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ISRO: A lesson for Pakistan.

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Don't be so cocky!

And don't forget that India lags Pakistan in missile development as recently reported by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

The most authoritative non-governmental assessment of world nuclear forces has revealed that India's nuclear capabilities are seriously lagging behind those of its putative adversaries, Pakistan and China. The evaluation by Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists called "Indian nuclear forces, 2012", reveals that for New Delhi, the principal means of weapons delivery remains fixed-wing aircraft like the Mirage-2000 and the Jaguar. Unlike Pakistan and China which have substantial deployed missile arsenals, India's missile force is lagging, despite the test-launch of the Agni V in 2012. As the Bulletin notes, "the Agni I and Agni II , despite being declared operational, both have reliability issues that have delayed their full operational service".

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'unreliable' missiles

It confirms that Pakistan possesses advanced rocket technology. Pak can deploy it for space launches if it so chooses and quickly close the gap with India in the space race.

Haq's Musings: India's "Indigenous" Copies of Foreign Nukes, Missiles


Stupidity at its best. Not surprised coming from you.

The above mentions "Pakistan and China which have substantial deployed missile arsenals" how is it remotely even related to confirmation on advanced rocket technology? :lol:

Even if somehow Pakistan managed to launch payloads of 1 ton, Pakistan still will still lag behind India in launch of multiple satellites, recoverable reentry vehicle, military applications of space technology.

Heck Pakistan isn't even among the top ten in Space Competitiveness Index for 2011, where India is 6th.

2011 Space Competitiveness Index: India Overtakes Canada
1. okay I will give you that, though we are only 9 positions away and most of your infrastructure has been built in the last 10-15 years. While Pakistan has had better infrastructure for the most part of the last 65 years.

2. why are you comparing absolute numbers? what is the point of absolute number? in Korea I am a million air, but that money is worth 1/3 USD.
Percentage wise Pakistan has had and still has a higher middle class and lower levels of poverty.
(interesting how you gave absolute numbers in middle class, but didn't give any numbers in Poverty, it is because you know that India has more poverty absoute numbers wise and percentage wise?)

kkk one of the best ways to measure middle class is to see average per capita car sales of a country.
Indian sales in 2011: 3 million
Pakistani sales: 1 lac or 100000 or 0.1 million.

Dude your car sales is about 30 times less than ours that mean your middle class is tiny compared to us. Now dont say that we prefer motorcycles and sh1t.
1. okay I will give you that, though we are only 9 positions away and most of your infrastructure has been built in the last 10-15 years. While Pakistan has had better infrastructure for the most part of the last 65 years.

2. why are you comparing absolute numbers? what is the point of absolute number? in Korea I am a million air, but that money is worth 1/3 USD.
Percentage wise Pakistan has had and still has a higher middle class and lower levels of poverty.
(interesting how you gave absolute numbers in middle class, but didn't give any numbers in Poverty, it is because you know that India has more poverty absoute numbers wise and percentage wise?)

He just replied with facts for your stupid claim of better infrastructure and larger middle class than India.....dont showcase your stupidity by comparing 10 years to 65 years or this number or that number...facts are in front of you...
I don't think there is any lesson for Pakistan. Both India and Pakistan had their choices to make after 1947. India choose a path of self sufficiency and indigenization, while Pakistan choose a contrasting path.

So, I hope in future we will not have India vs Pak threads. We are not even remotely comparable.
I'm sorry but I don't understand that chicken scratch you wrote in the first part.
And 2. so you concede defeat
you realize that you could not counter my argument so this is your way to not lose face.

It's alright man, most Indians get to this point sooner or later on this thread. You are not the first, nor will be the last.

You won the argument and we won the space race. kk now bye.
yes pakistan was better off during '90s
Indian middle class is 25% pakistan it is 10%[/QUOTE]

I am really not surprised buy these numbers. Indians have a habit of "bending" the truth when it comes to such matters.
It's a self defense mechanism they have developed to cope with the fact that they live in a country withe world's largest starving.

To cite real numbers from non biased sources (sorry, your swami doesn't count as a source)
The middle class of Pakistan is estimated to be 20 million, about 11% of the population.
While the middle class of India is about 50 million, less then 5% of the population.

Economy of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imran Khan: Youthful Pakistan Could Revolt Against Zardari - TIME

Standard of living in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Next big spenders: India's middle class | McKinsey Global Institute | McKinsey & Company
I'm sorry but I don't understand that chicken scratch you wrote in the first part.
And 2. so you concede defeat
you realize that you could not counter my argument so this is your way to not lose face.

It's alright man, most Indians get to this point sooner or later on this thread. You are not the first, nor will be the last.

