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Israelis in secret trip to inspect Saudi bases

Nope,unlike you ,i know we're not in 1943 anymore.:lol:
You are a hitlerite, caught with your pants down. We killed your leader like a dog, trampled under the boots of the Bolshevik soldiers. Now go away fascist.
You are a hitlerite, caught with your pants down. We killed your leader like a dog, trampled under the boots of the Bolshevik soldiers. Now go away fascist.

Yes you did...................................................................39 years before i was born.:lol:

I'll give you a brownie point for it though.
The fact is that large numbers of Iranis take drugs and they have the highest Heroin addiction rate.

Why is that, when Iran is apparently at the forefront of everything in the world (according to Iranis) and is some sort of utopian powerhouse?

Shia are utopian!?!
Good news.. Saudi Arabia must do whatever is required to protect its national interest.Sad part is Pakistan's position on the iranian nuclear threat,little do our leaders realize that the shia minority here will get out of control under iranian nuclear umbrella.
I say nuke them and capture their oilfields.Half for the saudi's and the other half for our beloved Pakistan :))))))

What an excellent thought.

@Yzd Khalifa ... Yallah Habibi !
Every time you speak to an Irani, they puff their chests out and talk about how great their Scientists are and how amazing their military is and they're leaders in this and that - they have the most diplomas per square foot in the world etc etc.

Basically, a brainwashed people on par with North Korea who think they lead the world in everything and Iran is the Jewel in the middle east. :lol:

North Korea are komonist we are Shia ,much of diffrence ,But your goverment is its self solded.
Anyway we have been always on top of civilization and today are too.
Prophet[SAWAS] said: Iranian people will get to the sciences if even it be available out of earch and in a star like Sorayya. Today we can see Iranian in all of the sciences are in a high place from their highest place in religion to material sciences.
Good news.. Saudi Arabia must do whatever is required to protect its national interest.Sad part is Pakistan's position on the iranian nuclear threat,little do our leaders realize that the shia minority here will get out of control under iranian nuclear umbrella.
I say nuke them and capture their oilfields.Half for the saudi's and the other half for our beloved Pakistan :))))))

Bravo a great Pakistani with the true vision of Islam as envisioned by the pious leaders of Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan (& soon Pakistan). there are not many brave Muslims like you

normally they only exist in youtube because they cant be moderated by the secular and drunk moderators here.

dont worry about the shia minority in Pakistan, our true Muslim brothers of correct sect are killing them on daily bases, you must join them too but ensure that you have the correct sect and no wrong sir name or you will be killed before doing any jihad and getting to bed 72 virgins in after life.

all real & pure Muslims should seek any help to get rid of all impure Muslims of wrong sects and if it means nuking them then so be it. then truly our bomb will be called Islamic bomb

Iranian shia ayatullah are in fact supporters of Israel and this is why Israel has not attacked them yet. so being a true Muslim this should be a proof for you that they are evil. so until & unless they are not destroyed we cant be sure if they are Israeli friends or not.

Every time you speak to an Irani, they puff their chests out and talk about how great their Scientists are and how amazing their military is and they're leaders in this and that - they have the most diplomas per square foot in the world etc etc.

Basically, a brainwashed people on par with North Korea who think they lead the world in everything and Iran is the Jewel in the middle east. :lol:

but you should not believe such rubbish brother, if you are a true Muslim of correct sect then you dont have to fear the Taliban, they will never cut your neck.

Iranians cant even defeat the Bangladeshi police or Somali pirates, let alone the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan run by pious Taliban of the correct faith. if you want to join the correct Muslims and in the process bag some virgins for afterlife then you should look into novel ways of hiding bombs in the nether regions, you can look up some jihadi videos on that subject to get the idea. dont be scared though.

a true Muslim of correct sect is never scared to kill the impure and the infidels. its time for you to come out and prove that you are better than the Iranians and they must be destroyed together with the help of our Israeli allies.

@indianrabbit @KRAIT @OrionHunter @Secur @VCheng @MastanKhan
please help me here and tell me is it not right to speak up the mind and stop being a tight arse (like I have been for so long?)
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KSA must be annihilated.
now that is said in bad taste
I can understand attacking BBC for producing that hideous Teletubbies program and their "again again" phrase. but wishing a total destruction of county of millions of people? that is pushing it.
If KSA allows US to have bases then why can't this news be true even if it were the self-mutilating shias reporting it?
I don't understand how you don't see that the KSA and almost leaders of Muslim countries are puppets and will only do what's dictated by their Western masters

because its the exact opposite of what you are suggesting. if you listen to some political commentators that include retired people from intelligence agencies, foreign office, pentagon etc.

re shia self-mutilation, it doesnt concern me as long as they dont start doing it to other Muslims like our FSA, TTP and Al Qaeda Muslim brothers are doing across the world.

I appropriate your reasoning though (supporting the claim of the visit) but hey come on, we are not talking an Action B movie of the 70s here, where the super villions have to explain everything for the benefit of the audience and have to personally make the trips to help the people follow them.

a discrete and non-direct communication (which can be authenticated) is enough to plan anything as drastic as attacking the nuclear sites.

during the 80s when Israelis were planning to attack Kahutta then they had many options including using Indian bases or coming all the way via sea and get mid air refuelling and then then leave.
I doubt if Iranian air defence system is that state of the art or up to date to pick up incoming Israeli aircrafts and distinguish them over KSA airspace, they might just fly all the way and back over KSA without any need to land just like they did back in the 80s when they destroyed Iraqi nuclear sites.

my worry is, if Israelis use KSA airspace without authorisation then would KSAF be able to pick up , lock and shoot them down? I am not doubting the proficiency of their pilots and airmen but I have doubts in UK/ USA equipment equipment in locking engaging the Israeli targets (in case some unknown gadgets are installed in KSA fighters to prevent them from taking out Israeli planes if there is a direct confrontation).
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