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'Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights' - Not internationally recognized!

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Officials: US will recognise Israel’s sovereignty over Golan heights next week

March 21, 2019

Senior Israeli officials have reported that the United States may be preparing to recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights, and suggested that the announcement could occur as early as next week.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the senior Israeli officials stated that they believe that the Trump administration is planning to formally recognise Israel’s authority over the occupied Golan Heights after decades of non-recognition by the US and others, according to a report released by Israel’s Channel 3 this morning.

The Golan Heights were captured by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967 from the Syrian army, which used the strategic high ground overlooking Galilee to launch attacks and retaliations on Israeli territory. Since then, the area has been recognised as highly strategic in maintaining Israel’s dominance over the Syrian border.

Israel administered the Heights through military law until 1981, in the same way in which it administered the West Bank and Gaza Strip, before the Menachem Begin government directly applied Israeli law and effectively annexed the territory to the Israeli state.

The United Nations and various world powers such as the US, Russia and the European Union have until now refused to recognise Israel’s annexation and sovereignty over the Golan Heights, citing that it is exclusively Syrian territory. That status quo now looks set to change, however, as the US Trump administration’s strongly pro-Israel policies are predicted to culminate in the acceptance of Israel’s occupation of its neighbour’s territory.

At a meeting between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Netanyahu in Jerusalem yesterday, the Israeli premier accused Iran of aiming to set up a Hezbollah cell to target Israel from the Golan Heights, claiming Israel’s sovereignty of the territory is for its security.

If the US does officially recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, it will coincide with President Donald Trump’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington.

And there we have it!


(CNN)President Donald Trump on Thursday overturned longstanding US policy regarding the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, announcing "it is time" for the US to "fully recognize Israel's sovereignty" over the region.

"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability," Trump tweeted.
The announcement hands Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a significant foreign policy victory, less than three weeks before Israelis head to the polls to decide whether he should remain in power. The move comes just days before Netanyahu is set to join Trump at the White House and follows weeks during which Netanyahu has renewed his push for the US to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

Trump to host Netanyahu just two weeks before Israeli elections

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria during the Six-Day War of 1967 and formally annexed the territory in 1981. But that annexation has not been recognized by the international community, which has regarded the Golan Heights as occupied territory and Israeli settlements there as illegal under international law.

Trump enjoys sky-high approval ratings in Israel, and his embrace of Netanyahu so close to the elections, coupled with delivering a long-sought recognition, could impact the outcome of the Israeli election.
Netanyahu quickly took to Twitter to thank Trump, tweeting: "At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, President Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Thank you President Trump! @realDonaldTrump."
It was not clear if the White House would release additional information or specifics about the move to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel beyond Trump's tweet.
Former US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who served under President Barack Obama, said the move "raises a lot of concern" and said it is difficult to not see this as an attempt to buttress Netanyahu's chances of remaining prime minister.
"It's hard not to put two and two together," Panetta said on CNN. "The President has made clear his support for Netanyahu."
And there we have it!


(CNN)President Donald Trump on Thursday overturned longstanding US policy regarding the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, announcing "it is time" for the US to "fully recognize Israel's sovereignty" over the region.

"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability," Trump tweeted.
The announcement hands Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a significant foreign policy victory, less than three weeks before Israelis head to the polls to decide whether he should remain in power. The move comes just days before Netanyahu is set to join Trump at the White House and follows weeks during which Netanyahu has renewed his push for the US to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

Trump to host Netanyahu just two weeks before Israeli elections

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria during the Six-Day War of 1967 and formally annexed the territory in 1981. But that annexation has not been recognized by the international community, which has regarded the Golan Heights as occupied territory and Israeli settlements there as illegal under international law.

Trump enjoys sky-high approval ratings in Israel, and his embrace of Netanyahu so close to the elections, coupled with delivering a long-sought recognition, could impact the outcome of the Israeli election.
Netanyahu quickly took to Twitter to thank Trump, tweeting: "At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, President Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Thank you President Trump! @realDonaldTrump."
It was not clear if the White House would release additional information or specifics about the move to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel beyond Trump's tweet.
Former US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who served under President Barack Obama, said the move "raises a lot of concern" and said it is difficult to not see this as an attempt to buttress Netanyahu's chances of remaining prime minister.
"It's hard not to put two and two together," Panetta said on CNN. "The President has made clear his support for Netanyahu."

US administration is using Trump as a cover to announce these policies. We all know this was their intent all along and in no time US will recognize West Bank as Israeli territory too. Afterwards focus will be on Gaza and relocating the population.
US administration is using Trump as a cover to announce these policies. We all know this was their intent all along and in no time US will recognize West Bank as Israeli territory too. Afterwards focus will be on Gaza and relocating the population.

Of course.

All this was to be expected.

Netanyahoo has carte blanche with this mental muppet in the White House.

This is straight up land grabbing (as well as changing the facts on the ground) while the oppurtunity is there.
This will be detrimental to Internationals Law. A very dangerous precedent to set. In future, states (especially powerful ones) will be open to annexation. Moreover, such a step will make UN redundant.
Of course.

All this was to be expected.

Netanyahoo has carte blanche with this mental muppet in the White House.

This is straight up land grabbing (as well as changing the facts on the ground) while the oppurtunity is there.

Netanyahu is also trying to get an victory for himself before elections. Right after this we will get the 'peace plan' by Kushner and co, which is to relocate Palestinians out of Palestine.

The regimes in the middle east for the most part have been a failure. Can't improve lives of their own people nor provide security for them. Thus they are going to be eaten alive and other Muslims will have to intervene in the situation. I think those Muslims will be from the Islamic West.
Netanyahu is also trying to get an victory for himself before elections. Right after this we will get the 'peace plan' by Kushner and co, which is to relocate Palestinians out of Palestine.

The regimes in the middle east for the most part have been a failure. Can't improve lives of their own people nor provide security for them. Thus they are going to be eaten alive and other Muslims will have to intervene in the situation. I think those Muslims will be from the Islamic West.

It's a sad state of affairs man.
SAA should have defended Golan in 1967. RPG-7 would have made mincemeat out of Israeli M48 and Centurion tanks. A lesson to be learned is, never abandon your land to invaders.
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