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ISRO launches record 104 satellites into space

You fail to see the point of my post. And answered like a primary school kid (no offense).

How do *you* get benefitted if Bajaj makes motorcycles? Or there is a PSLV/GSLV launch?

Do *you* get money from the govt., a promotion, get to live in a better house, have better govt. facilities? Bajaj gets rich (or the Govt. fat cats get richer with bribes from Govt. contracts), but why are *you* (average Indian schmuck) jumping up and down and cheering??

The answer would be *no*.

How does making motorcycles/buses/cars/trucks in India or shooting off rockets in useless space endeavors help the average citizen (or Sanghi) *personally*?

The answer is still a big, fat *NO*. I think I've made my point. Enough OT talk.
some examples for you
gov doesnt have to lease the foreign satellite for communication (mobile television etc) thus reducing the cost of these services (I benefited personally from these satellites).
with these satellites gov can get better idea of resources in county (like water body, forest area,fishing zone) so farmers get better information , thus they can produce better yield thus quality and quntity bit increases thus reducing the cost and getting good quality yield. so i can eat better food once again i personally benefited
these satellites can track and prdict the location and timing of any tornado (like one came in orissa).before these satellites death toll was in 10000 after these satellites it was down to ZERO. so if tornado comes in area where i live i have better chance of survival.once again I personally benefited.
you want more? do let me know
I normally don't respond to trolls nowadays but seems you expected me to cheer 'any' Indian achievement.

I am not obligated to.

You conveniently fail to mention that I have cheered plenty of other things in India - like efforts to improve sanitation, poverty, (well what little inclusive growth that does exist in your country) and micro-credit. i.e things that matter to me personally.

Conversely, I have also been a very harsh critic of effed-up situations in Bangladesh as well.

Sound familiar? Its called having an opinion and a spine. I'm entitled to have mine. In most 'democracies' outside of India, people do have them.

Only mental dwarfs boast about motorcycles, scooters and copies of Atlas rockets, when the production and launch of these things matters little to your own lives. If some banya like Bajaj produces motorcycles in India, how does that help *you* in your daily life?? Bajaj is getting rich - but *you* are in the same old shit-hole.... same thing with the infrastructure sh*t - idiots posting pictures of them all over PDF just because it never existed before. These are political tools meant to enrich the robber barons and the rich, not the insignificant thousands in India that populate PDF.....

Bangladesh does not need PSLV's or GSLV's. They need to take care of the important stuff like having enough schools, educating their women, improving lives and yes- latrines. Last I checked they are doing fine.....

A nation launching a hundred plus NANOSATs in one go is pointless when the poverty level in some states is worse than sub-Saharan Africa. I know its a big deal when there's little to boast about, but be ready to critique your own country instead of blindly dancing to its tune at all times.

The mental dwarfs will cry 'jealousy' but think for once. What matters?

Then you should think about it for once.

Banyas will again invest in here and in turn that will increase the employment opportunities.You should thank them because illegal BDis also get menial jobs that left after by Indians in here.
This was a commercial mission and you dont know anything about the hefty benefit we are going to acquire through this launch .This is our business .Space business.

who know,Long March 5 VS this one,which one is good? (I dont know about rocket)
Looks like the butt-hurt hasn't stopped flowing.

How do *you* get benefitted if Bajaj makes motorcycles? Or there is a PSLV/GSLV launch?

Do *you* get money from the govt., a promotion, get to live in a better house, have better govt. facilities?

As I said before, millions & thousands of Indians are employed in Automotive & space sectors respectively. The indirect benefits of the same goes to millions.

Bajaj gets rich

And then they invest even more, providing jobs to many thousands.

or the Govt. fat cats get richer with bribes from Govt. contracts

Bribes for what ? In the present stage being a vendor to ISRO is not profitable for any firm.

How does making motorcycles/buses/cars/trucks in India or shooting off rockets in useless space endeavors help the average citizen (or Sanghi) *personally*?

How does producing RMG in sweatshops or paying the French a whopping $400 million for a communication satellite help an average Jamati schmuck ?

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you are not breaking rules but barking... did you come from stone age or what.. because of those satellites you are able to type your nonsense in this forum.. because of those satellite scientists able to identify rise in sea level will submerge BD into Bay of bengal... those satellites essential to improve communication to reach remote villages... will you send post card or call/message to your family... am sure you prefer to walk across towns to reach your relatives to ask them "how are they ".
Just imagine how difficult it would be to send a msg across. Specifically if that msg read. . . . . . . "Send Nudes!"

have u done any crash course in dumbness or its ur natural talent ?
Nope he honed it like every other person hones his skills. By repeating it a million times.
Department of Space
15-February, 2017 12:57 IST
PSLV-C37 Successfully Launches 104 Satellites in a Single Flight

In its thirty ninth flight (PSLV-C37), ISRO's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle successfully launched the 714 kg Cartosat-2 Series Satellite along with 103 co-passenger satellites today morning (February 15, 2017) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota. This is the thirty eighth consecutively successful mission of PSLV. The total weight of all the 104 satellites carried on-board PSLV-C37 was 1378 kg.

PSLV-C37 lifted off at 0928 hrs (9:28 am) IST, as planned, from the First Launch Pad. After a flight of 16 minutes 48 seconds, the satellites achieved a polar Sun Synchronous Orbit of 506 km inclined at an angle of 97.46 degree to the equator (very close to the intended orbit) and in the succeeding 12 minutes, all the 104 satellites successfully separated from the PSLV fourth stage in a predetermined sequence beginning with Cartosat-2 series satellite, followed by INS-1 and INS-2. The total number of Indian satellites launched by PSLV now stands at 46.

