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ISRO: A lesson for Pakistan.

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Can't say i can blame you for splitting open your single cell Bharti brain.

You see nature has been very cruel to your kind,... small in stature, undernourished.....result, every time you get a decent bowl of rice, you find it hard to digest...hence the verbal diarrhoea.

Pakistan ranks worse in nutrition, education and HDI(in HDI, actually in a lower segment itself )... But higher in verbal diarrhoea :)

Having been to india - and seen the condition of the vast majority of it's people - the claims of this and that fade into insignificance when you see young children in india sleeping on the footpath.

By that logic we can negate everything good about Pakistan because that would fade into insignificance in front of seeing people getting blown up into bits almost daily, either by the terrorists or by the drones..

Learn to stick to the topic while making counter points.. Else it just seems a lame cop out...
Reasons for the inability of Pak to launch their own SLV IMO:

- A muslim majority state, officially an islamic republic attracts the evil eyes of yankis and zionist terrorist along with a hegemonic aggressor like India.

- Yanki imposed TOT and by default a crippling economy.( the most obvious reason. Any body making fun of PAK under such circumstances is a brain dead clown, nothing else)

- Overwhelming amount of made up myths and propaganda by RAW & CIA about PAK nuclear and missile programme.

- Constant security threat from India and state sponsor of terrorism from India.

- Water terrorism from India to cripple PAK

- A jealous hegemonic neighbor which 7 times larger and is dead set to destroy her.

All these has PAK occupied and focused rather than an expensive venture like space programme.
They look for the best way for survival in a tough and hostile neighborhood and world at large.
I pray to Allah(swt) that PAk can come out of her current predicament and teach her terrorist enemies a lesson that they will never forget. :)
Reasons for the inability of Pak to launch their own SLV IMO:

- A muslim majority state, officially an islamic republic attracts the evil eyes of yankis and zionist terrorist along with a hegemonic aggressor like India.

- Yanki imposed TOT and by default a crippling economy.( the most obvious reason. Any body making fun of PAK under such circumstances is a brain dead clown, nothing else)

- Overwhelming amount of made up myths and propaganda by RAW & CIA about PAK nuclear and missile programme.

- Constant security threat from India and state sponsor of terrorism from India.

- Water terrorism from India to cripple PAK

- A jealous hegemonic neighbor which 7 times larger and is dead set to destroy her.

All these has PAK occupied and focused rather than an expensive venture like space programme.
They look for the best way for survival in a tough and hostile neighborhood and world at large.
I pray to Allah(swt) that PAk can come out of her current predicament and teach her terrorist enemies a lesson that they will never forget. :)

I loved your comments.....:rofl:

You guys are so naive :angel:....really rest of the world so cruel to you all.....

so cute...what is your age?
Reasons for the inability of Pak to launch their own SLV IMO:

- A muslim majority state, officially an islamic republic attracts the evil eyes of yankis and zionist terrorist along with a hegemonic aggressor like India.

- Yanki imposed TOT and by default a crippling economy.( the most obvious reason. Any body making fun of PAK under such circumstances is a brain dead clown, nothing else)

- Overwhelming amount of made up myths and propaganda by RAW & CIA about PAK nuclear and missile programme.

- Constant security threat from India and state sponsor of terrorism from India.

- Water terrorism from India to cripple PAK

- A jealous hegemonic neighbor which 7 times larger and is dead set to destroy her.

All these has PAK occupied and focused rather than an expensive venture like space programme.
They look for the best way for survival in a tough and hostile neighborhood and world at large.
I pray to Allah(swt) that PAk can come out of her current predicament and teach her terrorist enemies a lesson that they will never forget. :)

India faced all these problems and still we launched 100 missions into
space, most of them launched with our own PSLV rocket using our own
Vikas rocket engine.

The simple reasons why Pakistan cannot be as capable is because of four
basic points -

1) Pakistan made the mistake of thumb$ucking in American lap for 65 years.
2) Pakistan throws away every penny it has and every penny others give it
as annual bheek into making silly weapons which can never win against
Indian Military.
3) An average Pakistani spends 75% of his time praying to the invisible one.
4) Pakistanis are not intelligent enough.

And you wanna know why countries like Bangladesh are even more unsuccesful
in this? reason I see -

1) Bangladeshis are too gullible that they believe everything that is told to them.
2) Bangladeshis forget all favours done to them by countries in a trice.
3) Bangladeshis sit in the lap of countries who raped and killed their people
mercilessly years ago. People who forget A and B by the time they reach C can
never even complete their kindergarten education.
Pakistani can not touch ISRO in short time,, but they should try hard to do better. Even we also need to work more harder in devlopment of our country..
and i think both India and pakistan should work in their backyard for country development... We may say that this country is our ally and blah blah , but because of we are giving them money that's why they are our ally.. and this point is valid on both country..
One thing you have to understand ..In pakistan use of science and tech is seen from military point of view.pak saw the use of nuke iand missile it got those now when its military sees the use of space launchers in its overall defence paradigm it will get the launchers too..be sure of that.

Defense requirements have always primarily driven tech advancements ranging from computers, semiconductors, software to the Internet.

