20% of Indian households had some form of motorised transport - mostly two wheelers - like the ones that Bajaj manufactures. Without people like Bajaj making these products these 20% would have a transportation problem and that in turn would make their lives less productive and in many cases reduce social mobility (like a rural kid who would not be able to bike it to an urban college). As a teenager growing up in India in the 90s I often got a ride to my school on our neighbour's bajaj scooter. On Sundays my dad would drive us all out somewhere on his Bullet (a motorbike). In college my roomate had a second hand Hero Honda bike and we used it frequently to get to movies, take girls out and buy booze from a shop that was quite far away.

To answer your question: Am I "benefitted if Bajaj makes motorcycles" ? The answer is a big fat Yes. Without Bajaj I'd have to take some public bus, suffer a crowd, loose time, get turned off from going distances and have a poorer quality of life. If Tata did not make buses, there'd be no public buses either and I'd probably have to walk. Is Bajaj making a ton of money - sure he is. Would I rather he and I stay equally poor? Nope. I don't mind him making money if I get the opportunity to buy something useful - as opposed to not having that opportunity. Furthermore, being a banya, Bajaj will use some of the profits he makes to set up some new factory - for locally made sewing machines perhaps or tractors - and then some other family will be able to improve their quality of life. If the government makes money some of that will be used to build a flyover or a metro or something else. Will corruption eat some of that - sure it will - but a reality with no bajaj would also be one where no such money (for the govt.) was available - versus the current reality where at least some money is generated.

I sometimes read about Pakistan where the automobile sector has not taken off and think - there are so many middle class Pakistanis who are stuck with having to buy the Suzuki Mehran for want of other options - that too at a ridiculous price for an obsolete platform. Would not their lives be better if some Pakistani Bajaj made an affordable modern car at prices comparable to what latest cars are sold here in India? Of course it would. If someone like you was in charge Suzuki Pakistan would be wound up - and nobody would be able to buy a car anymore.

By your logic - nobody should be manufacturing anything or providing any service - and we'd all be living in the stone age.
You fail to see the point of my post. And answered like a primary school kid (no offense).

How do *you* get benefitted if Bajaj makes motorcycles? Or there is a PSLV/GSLV launch?

Do *you* get money from the govt., a promotion, get to live in a better house, have better govt. facilities? Bajaj gets rich (or the Govt. fat cats get richer with bribes from Govt. contracts), but why are *you* (average Indian schmuck) jumping up and down and cheering??

The answer would be *no*.

How does making motorcycles/buses/cars/trucks in India or shooting off rockets in useless space endeavors help the average citizen (or Sanghi) *personally*?

The answer is still a big, fat *NO*. I think I've made my point. Enough OT talk.

How does making anything help the average Indian...waaah. They should all just sit on their bums doing nothing all day, so BeeDee can finally surpass them (actually probably still wont, the butthurt drags you down big league).

Excellent video, thanks.

It seems its an elegant linear based separation strategy (judging from the rotations imparted) with focus on del T for the constellation nano sats.

That Antarctic landmass at the end is a nice ending :)

This is one of the greatest achievement by any nation.

Well done India!

So good to read this....

Scientific achievement belong to all of mankind and should be celebrated by all. I personally see no concept of nationalistic slogans like Persian, Arabic, Indian, western, Pakistani scientists but see it as one thing that benefits and belongs to all of mankind. Knowledge grows as it spreads. It reaches new levels and new heights. It sees no borders.

So I personally support scientific achievements bcz I see them at a level above the things that divide man.

Troll away .... there is no taxation on that:enjoy:

Politics will be the bane of the us ... and there is no doubt.

Need of the hour - we maintain status quo, and work to develop ourselves. The only long term solution to our problems is unity of aim - economic and social development of our respective societies. If that is achieved, we shall be able to resolve the political differences too.

Let's hope for the best.

Indeed it will end us if we do not get out of this cycle. Its the same routine every year and frankly even the news reports are the same. Politicians will always use any means to get power. They couldn't care less.

Maintaining status quo and believe me it will take one politician to suddenly stand up and blame their own incompetence to the other country and get elected and the cycle starts again. I have personally seen that working on development is like studying. You get distracted very easily in other matters especially shooting video games ;). One needs to keep the focus on development ignoring distractions and that requires focus of another Level. Status quo will be a huge distraction.

Agreed but political differences will always be a hindrance to it. Achieving one without solving the other is very hard especially considering the case of both nations.


I personally see Asia, Asia minor and middle east filled with nations ( tes nearly all the nations) that can best any western nation due to the abundance of resources and manpower only if we focus on science, knowledge and development of our society and not be engrossed in petty rivalries but help each other achieve better standing.
Guys this was a good day for us but lets not go overboard . What was done yesterday was well within our proven capabilities , only risk was for the multiple satellites insertion.
Today the 660 second test of the cryogenic engine for the GSLV 3 , will determine whether we enter the medium launch capability ..4 MT to GTO/GEO , where most of the expensive telecom satellites are stationed. We can stop paying tbe french 100 m usd everytime we launch the insat.
Good minds are always underemployed. Policy makers should initiate projects in a wide range of disciplines so that all of the thinking capacity of the nation can be employed and utilized. Focusing on only one specific area leaves out many good brains.
We need the LVM 3 & Semi cryogenic launcher to compete with Arianespace & SpaceX.

Also the GTO payload of gslv mk2 is being upgraded to 3 tonnes- that is Soyuz territory

Only if we matured the ULV and Mk3 ,Mk3 for commercial purposes and ULV for strategic purpose ,rest of it including PSLV should hand over to private partners then we can say we are on par with Arianespace or Falcon

Actually I see this cartoon as complement and not any offense. We have the guts to enter space club with buffellow which no other country can do.

Dude as per ur pslv crossed nearly some 12000 and then it dispersed 104 sats in different altitude .
If you compare it in terms of MIRV yes with plsv India could have dispersed from 104 war heads to any number below . I guess it's more than 12000 as it's flight path supposed to reach US waters from bay of Bengal .. MIRV could have traveled more distance through put it's decend .

That is true but N bomb shall not weigh 16 KG i.e 1600 KG (Payload of PSLV)/104 Say 100). Assuming 200 KG weight of bomb 8 can be carried. If we have to launch it at a smaller distance, it can be up to 12.
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