Yes we concede defeat....now on ...we will not launch any PSLV or GSLV and make more atom bombs like Pakistan :hitwall:

we also realized that we cant counter stupidity thrown from other side....you win....:agree:
Indian middle class is 25% pakistan it is 10%



Percentage wise , Pakistani middle-class is BIGGER than Indian middle class..

Pakistan is a way , way better place to live in than India.. I already went over this in another thread...

There is LESS poverty in Pakistan as compared with India....

Get your facts straight buddy...This is not your delusional brainwashed lalaland of bhartimata.
You are such a idiot. I agree with the multi tube system, but range of a missile doesn't matter. Missiles don't have to be long range or short range, as long as they are designed for their own rules. Your cruise missiles may have larger range than ours, but your cruise missiles dont have the same technology as ours do, and thats what matters. Its exactly what I was saying in my other post, slapping on 3 boosters is a huge achievement for India

Do yourself a favour and stop embarrassing yourself in public, by talking further about missile technology. Clearly you have as much knowledge about missiles, as a dumb hick.

If Missile range in not important then why are your scientist keen to increase the range on Baubur and Nasr(which even if done, will still be short legged compared to the Indian missile of same size?

What is this out of worldly technology does your cruise missile have?

BTW ..you skipped the part where you were suppose to show Pakistani equivalent to Indian ICMB, Supersonic CM, SLBM, SAM, ATGM, ABM, ASM??
1. okay I will give you that, though we are only 9 positions away and most of your infrastructure has been built in the last 10-15 years. While Pakistan has had better infrastructure for the most part of the last 65 years.
India to invest one trillion dollars in infrastructure
bro gap will be increasing in near future .i think after 20 years gap will be more than 30 rank.

2. why are you comparing absolute numbers? what is the point of absolute number? in Korea I am a million air, but that money is worth 1/3 USD.
Percentage wise Pakistan has had and still has a higher middle class and lower levels of poverty.
(interesting how you gave absolute numbers in middle class, but didn't give any numbers in Poverty, it is because you know that India has more poverty absoute numbers wise and percentage wise?)
are u kidding ur population is 200 million according to recent report and india population is 1.21 billion so india population wise 6X times bigger than ur country but india middile class more than 15X bigger than ur country .and gape is incrasing vary fast and never forget ur country vary high population growth.

Don't be so cocky!

And don't forget that India lags Pakistan in missile development as recently reported by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

The most authoritative non-governmental assessment of world nuclear forces has revealed that India's nuclear capabilities are seriously lagging behind those of its putative adversaries, Pakistan and China. The evaluation by Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists called "Indian nuclear forces, 2012", reveals that for New Delhi, the principal means of weapons delivery remains fixed-wing aircraft like the Mirage-2000 and the Jaguar. Unlike Pakistan and China which have substantial deployed missile arsenals, India's missile force is lagging, despite the test-launch of the Agni V in 2012. As the Bulletin notes, "the Agni I and Agni II , despite being declared operational, both have reliability issues that have delayed their full operational service".

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'unreliable' missiles

It confirms that Pakistan possesses advanced rocket technology. Pak can deploy it for space launches if it so chooses and quickly close the gap with India in the space race.

Haq's Musings: India's "Indigenous" Copies of Foreign Nukes, Missiles

Now Riaz, you are making a joke of yourself. Initially, Pak may at an advantage, because of the ready-made missile models Pak brought from NK, and China. Pak record on missile proliferation is well recorded in internationally- one of the reasons why you were denied Civilian nuke deal that is similar to India - while India progressed step by step. Now India has the capability to make ICBM and SLBM and more, while Pak is nowhere near that, moreover, our missile program immensely benefited from our space program.

With tight control on nuke and missile proliferation, Pak nuke and missile program will remain stagnated, while India's program will grow leaps and bounds.
Indian middle class is 25% pakistan it is 10%

To cite real numbers from non biased sources (sorry, your swami doesn't count as a source)
The middle class of Pakistan is estimated to be 20 million, about 11% of the population.
While the middle class of India is about 50 million, less then 5% of the population.

50 billion lol.....:rofl:India’s middle class is estimated at 170 million

Read more: Faber: India's Middle Class Will Soon Be Larger Than America's - Business Insider
Yes we concede defeat....now on ...we will not launch any PSLV or GSLV and make more atom bombs like Pakistan :hitwall:

we also realized that we cant counter stupidity thrown from other side....you win....:agree:

Hey man do what you want, I don't really care.
But once you start opening threads about your own vanity then be prepared to defend yourself.
Clearly the OP expected everyone to just agree with him and was not ready to answer any hard questions.
Rookie mistake, hopefully he will learn form it.
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