If you read the history of space technology, you'll find that launch rockets were developed first for defense purposes by Von Braun..first in Nazi Germany and then in US after WW II.

Chinese and Indian interest in space technology has also been driven by defense.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Military Business and Industrial Revolution
Pakistan ranks worse in nutrition, education and HDI(in HDI, actually in a lower segment itself )... But higher in verbal diarrhoea :)

It only exists only in imagination. Here's the real data from 2012 Save the Children survey:

Save the Children’s survey results showed that: in India, one of the world’s biggest boom economies and where half of all children are stunted, more than a quarter of parents surveyed said their children went without food sometimes or often; in Nigeria, nearly a third of parents had pulled their children out of school so they could work to help pay for food; in Bangladesh, 87% of those surveyed said the price of food had been their most pressing concern in 2010.

The survey was carried out by Globescan, international research consultancy, in December 2011 and January 2012 in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Peru and Nigeria. These countries are the home of half of the world’s 170m million stunted children. Proportion of stunted children in countries surveyed: Pakistan 42% (10.1M) of children stunted,

Bangladesh 43% (7M), India 48% (60.5M), Nigeria 43% (10.9M), Peru 24% (712,560)[7] .

GlobeScan - A Life Free from Hunger: Tackling Child Malnutrition

Here's more from Bloomberg.com:

Early Death Assured in India Where 900M Don’t Eat Enough

Early Death Assured in India Where 900M Don

Pakistan has more high school and college grads as percent of population than India, according to Harvard researchers Barro and Lee.

Haq's Musings: Educational Attainment in India & Pakistan
Indians always trying to post their toys in pakistani sections to get praise! Shhoo Shooo Indiots, This is Pakistani development section.

Writing full articles about their new Useless Toy and Add Pakistans Name in it And post it here U ******* Indians!
No offense, but India can't even build a jet engine, I'm having a bit of a hard time believing that India made a rocket engine before a jet engine.

There is too much difference in rocket & jet engine.
Kaveri trials are successful exept after burner phase which is essential for fighter planes.

SLV, PSLV & our missiles are best example for that our rocket engine tech is great.

And for your kind information India develop the rocket engine before jet engine, of course same goes to PAK who develop their missiles before developing jet if no I think they are using chinese rocket s/s which is...................
To cite real numbers from non biased sources (sorry, your swami doesn't count as a source)
The middle class of Pakistan is estimated to be 20 million, about 11% of the population.
While the middle class of India is about 50 million, less then 5% of the population.

50 billion lol.....:rofl:India’s middle class is estimated at 170 million

Read more: Faber: India's Middle Class Will Soon Be Larger Than America's - Business Insider[/QUOTE]

Im not sure what is real middle class in India. Your govt plays cheap and says anyone who earns more than rs. 36 is middle class. lolz
50 billion lol.....:rofl:India’s middle class is estimated at 170 million

Read more: Faber: India's Middle Class Will Soon Be Larger Than America's - Business Insider

Im not sure what is real middle class in India. Your govt plays cheap and says anyone who earns more than rs. 36 is middle class. lolz[/QUOTE]

No govt of India has said that anyone over rs 36 is middle class. LOll you claim that Pakistan has amazing middle class, then why Pakistani car sales are only 1/30 of Indian car sales. NO big company wants to invest in Pak. lolll dude ur a joke.
50 billion lol.....:rofl:India’s middle class is estimated at 170 million

Read more: Faber: India's Middle Class Will Soon Be Larger Than America's - Business Insider

Im not sure what is real middle class in India. Your govt plays cheap and says anyone who earns more than rs. 36 is middle class. lolz[/QUOTE]

Because that Rs. 36 buys more in India, I can buy a Five star for Rs. 5 in India and the same damn candu would be selling for $1-2 in US so if you convert its about Rs. 50-100. So yes compared to India Rs. 36 is just fine.
No govt of India has said that anyone over rs 36 is middle class. LOll you claim that Pakistan has amazing middle class, then why Pakistani car sales are only 1/30 of Indian car sales. NO big company wants to invest in Pak. lolll dude ur a joke.

Here you go- A rural Indian making Rs. 22.50 a day would not be considered poor by a Planning Commission whose Deputy Chairman's foreign trips between May and October last year cost a daily average of Rs. 2.02 lakh

And Toyota, Suzuki, Honda are not big companies? Heck, even BMW is coming to Pakistan

Because that Rs. 36 buys more in India, I can buy a Five star for Rs. 5 in India and the same damn candu would be selling for $1-2 in US so if you convert its about Rs. 50-100. So yes compared to India Rs. 36 is just fine.

Sure you can. But Indian govt doesn't follow international standards of below $1.25 a day is poverty. Your govt just wants FDI.

Because that Rs. 36 buys more in India, I can buy a Five star for Rs. 5 in India and the same damn candu would be selling for $1-2 in US so if you convert its about Rs. 50-100. So yes compared to India Rs. 36 is just fine.

Sure you can. But Indian govt doesn't follow international standards of below $1.25 a day is poverty. Your govt just wants FDI.

Where did you get number 50 billion

Meant 50 million.
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