After separation, the two solar arrays of Cartosat-2 series satellite were deployed automatically and ISRO's Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) at Bangalore took over the control of the satellite. In the coming days, the satellite will be brought to its final operational configuration following which it will begin to provide remote sensing services using its panchromatic (black and white) and multispectral (colour) cameras.

The imagery from the Cartosat-2 series satellite will be useful for cartographic applications, urban and rural applications, coastal land use and regulation, utility management like road network monitoring, water distribution, creation of land use maps, change detection to bring out geographical and manmade features and various other Land Information System (LIS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) applications. The data sets could be used for urban planning of 500 cities under the Amrut Planning Scheme. The government initiative of 100 smart city programme in which these data sets could be used for master plan preparation and detailed geospatial data preparation for rural roads and infrastructure development.

Of the 103 co-passenger satellites carried by PSLV-C37, two – ISRO Nano Satellite-1 (INS-1) weighing 8.4 kg and INS-2 weighing 9.7 kg – are technology demonstration satellites from India.

The remaining 101 co-passenger satellites carried were international customer satellites from USA (96), The Netherlands (1), Switzerland (1), Israel (1), Kazakhstan (1) and UAE (1).

This mission involved many technical challenges like realising the launch of a large number of satellites during a single mission within the time frame sought by the customers from abroad. Besides, ensuring adequate separation between all the 104 satellites during their orbital injection as well as during their subsequent orbital life was yet another challenge associated with this complex mission.

With today’s successful launch, the total number of customer satellites from abroad launched by India’s workhorse launch vehicle PSLV has reached 180.


President's Secretariat
15-February, 2017 11:53 IST
President of India congratulates ISRO for the successful launch into space of PSLV – C37, carrying a record 104 satellites

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has congratulated the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the successful launch into space of PSLV – C37, carrying a record 104 satellites.

In a message to Shri A.S. Kiran Kumar, Secretary, Department of Space and Chairman of ISRO, the President has said, “I extend my sincere congratulations and best wishes to you and your team at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on the successful launch into space of PSLV – C37, carrying a record 104 satellites.

This day shall go down as a landmark in the history of our space programme. The nation is proud of this significant achievement, which has demonstrated, yet again, India’s increasing space capabilities.

Kindly convey my greetings to the members of your team of scientists, engineers, technologists and all others associated with this great mission. I urge ISRO to continue to strive for the progress of our space capabilities. I wish all your future endeavours great success.”


Vice President's Secretariat
15-February, 2017 11:40 IST
Vice President congratulates ISRO for successful launch of 104 satellites

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Hamid Ansari has congratulated the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on the successful launch of PSLV-C37 rocket that placed 104 satellites in to their orbits. The flawless launch underlined the efforts to make the use and exploration of space more accessible and affordable, he added.

Following is the text of Vice President’s message:

“I offer my congratulations to the Scientists, Engineers and Technicians of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the successful launch of the PSLV-C37 rocket that placed 104 satellites including Cartosat 2 Series from India and 7 other counties in their designated orbits. This has been a history scripting effort of launching 104 satellites in a single launch.

The flawless launch has once again demonstrated India’s capabilities in the space sector and underlined our efforts to make the use and exploration of space more accessible and affordable.

I wish ISRO all the very best for the future.”


Prime Minister's Office
15-February, 2017 10:56 IST
PM congratulates ISRO on successful launch of PSLV-C37 and CARTOSAT satellite together with 103 nano satellites

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has congratulated ISRO on successful launch of PSLV-C37 and CARTOSAT satellite together with 103 nano satellites.

"Congratulations to ISRO for the successful launch of PSLV-C37 and CARTOSAT satellite together with 103 nano satellites.

This remarkable feat by ISRO is yet another proud moment for our space scientific community and the nation. India salutes our scientists.

Spoke to the Secretary, Department of Space and congratulated him & the entire team of scientists on today's exceptional achievement", the Prime Minister said.

with these satellites gov can get better idea of resources in county (like water body, forest area,fishing zone) so farmers get better information , thus they can produce better yield thus quality and quntity bit increases thus reducing the cost and getting good quality yield.
you want more? do let me know

Well even experts such as Dr. MS Swaminathan has praised the role of Indian Space program in agriculture- But you know, he is nothing compared to Bongladeshi expert @Bilal9 .

Even US Department of agriculture use the data from our Resourcesat's AWiFS sensor for determining crop yields. And there is a question of $300 million annual revenue.

As the development of GSLV Mark 3 & semi cryo stage gets completed we will get more launch contracts, more revenue & more bongoloids will be butt-hurt.
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
15-February, 2017 11:14 IST
Shri Ananthkumar congratulates ISRO on successful launch of PSLV-C37 and CARTOSAT satellite along with 103 other satellites in one go

Union Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Ananthkumar has congratulated ISRO and entire team on the successful launch of PSLV-C37 carrying CARTOSAT satellite together with 103 other satellites.

Today, ISRO has created history by launching a record 104 satellites and placing at right orbit precisely in one go. It showcases the low cost innovation capability of ISRO and is a sterling example of 'Make in India'. It also demonstrates the capabilities of ISRO in handling complex space missions professionally and providing world class satellite launching services to various countries and agencies. The untiring efforts of entire team of ISRO is the guiding force for this great feat. I salute the ISRO team for keeping Indian Flag high in world and wish them great success for all projects in future, said Shri Ananthkumar.

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