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May 3, 2009
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If the Israelis give up their state sanctioned policy of demographic engineering to maintain a jewish majority and Zionism while Falistni arabs too decide to give up seeking independance to integrate into a new nation state built on equality and fairness for all citizens, Jewish and Arabs alike. Can a country called Israelistine made up of these dynamics work under a national inegration program similar to the one started by Nelson Mandela? - How about just share Yerushelum rather than dividing it?

If both sides don't reconcile their differences, they will always be open to foreign interest minipulation. Two state solution is a failure and only way Israel can survive in the long term is by discarding Zionism to build a country with Arabs on the principles of pluralism.

With all due respect then this is an insult against the Palestinian Arabs. Why should they not get their own country like almost all other peoples out there? In their own native lands moreover.

If a one-state solution becomes a realty then the Arabs will become the majority. Arabs inside Israel already form 22% of the Israeli population and 60% of all Israeli Jews have Arab Jewish or partial Arab Jewish ancestry.

Arabs and Jews lived alongside each other since time immortal mostly peacefully as the cousins that we are but the events in the past 100 years will make this idea very difficult if not impossible to establish successfully.

Besides such an idea will be in conflict with the very foundation of Israel which is based on "Jewishness". Israel is not the US or the "New World" in that respect.

It's bound to fail. Let a two-state solution finally emerge and maybe future generations will live with each other without any problems. Let's take the necessary steps first.

I stand with the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination. Almost all Arabs do if not all. Israel is a reality and the Palestinians have to accept that but that does not change the basic right of the Palestinian people to establish an Palestinian state.
Impossible, the JEWS have always been repulsed by beeing with other people

They don't do international sports, no goyims can go to Israel. Their real goal is dominating the goyims and have a kind of paradise on earth

To do so they must infiltrate the goyims, make false flags attacks, and the goyims must not be abble to infiltrate them, because they can easily divide them

The real advantage of the JEWS is their strategy of lies and divide to conquer, and if the goyims can have this same advantage as them, they are finished and can't anymore make secret strategies
That is the ultimate end game which is going to happen...But the matter is how many more generations is waiting to be lost for Palenstine people before both Israel and Palenstine will agree to it...That is the sad part of it..
They don't do international sports, no goyims can go to Israel. Their real goal is dominating the goyims and have a kind of paradise on earth

Ludicrous. They don't do most sports because :
1) Islamic countries refuse to participate in most events Israel plays
2) Their sportsmen get killed by state supported extremists like in Munich
the best solution is accept status quo and move on. palistines are not going get what it wants.
Ludicrous. They don't do most sports because :
1) Islamic countries refuse to participate in most events Israel plays
2) Their sportsmen get killed by state supported extremists like in Munich
Hahahahahaha i was sure of the 2)
JEWS can do whatever they want, if they want it. Russia has also terrorist attacks, but why they can participate and organize international competitions?

JEWS also kill palestinians sportsmen, and the palestinians still participate the international events

The synagogues in JEW NATO countries are actually safe and nobody attack them
Hahahahahaha i was sure of the 2)
JEWS can do whatever they want, if they want it. Russia has also terrorist attacks, but why they can participate and organize international competitions?

JEWS also kill palestinians sportsmen, and the palestinians still participate the international events

The synagogues in JEW NATO countries are actually safe and nobody attack them

Not really. Antisemitism is widespread and jews are a target even in the NATO countries. On the other hand, Arabs in Israel lead a much better life than their counterparts do in Palestine - and are protected by Israel.

Other Islamic countries do not want an solution to this because Palastine is their "rally call" and would rather fund their terrorist organization Hamas and see innocent Palestinians suffer. Israel has historically been open to solutions - Palestinians have not.
If the Israelis give up their state sanctioned policy of demographic engineering to maintain a jewish majority and Zionism while Falistni arabs too decide to give up seeking independance to integrate into a new nation state built on equality and fairness for all citizens, Jewish and Arabs alike. Can a country called Israelistine made up of these dynamics work under a national inegration program similar to the one started by Nelson Mandela? - How about just share Yerushelum rather than dividing it?

If both sides don't reconcile their differences, they will always be open to foreign interest minipulation. Two state solution is a failure and only way Israel can survive in the long term is by discarding Zionism to build a country with Arabs on the principles of pluralism.

There is one solution only to this problem take out Israel
For years "at least 25 years" Iran has suggested that a referendom could be the best solution for this conflict.... All Palestinians outside and inside with all people who reside in Palestine participate and ballot for their government, any possible outcome should be respected by all countries .... it's a democratic solution which means no more war .
Wouldn't happen in a million years. The Israelis' will give up on democracy before they give up on being a Jewish State. The reason being, contrary to one poster's comment about the, "Jews repulsed by being with other people", the history has been the opposite of that; anti-Jewish pogroms, second class status in Christian and Muslim countries, the Holocaust, etc. The State of Israel is their insurance policy that Jews around the world will always have a Jewish state for them to flee to. They are never going to give that up.
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